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Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

    Good morning everyone

    Well its the week-end again and that usually proves to be more of a challenge to most of us so I just wanted to wish you all good luck no matter what you decide to do.

    Quite a few are having a challenging time. I love Doggies line about sticking at quitting the booze until you dont suck at it any more. It's easy to give up and not bother checking in but thats letting the beast win!! So keep coming back and posting and remember one day at a time.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

    Hi rustop and everyone to come.
    14af days feeling good now. The last few days i have been run down, but feeling a lot better in myself today. Tonight i'm going to take my son and daughter to the cinema. still think about that bottle of wine, sometime it does make me cry.( how bad can that be) just feels like my best friend. (sorry to say.) But nothing beats having a clear head on you.
    Wishing everyone good luck for the weekend.xxxx
    family is everything to me


      Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

      good morning

      Hey Rustop and teardrop, good to hear you have a game plan, don't drink the wine, teardrop, I am going AF today if it KILLS me, I need to have a new game plan, and that is without the other half, bad influence, vibes etc...............Need to separate myself from him as much as is FINALLY over, lost last night, so no more more drinking, am going to try to go for as long as I can without it (alcohol that is)

      lots of luck to everyone today, meet w/ lawyer today at 2PM. so looking forward to that, scared just the same though, fear of the unknown is what makes me crazy!!

      lots of love to all who follow, and good luck in your endevours.......................:h :h

      hugs and kisses, all around!! I am very hopeful today

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

        Hi Rustop and Teardrop and Cowgal, happy Friday and happy AF!! I'm on board for an AF weekend so will be checking in often. It will be a challenge but I see how well others are doing and how good they are feeling and think that I want that for myself too. Cowgal, good luck today!! Wish all that follow here a great day, ODAT :h Suz
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


          Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

          Good morning Booze Beast Butt Kickers!! Rustop, glad you like that line. It sure is a fight, isn't it. Teardrop, congrats on your two weeks AF. That is AWESOME. Cowgal, I'm glad to hear about your lawyer meeting and your resolve. You CAN get through this. Just imagine how it will feel to spread your wings and fly once you are away from the negative influence and what sounds like lots of put downs. (but the initial process probably feels like walking across hot coals - have faith it will be worth it!)

          I WILL NOT drink today, no matter what.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

            Hi Everyone: I'm back from our wonderful vacation in Ireland. What a beautiful country & fabulous people! It far exceeded any expectations I had. I'm happy to report that I stayed AF the whole time bringing me to 42 AF days in a row. The only difficult time I had was when our group stopped at the Jameson distillery for the tour. Everyone else used their free drink voucher for a glass of whiskey (of course), & I used mine for an orange juice. I did kind of envy that warm glow everyone took on after the tasting. However I could see everyone fading after about an hour. I didn't have that problem.

            One ironic note: On the way to the airport to go home, our (wonderful) Irish tourguide had a raffle. I won the raffle. What was it? A pint of Jameson! I'll give it to someone who knows how to drink it properly.

            I'm glad to be back & missed my MWO friends very much. Love, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

              Hi all,

              Mary - welcome back. Was thinking of you. You do not know how much of an inspiration you have been to me. 42 days is fantastic!!

              Doggygirl - Wow!! BBK's - a new acronym to go along with ODAT. This one is for those really tough tempting moments

              Suzanna - let's all see each other thru the weekend. Those are the little mountains in our journey!!

              Cowgal - sending you hugs. Been thinking of you often. It is tough to end any relationship no matter how bad it has been. Stay strong. Know that you are in the midst of such positive change!!!

              Teardrop - I love the movies and have used them a time or two as a treat and carrot to keep me AF. It is no fun to sit in a theatre drowsy from drink. Better yet spend your calories on popcorn!!!!

              Rustop - Thank you for kicking us off!!! Hugs to you!

              As for me, just completed day 15!!!! Been a long time since I have done that. A few years ago I went 18 days (what a sad commentary)!! I am gliding toward 30 but really need to watch for rocks!!! Last night I was tempted but did not have the energy to pursue it or find a rationale to justify it!! I have restarted the supps to see if they upset my stomach again.

              Love to all!!


                Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                Morning all
                Feelin good...working on keeping that positive attitude going..Day 13 for me

                Rustop - Thank you once again for starting the thread...Yes, lots of challanges out there especially with the weekend upon us, but as Chief says "its just another day of the week" so that is where I will keep my focus.

                Teardrop - Please don't let yourself get to rundown (we know what that does to the mind), look forward to the cinema tonite and enjoy!

                Mary Anne - You are sounding so much more positive, and I am so happy for you. Please let us know how you make out with the lawyer.

                Suzanna - I too will be checking in often this weekend, as it can be a rough time for so many of us......Helps to pass the time also

                Doggygirl - Yup, keep the faith, it is so worth it!!!- We can do this!

                Evergreen - Congratulations on day 14...double digits!!!

                Hope you all have a good weekend
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                  Oh sorry

                  Glad you had a nice time on your trip and I loved your line about giving your raffle prize to "someone who can drink properly"....Wecome back, you were missed
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                    Hello everyone!

                    It sounds as though we are all in a positive mood on this lovely Friday. I hope everyone can carry their determination onto tonight and the rest of the weekend.

                    Welcome back Mary. I really missed your daily insight on this post. I am 1/2 Irish and Ireland is the first place I plan to go once the kids are older and I can leave them for a short while.



                      Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                      Hi everyone. I wish you all a wonderful weekend! My goal is to drink only on Saturday. We are going to dinner, we live in a very urban area and there is no driving involved, so it's all good. What I really need to do is get through tonight. Hubby won't be home, but c'mon, it's Saturday night. I have to fight the urge to invite a friend over for a "glass" of wine, so they can have one and I can have 5.
                      I have felt so good these past 3 mornings, I have to remember that. I have been going to bed earlier than I have in years and it is really paying off. I have to keep that in mind.


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Friday

                        :band2: Happy Friday to everyone. I'm happy everyone has a plan and is doing well. I've been very busy this week so I haven't had time to post as much as I wanted to. The week went well--AF. I'm going to NYC this weekend so I know that means great dinners and some wine but I will moderate, just have to keep focused and know that I can do this without over doing the drinking part, however, I can't say the same thing for the eating part. Take care everyone, and happy AF weekend for those who are planning to be AF and for those who are moderating lets just remember the goal:thumbs:
                        "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


                          I'm new and I don't know what ODAT means...


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


                            ODAT is one day at a time!! Welcome to you!!!!



                              Newbies in need ODAT - Friday


                              Just got back from the lawyer and he pretty much said I can have the house probably, but won't be able to afford to pay to live there, guess I get what I pay for, a friend said to go to another that costs money, so they are out to help me more than this one was.............

                              sorry to dampen everyone's great Friday, but just had to share that,:upset:

                              ODAT means one day at a time, alot easier than conquering all our problems and worrying about tomorrow and next week etc................

                              love you !!!!:h :h
                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

