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question on ordering stuff from MWO?

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    question on ordering stuff from MWO?

    One question to those who have ordered stuff from this site:
    What shows on the outside packaging?? I know it will be left on the porch for me while i'm at work and I don't want my neighbors to know what it is ...

    One other question: I'm going to order the book, and some supplements .. definitely kudzu and I think the L-Glutamine (??) .. but what does everyone find most helpful? am not exactly rolling in cash :H
    thanks in advance!!!!!
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    question on ordering stuff from MWO?

    Hi Dex,

    The l-glut and kudzu are a great start. If you get the money the hypno CDs are great! Whenever I get a package it just says it is from Capalo Press. No references to drinking on it.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      question on ordering stuff from MWO?

      Hi Dex

      I agree with what lushy has told you. I am now 14 days AF so the l-glut and Kudzu are working well for me. Join the Firework thread for more support we would love to have you on board. There are also lots of other very supportive threads out there so take advantage of as much help as you can. I have found the support from so many people very helpful and empowering.

      Best of luck as you make your start in turning your life around. We are all behind you

      :h sweetpea
      :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h

