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I failed...

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    I failed...

    I couldn't make through day 3. I was literally feening (?) when I got home last night. So i decided to go grocery shopping. Thinking I could get my mind off it. On the way home I tried to go a different route so I wouldn't drive by 'my' store, only to end up turning around to get there. I bought a 24 ounce of a sweet malt bevarge thinking that it wasn't beer. I went home and cooked dinner. Refusing to get on this website for fear of the guilt. Drank it and had husband go for more. Another 24 ounce, beer this time. Then half of my husbands. So I wasn't drunk not even buzzed really.

    But now I know that it wasn't worth it. I forced myself to go bed instead the store. And that was it. I don't feel physically bad today, just a little broken.

    This time does seem different. Before I would not have felt so bad for letting it win.

    Well today I am determined to not drink at all. I was so proud of myself so I'll start over.

    Only my traditional friday worries me.


    I failed...

    oh Marisa

    don't feel so down on yourself and beat yourself up so much, we all have our own path to go down, right now, mine is rather rocky and horrible, just know that we are all here to support you and love you whether you feel loveable or not, I don't feel that great right now either, but we can get through me!

    love and support!!!:h

    MA:l :h
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      I failed...

      Marisa - I too didn't make it through last night - I was at my BF's and a couple of friends came by for dinner - only had 3 beers so I also wasn't drunk but I felt pretty dejected and upset with myself this morning too - we're all in this together girl - I was feeling pretty guilty as well, I know what you're going through. Let's try to make it through today - I'll hold your hand if you hold mine.
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        I failed...

        Please don't say you failed. It's a slip. It sounds like you are optimistic and determined to make another go of it. That does not sound like the attitude of a failure. Plan something not centered around alcohol for Friday. I had a pretty hard time last weekend but I made it through and I was sooo proud of myself and Monday morning felt pretty darn good! Keep up the good work Marisa, any progress is good progress.


          I failed...

          Well I figure that I didn't overdo it, like I always do and today is a new day. SO I feel much better.

          My husband called me to tell me that we were gonna drive 30 minutes out of town tomorrow night to go to an event and that I needed to book a place to stay so we could drink. I said no I'll drive us home, I just won't drink. He was like...OK? So now I'll force myself to stay sober on Friday. Hope it works.


            I failed...

            Marisa, I so happy you are feeling better. I agree with Pepper, it's just a slip, so let's just help pick you up again. We're not giving up. Good luck tonight and Friday. I'll need it too. Celebrating my son's 18th birthday this weekend......His friends on Friday night, and my family on Sunday. Oh boy.........too much cooking and partying......
            Miss October :blinkylove:


              I failed...

              Hi Marisa and Miss October - we can do it - Marisa, does your husband know of your wish to stop? My boyfriend doesn't, I've kind of kept it from him and it can make it hard sometimes - I am wondering if you have broached that subject with him?
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                I failed...

                Stay proud, this was a great start, and you are acknowledging what's going on - keep up the good work and do be proud of yourself.

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  I failed...

                  Marissa, be proud that you only had a few beers ...........

                  Offering to drive is a really good move, that is what I do, it's really worth it when you get to call your friends to tell them what they did .......

                  Instead of them telling you what you did ..........


                    I failed...

                    there is no such word as failure. we only fail when we give up trying completely. you hav'nt done that yet. keep going:goodjob:


                      I failed...

                      universal;224743 wrote: Hi Marisa and Miss October - we can do it - Marisa, does your husband know of your wish to stop? My boyfriend doesn't, I've kind of kept it from him and it can make it hard sometimes - I am wondering if you have broached that subject with him?
                      He knows, only he doesn't know about this site.

                      I don't really know why I haven't told him yet...


                        I failed...

                        Miss October;224667 wrote: Marisa, I so happy you are feeling better. I agree with Pepper, it's just a slip, so let's just help pick you up again. We're not giving up. Good luck tonight and Friday. I'll need it too. Celebrating my son's 18th birthday this weekend......His friends on Friday night, and my family on Sunday. Oh boy.........too much cooking and partying......
                        He knows, only he doesn't know about this website.

                        I don't really know why I haven't old him yet...


                          I failed...

                          Yes you have a good attitude - so just keep going!

                          I'm struggling a bit tonight. I'm an interior designer and this afternoon was at customer's home giving her an estimate for shutters. There were two wine glasses by the kitchen sink. I went over there to measure the window and I could smell the wine. On my way home I kept thinking how wonderful a glass (or two) of wine would be tonight. As soon as I got home I took kudzu and L-glut and then started to work to occupy my mind. So far so good.. but I'm struggling!! To make it even harder - tonight is Survivor - which means time to toss back a few beers!

                          Good luck tom night!


                            I failed...

                            hey guys. ive been taking antabuse. i dont consider it a permanent solution to the problem, but it completely is a god send to me. it makes you real ill if you drink. from vomiting, to maybe worse.. depending on how much ur taking, or how muchu drank. seriousally, for those of u who KNOW u wont cheat if u take this, Do it!! 2 weeks af just about..


                              I failed...

                              Marisa, don't look at it as a failure. Look at it as learning. We all need to go through the growing pains until we find what triggers us and how we can fend them off.

                              Hang in there!!! Keep trying until you succeed!!!

