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Not going as planned...

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    Not going as planned...

    Good morning. Last night I drank again. I didn't get drunk, a little buzzed while watching Survivor. About six beers.

    One positive is that I haven't been drunk all week. I'm usually passing out every night. I remember everything from this week and it's refreshing.

    Tonight we were supposed to go to an event and I was going to be the designated driver, but that fell through. We're gonna rent movies and chill. Which translates into watch movies and get drunk. I'm gonna try really hard not to overdue it. We'll see.

    This website has really helped me through the way. Even though I'm not completely AF. I have cut down incredibly. Baby steps right. Even my husband mentioned something about it. "You haven't drank hardly at at all this week. I'm jealous of him, he can it or leave it. I must say though. When I hit my 6 beer limit last night and stopped; it wasn't so bad at all.

    I'm gonna promise myself to come to this website every day, even if I overdo it. Becuase really, reading all the posts and getting support for this is a gift. I'm so glad I found this place.

    Talk to you all later!


    Not going as planned...

    Whatever your goal is, just try to keep it in mind. You are here, which means you know in your heart that something is up. You will work through this in time.
    Maybe you could start to think about your triggers and go from there. Maybe movies in shouldn't be the way to go if that is going to lead to beers. Maybe movies out since they don't sell booze at the theatre. Just an idea.
    I am finding the hypno recordings to be the most helpful part of this program, and I want to be completely sober when I listen to them so I can soak them in. Do you have any? I also have relaxation recordings I have been working with for a few weeks.
    Hang in there. Have a good weekend.


      Not going as planned...


      Sorry to hear things are not going as planned. It is good that you are focused and cognizant of how much you are drinking. Maybe you can moderate. If I had 6 beers I'd have 13! The more I drink, the more I drink. Good luck to you!
      Day 10AF


        Not going as planned...


        Cutting down drinking is hard enough without trying to overachieve. If you have been drinking awhile you won't stop overnight. Just keep at it and be honest with yourself about your goals and how you are doing. So you stay home tonight and watch a movie and have some beer, how about 5 beers tonight instead of six. You can do five right? Honestly its up to you how you want to approach it, I can only offer suggestions.

        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Not going as planned...

          Hey Marisa! It may not all be going as planned (as far as you're concerned) but you have still managed to cut down your alcohol consumption and stayed pretty much sober through the week!. You still managed as well to stop at 6 beers without continuing into oblivion and your husband has noticed that are you not drinking as much.

          Hey Marisa....guess what?.... I think you're doing fantastic!!!

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Not going as planned...

            discovermarisa;225112 wrote: I'm gonna promise myself to come to this website every day, even if I overdo it. Becuase really, reading all the posts and getting support for this is a gift. I'm so glad I found this place.
            I coudn't have said it better Marisa! I'm falling short of my orginal goals here, but I'm gonna keep coming back. I know it will help me get where I want to go........
            wonder xx


              Not going as planned...

              Marisa and all,

              I am new this week and I can say this place has helped me, thank you. Marisa, I agree with the proud of the progress and as my counseling friends tell me and others have done here...PRAISE the progress. Well done! Keep working on it.

              I am heading home from work and have not yet decided if I will drink or not this weekend...I wish I had more courage to get the 5 AF day in but I feel weak now. I have a 35 min drive home so maybe my mouth will and brain will stop salavating for a cold beer by the time I get home. Who knows? I do know this much...this place has help me and others new this week. I could name all of you who post that have helped me this week but we know space will not permit.

              Lets suffice to say...this place is awesome. I appreciate everyones courage as it feeds mine.



                Not going as planned...

                Hey Sportsgal -
                If you can, eat something - even a snack - and drink some water before you drive all the way home. And pop a kudzu and or glut or 2 if you have them. Hunger and thirst are very bad for cravings.

                Friday night is my biggest trigger! If you want to hang in - well, you can do it! It's just another night (I tell mysefl this too) and waking up saturday morning will feel better if I have preserved my AF. Are you going home to an empty house? That's a killer for me on a friday night. Why not wait til you get home and pop back in here and see how you feel? The booze will still be there tomorrow-

                From one friday night warrior to another-
                wonder xx


                  Not going as planned...

                  p.s. whatever you decide SG - you've had a banner week! Be proud of yourself!


                    Not going as planned...

                    Sportsgal & Wonderworld... Fridays are my worst as well, and I don't know if I'll hang in ther. But I do know this. Since being on this website, I definitely will be more aware of what I'm doing so I'll be able to moderate if I do choose to drink.

                    Thank you all.


                      Not going as planned...

                      Marisa - I'm so proud of you! That's fantastic, you are making progress! Even if it is not quite exactly what you had hoped for, you are progressing! You made it through the week in moderation - not drunk. That's a huge accomplishment - know that you have all of us here to cheer you on.

                      Have a great weekend.
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        Not going as planned...

                        Yes, it is deftinitely Friday night. The craving is there. That's where it all started. OK, only two glasses......had 2/ 1/2. Asked my husband to please pick up a bottle for me because I did not think that was not enough. ( I think he is what you call a "CO-DEPENDENT".) I've been thinking about all of you all night. Never opened it. So I'm doing OK tonight. I had some control. But yes, control does take alot of work. Now I'm going to have a bottle of water. Kids want to get on the computer, and are asking what I am doing, cause I am never on my home computer. Take care everyone.
                        Miss October :blinkylove:

