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Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

    Yes I've been thinking about rehab myself. But I don't think my family could along without me, financially anyway. I'm at a loss. I'm broken and I don't know what to do.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

      me too

      Hang in there, pm me any time, I always welcome a nice message, and you will be fine, just don't beat yourself up too bad( I am great at giving advice, horrible at following it!)

      Love you, stay strong:h :h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

        Big Hug to you

        I know what your're feeling. The only time I don't feel bad about my drinking, sadly, is when I'm drinking so I often "have one" to keep the guilt away. It's not working for me though so I'm tryiing to grin and bear it and go AF through this week. My thoughts are with you.


          Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

          The fortune cookie said.............

          Hi Cow Girl, you may feel like Sh*t today but today is another day. Day 1 is always painful. Don?t let this guy drive you to drink. Here is a quote I found in a fortune cookie a long time ago and when dealing with my ex I try and apply it.

          ?Never wrestle with a pig??you will both get dirty?.. and the pig will like it?. :H

          Read it slowly, it made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Today I think you could use a laugh. Chin up and one day at a time
          kind regards


            Newbies in need ODAT - Monday


            never heard that one, don't wrestle w/ a pig, won' is over and he hit me again today, so it is almost to the restaining order stuff............

            I will be ok, hopefully don't have a bruise when I go into work tomorrow................

            Will check in tomorrow, w/ the holidays I have and extremely quiet week, I am happy when I am busy though, I love my patient contact, idle time just lets me get more depressed, lost a good friend today I feel forever, but have registered on hopefully I can find a guy there, I feel empty without one, am I a sorry weak soul or what?? it has been 17 years with depending on him, and I fee weak without anyone

            I am sorry to AGAIN dampen this thread, but needed to get this out........................:thanks:

            love you all.................hugs and love:h
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

              I know just how you feel Discover, I've had many weekends like yours


                Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                I have had many weekend binges, so I know how you feel, thats what alcohol
                does to us makes us feel good while drinking, and then punishes the next day,
                by making us hate ourselves etc. but yet we still keep going back for more.
                I've been doing ok recently, but I must remain vigillant.
                Best of luck .Paula.


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                  My heart goes out to everyone on this thread today - sounds like some rough times. I've been struggling too. When i first got here to MWO, after a couple days I was able to get to 13 AF, then drank one night, then 17 days AF, and then last week - maybe 2 or 3 AF days. It's depressing. It's depressing breaking the promises to myself and the alcohol itself is depressing also. I feel so different when I don't drink. If I give up and just give in to the alcohol, I will be totally hopeless. So, I 'm back on the bandwagon today.

                  What really makes the difference in my view: kudzu and glut for cravings, other supps, lots of water, regular meals. And the MOST important thing I think....... coming here and talking about it BEFORE I drink. The urges will come and go, but if I don't get help when they hit, I'm sunk. Cravings pass. But I can't battle them alone.

                  Hope things get so much better for all of us -
                  big hugs :l
                  wonder xx


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Monday

                    Cowgal my heart is breaking for you - I know it feels like forever but you will get through it. Maybe you should get a restraining order and get him out of the house - no one deserves to be treated like that. I am shining white light and love your way.

                    As for me, I did okay this weekend - moderated Friday (3 beers only) and went AF Sat and Sunday. I would die for a glass of wine tonight and I sooooo wish I had some Kudzu (still waiting by the mailbox - hope I get my starter kit and the book soon). But do you know what I find helps? They have a non-alcoholic beer up here that tastes like real beer but no alcohol content - I know that is in a way prolonging the inevitable but some days it really helps - don't know if anyone else has tried that (I'm sure you have.......) but for me, I think tonight, it just might do the trick and get me to day 4..........
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

