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Going for another night...

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    Going for another night...

    This is crazy. I usually give up and just get the beer. I'm trying really hard not to do that. Jeez, all I can think of is if I last tonight, will I last tomorrow and how? I've been obsessing all day.

    My husband called me and asked if I wanted beer...I said no...with my teeth clenching tightly.

    Not only that I feel like crap. I know the alcohol will make me feel better...for now. Then I'll wake with a splitting headache, despising myself.

    So that's what I'm holding on to.

    Trying with all my might to make it through a 3rd night.

    Hey that rhymes, I'll be here all night. J/ but really...probably I will.


    Going for another night...

    You Can Do It !

    Hello Discovermarisa,

    It's tough isn't it not to drink, because that's what we do. Try your best not to have that beer. You will definitely feel better in the morning. I know it is easier said then done, and somehow tonight I survied through making dinner and eating without any wine, so my craving is over for this night. So now I have time to do things tonight. When I drink, that is all I do and nothing gets done. This is now my day 2 with a slip in the middle.

    I think just being is this MWO Community is a magical place. As one song goes in "HighSchool Musical" ........WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

    Good luck to you.

    Miss Oct.
    Miss October :blinkylove:


      Going for another night...

      Hi Marisa and Miss Oct., The first few days are the hardest, but you've got today licked! Just hang on and refuse to drink. Don't let The Beast take control. You are in charge of what you put in your mouth. Don't give in, just concentrate on today. Just today. You'll feel so much better tomorrow and you'll be proud of yourself for beating The Beast.
      You guys are taking the steps to change your life and get this monkey off your back. It's not easy, but it's not THAT hard if you put your mind to it. You can do it. Stay strong. We're with you...



        Going for another night...

        Pull the monkey off your back and pull yourself up by your boot straps and kick your own self in the butt. Heck... the calorie burn will be worth it!!!!!
        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


          Going for another night...

          I am with you both day 3 and still want that drink but I just wont allow myself to do it and neither will you guys hang in there!!!



            Going for another night...


            I haven't had the chance to welcome you. I hope you are finding the program is working for you!


              Going for another night...

              Hey Marisa
              Just checking in to see how your doing tonight! Hope all is well - yea DAY 3!

