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    Hi everyone

    Hi everyone. I'm new here and a little shy. Day 2 AF. Waiting for the book, supps, cd's and topamax. I'm a wino like so may others. My hubby doesn't think i have a problem so i'm doing this on my own. I need all the help I can get!

    Hi everyone

    :welcome: laura anne!

    Glad you found us. You would know better than anyone else if you feel you have a problem with alcohol. You should be pretty proud of yourself for recognizing it and having the want to do something about it!

    Stick around with us and please don't be shy. We are all here for the same reason, and you will find nothing but support. Glad you are here.


      Hi everyone

      Hi there! I am new too. My husband didn't think it was as bad as it was. I basically told him that he has to trust me that if I think it's bad, it is. There is a part in the MWO book where the author says even her husband did not know how unhappy she was. That's the thing. It's all so emotional and internal, just cause we're not falling down and getting fired doesn't mean we don't know in our hearts that we are headed towards dangerous waters.

      I hope he can see that side of it so he can support you.

      Congrats on your two days!

      See you soon!


        Hi everyone

        Hi laura anne-

        I think AfM said it right: only you would know. I haven't really wrecked my marriage or relationship with my kids, but I still have a need for change. I'm not going to wake her up every morning and say 'hey, I can't remember going to bed - did I humiliate myself or hurt your feelings?'

        :welcome: keep coming back!



          Hi everyone

          Welcome laura anne. It sounds like you are very strong and wise. Good on you for tackling this before it all spins out of control. Good luck and keep us posted on how it is going.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Hi everyone

            Hi laura anne and allinmoderation. Welcome both to the forum and I hope you both gain from the wisdom and experience of all who are here on the forum. I'm sure you both have plenty to share and don't think your input and experiences are any less valid than long term members with years of sobriety under their belts. Get stuck in and start posting and starting threads.

            Love and Happiness
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              Hi everyone

              I really thing we can have a Victory

              Hi Laura Anne,
              I too am new here, and only recently confessed to the world that I am a drunk. It felt so good to know that I am not alone. From what I can see these people are really nice and caring. They too have our problem. I am hoping we can all help ourselves be strong and have Victory over the Booze Demon. I wish you all the best and truly believe we can do it.



                Hi everyone

                Thanks for your support AFM!


                  Hi everyone

                  You're right -- it is all very internal. We never really talk about it.


                    Hi everyone

                    Thanks Victory. Yes, it is comforting knowing there are so many of us in the same boat, having the same struggles. Some of the stories I've read sound just like mine! I'm glad i don't have to take this journey alone

