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Just starting out - need help.

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    Just starting out - need help.

    Hi everyone, I just got the tapes this week and have been trying to listen to them as directed, yesterday only did the subliminal one at work b/c I had problems at home with my cd player. I've got the supplements but my doctor wouldn't give me a prescription for the topomax b/c she didn't think it had been studied enough. I want to quit but it seems like I go home and do the same thing every night. It's gotten so bad that sometimes the next morning I don't even remember most of the evening before and it is very scary. It is now starting to cause trouble with me and my Husband b/c he's sick of it so now he's started smoking again and going to friends every weekend (alone) to party and says that he will quit everything when I quit. I told him that wasn't fair to add that on me but he doesn't seem to understand. I went home the other night and had a glass of wine and then listened to the tape and then did better the rest of the evening and I'm at least trying to make sure I eat now. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is anyone else successful with just the supplements and tapes and not the prescription? Thanks for your h:new: elp.

    Just starting out - need help.

    Hi Islandgirl, welcome and I do hope you stay around the boards. There are alot of us that do this without the meds, the kudzu that you get on this site has been reported to be strong and potent against cravings. I also think the supplements are great, the all one powder is terrific for energy and combats the bad things we do to our bodies. Amino acids like the l-glut is easy to get locally too. But if you think your doctor has concerns about topa, try asking for the campral or naltrezone (sp?) that others say is just for drinking problems. Calms forte is also available at the health food store and is good for anxiety. Read the book if you haven't already, and welcome!
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Just starting out - need help.

      Hi there. Last night you only had one glass of wine...that's great! You are one step closer to having a full day AF. :goodjob: Stick around, you can do this!


        Just starting out - need help.

        Thanks guys

        I have read the book and am drinking the supplement in the morning and taking the pills and feel better than I have in weeks. Getting headaches though on the mornings after I drink less but am trying to drink more water. I've been reading the boards and it looks like everyone is real supportive. At least I don't feel so alone now like I'm the only like this. Thanks again.


          Just starting out - need help.

          i am new here too. my partner also does,t understand how hard it is. i have had many af days. but something always draws me back to my glass of wine. i will take the vitamins recomended and see how i go. the best thing is being positive which i admit i have a problem with. tomorrow is another af day. good luck:l


            Just starting out - need help.

            Hi Islandgirl....different things work for different people so read around the board, old threads etc and try out some of the ideas. You did a good job just having the one you can build on that :l

            It does seem a shame that your husband has put that extra pressure on you - but maybe he is very worried about your health and can't think of any other way to help you? Could you come up with a plan for your evenings/weekends that will help you not to drink and which involves him? Like watching a movie together, going out somewhere, walking the dog or whatever...then he could help you in a way that brings you both some good results.:h

            Stay close to'll learn lots, get inspired and get good ideas. We're all here to support each other

            Suze x

            Hallo Chefette...welcome to you too!
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              Just starting out - need help.

              With love from The Mistress of Denial

              Hi Island Girl719, I?m new here too. When I drink, I don?t/can?t eat and acquaintances comment on my figure!! If only they knew I feel like shit and can?t eat. If you have someone you really care about go AF, if you can????? Alcohol is a demon and will take your whole life if you let it. Reality check for you and me: One night with one drink is still not safe. If you struggle with A.F. then the problem is real and no more denial for your own sake. Written with love by the ?mistress of denial?.

