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    I almost made it through a whole week, but now that its almost the weekend I am so scared...Any advice? Going out with friends...eating out......This is when I always break and say I deserve it...But I dont want to feel this way anymore.


    I'm so happy you made it. I tried, but didn't. Anyways my plan for tomorrow night is to be the designated driver. I'm dreading it but it'll force me to stay sober.






        Bunky, thanks for your post. I hear you about the weekend. still don't have much advice as I'll be struggling with the same issues myself. But I hope we will be chatting more. be strong but don't beat yourself up, whatever happens!
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



          Bunky, This is part of being sober. The weekend is no different than the weekday. You are going to have weekends for the rest of your life. Just decide how you are going to handle it. You can say you are on medication and can't drink. You can say you are on a health kick and have decided to give up alcohol. You can say you've decided to give up drinking for 30 days just to see if it makes a difference in how you feel. You can say you don't like the way alcohol makes you feel anymore so you have decided to give it up.
          The point is, you are in control of what you put into your mouth and once you tell people what you're doing, you'll be surprised how little they really care. Don't let peer pressure dictate what you want to do.

          This is The Beast trying to trick you and give you a reason to drink. Don't fall for it...





            One of the toughest things we do as AFers is "re-entry" - that's what I call it anyway. In the begining my re-entry was as spectacular as the space shuttle coming back to earth - I went in with FLAMES! I decided to change my drinking habits three years ago and have done many AF stints throughout this time to date. It gets easier to be around people that drink and to be in situations where alcohol is served, or dinners where you would normally drink, but in the begining it is really hard. My best advise is not to push it. I think many people, including myself, try and just jump back into old social situation thinking just removing alcohol is going to make things different. It doesn't. You have to have a mind shift, and that is difficult to do if it has only been one week. So, that said - do you have to go out on Friday, or do you want to? Can you find something to do for yourself, something different? I am also a AF beer fan, but I think that you need to make sure you are ready, that is my best advise.

            Hope this helps...


            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.



              I couldnt do it without taking antabuse.. well i could, but when the weekend comes along, it owuld be very difficult. why dont u look into antabuse? at least temporarily. gosh it is sa godsend to me. two weeks almost af for the first time in five years.



                I'm afraid too. Going to a 50th birthday party friday night -- there will be a lot of drunks there and I don't want to be one of them. I plan on immediately getting a non-alcoholic drink and sticking with that for the night. Chief is right -- no one really cares what you're drinking. If you don't feel strong, maybe you should not go out yet.



                  Bunky;224800 wrote: ...But I dont want to feel this way anymore.

                  is the bit to concentrate on!

                  Lots of good advice here - personally it took about 30 days AF for me to be totally comfortable in situations where others were drinking.

                  I think I needed to have a fair bit of "distance" from drinking before I could make rational decisions.

                  So saying, I thought being AF would be a big deal when others were drinking - and people would put me down, or it would be "awkward" in some way, but it is actually amazing how many people say "good for you" or "I wish I could do that" when I tell them I quit.

                  Stay strong!



                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"




                    I am with you and just on day 1 after a hellaciuos week of not doing so well, I aim to go AF tonight, GOD willing, I am changing alot of my life from this day forward................Good luck and alot of good advice has been shared w/ you this AM.....................

                    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, hugs and love to you, you CAN do this, I CAN too

                    love you!!!! Hugs!!!!!!:l :h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                      stay in this weekend and wait for going out till your stronger.



                        thank you for your replies.
                        I think the hardest thing on the weekends is we always go friends homes, etc...and when I know I am not strong I tell my spouse I would like to stay home and he tells me I should go and be sociable and just dont drink! ITs not that easy. Sometimes I can not handle people...I lose patience with them so after a few beers it becomes easier. He doesnt understand that. I tell him to go alone and he wont..thinking I will just stay alone and drink. I cant win



                          You are right...the weekend poses many challanges for alot of us. If you choose to stay home it becomes hubby's decision as to whether he will go or not. And if you do stay home AF, and he thinks your drinking anway...who cares??
                          If you choose to go out can you at least try resisting the temptaion? Maybe you can try AF beer???
                          You can win..the decision is yours to make..getting thru a weekend can be hard, but if you do you will feel so proud of yourself come Monday morning, starting another AF week
                          sobriety date 11-04-07



                            Friday night is my hardest time. I plan on spending alot of time here and in chat if anyone joins me there........I need babysitting .



                              I know I don't feel ready to go out, to a bar or club. There is a family dinner tomorrow night that I must attend and the alcohol will be free flowing. I have not decided what I will say but I am resolved to not drink. My dad and his girlfriend know I am doing this but nobody else does. I think the dinner will be alright. I know myself well enough to know I would not be strong enough to do the bar though!
                              I think part of my problem is that when I drink I loosen up and can have conversations with people I don't even know and it is FUN! When I don't drink and everyone else does I get bored very quickly...what's up with that?!

