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Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

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    Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

    Hi Everyone: I'm dealing w/jet lag & have been awake since 4 AM. In the past, I used alcohol as a sedative, but that only gave me temporary relief. I know I'll regulate eventually. My life is pretty complicated: kids, g-kids, & very aged parents who depend on me. For the first time, I'm not using alcohol to cope. I'm doing pretty well. Once in a while a thought will pop in my head about relieving myself w/a drink. However, I'm learning how to cut those thoughts off pretty fast. I'll be back later. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

    Hi Mary and everyone to follow. Day 48 for me. Not being doing too well this last week - haven't craved a drink but I have been very down and ended up at the docs getting anti-depressants. I know a lots got to do with losing dad and all the problems with mam's drinking these last few years. What I don't want to do is go from one crutch to another but I'm giving the medication a go.

    He said I would feel worse the first 2 weeks before they started to "work" and was he right!! Haven't felt like doing anything, could sleep all day and just haven't felt like posting. Anyway, thought it was time I tried to pick myself up....and for once its not the alcohol, I suppose I thought everything would be okay if I stopped drinking!

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

      sorry Janice

      Lost my dad and brother AND uncle all withing a year and boy was that tough!! I couldn't , however take ANY antidepressants,they gave me very horrible reactions, and they tried EVERYTHING on me.................I therefore turned to alcohol, pretty heavily at that (not recommended to ANYONE!!)...............part of my husband's amunition, that I never dealt w/ those deaths and he was NOOOOOOOO support whatsoever!!

      Anyway, enough about me, I hope the meds work for you, and they do take 2 weeks to kick in, so be patient w/ yourself!!

      Mary thanks for starting this thread today, I was up at 3:30AM yesterday, but slept til 9 today...........WOW, that is a first, usually up at 7 as that is sleeping in for me vs my ususal 5AM Mont-Fri........

      Was AF yesterday, and who knows what is in store for today, but maybe get another one under my belt, would like to get rid of this belly-fat, and I know beer deposits itself right there (read tons on that subject too! )

      Everyone, have a WONDERFUL Sat no matter your plans, it is cold here, but I am going to brave it to the gym in a little while....................

      love to all to come and have a blessed and great day!!
      MA:h :l
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

        Hi Janice & Cowgirl: Life is very complicated, & not drinking certainly helps a lot. However, I've found that nothing stays the same, & I must cope. It's not always easy. Janice, I have a feeling the anti-D's will help. You've gone through a lot. You have to heal. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

          Hi everyone

          Janice, its good to see you back, we missed you. Hope you are soon feeling better. I think Star went through something similar but is in much better form now.

          Its a miserable wet day here and I froze my butt off on the side of a hockey pitch this morning. Did get a short walk in so feel better for that.

          We are going to a 40th birthday party tonight but I have offered to drive so that takes any temptation away.

          Have a great Saturday everyone.



            Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

            Happy Saturday to all:
            This is the first day in a couple of weeks that I can honestly say the "beast is in my head"....I am fighting him tooth and nail, and know I will win, but he just does not want to leave. I am ovewhelming myself with renovations here at the house(enite interior painted, and we just decided now that the house is in disaster mode, to add new floors, so I will stay in disaray a while longer. I am doing windows and curtains, thinking about the holidays which are right around the corner, and the fact that I will probably not be able to do a Xmas tree this year, presents to buy.....and time is quickly going by...yikes.....I know getting over tired and overwhelmed are triggers for I am keeping that big stick in hand to keep that beast at bay. I know I will win...I am choosing not to drink today....
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

              Hi all, I haven't been here in a while. I tried to stay af and managed for a while, then decided to moderate but that hasn't worked for me. So, I'm back and going to try and do thirty days again. Janice, nice to see you and everyone else as well, love,joesgal


                Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                Hi all

                Trying to do 30 days on another thread but do like to check in here from time to time. It's going ok so far but early days, using the meds and planning what to do with the danger time - evenings. Sleeping very well.

                I have so much admiration for those of you (Cowgal, Janice, Reteacher) who have so much to cope with and yet are still managing to manage the beast too. That would be way too much for me - you are all very strong and inspirational. One of the ohsogood things about this forum!

                Have a good day/evening all. Just back from a full day's trail hunting and would really like to kick back and open a bottle but am going to drive out again to a fund raising quiz evening. I'll be late back and tired so straight to bed and ...ta-da! .....another AF night under my belt.....(yippee!)


                  Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                  had a hard few years my self a while ago lost my dad my aunt and three of my grand parents within 3 years. loss is bad especially in falillies. i obviously. dealt with it in the wrong way. i can cry these days buit it is still hard. i should have found a better way of dealing with at the time, but i was only 12. hindsight is a wonderful thing


                    Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                    bessie. good job. i hope u have many more af evenings.:l


                      Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                      Hello all, happy Saturday. Cowgal, and Chefette, it must have been so hard on you to have that much loss and no support at home. I am truly sorry.

                      Rustop, I have a 40th birthday party to go to, but am already planning my escape. I am driving as well so a ready excuse not to drink. The smoke there will drive me out first! yuk

                      Retteacher, welcome back from your trip to Ireland. Its on my list of places to see someday.

                      Charlee, you have a good plan, it's one I use too, keep moving and keep busy, as long as you don't get stressed.

                      Joesgal, welcome back. You can do 30 days! And I'll tell you how when I do manage to do 30 as well.
                      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                        Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                        Hi everyone i know i'm a day late my husbands hogs the p.c at weekends.
                        RT It funny how we use drink for everything. i even use it for when i'm ill( how stupid can that be.)Well done cowgal for being AF on a friday night. keep it up.
                        Janice- it good that you have pick yourself up and come back on here. we have miss you. You will get through this in time your strong.
                        I do feel for people with depression. My brother suffered years of depression at a young age. it was all to do with his childhood, he when through hell.
                        If you do read this may be get a funny video out that makes you laugh. Wishing you strenght and happiness.
                        family is everything to me

