Some background -
My social life revolves around bars and parties with friends. Most everyone seems to handle moderating their drinking, but I feel totally compelled to 'speed drink'. My friends laugh that I have two drinks for every one of theirs. I'm the 'fun guy' -- always the life of the party. In the last few months I have started blacking out, and not remembering much of the previous evening. I am usually fine the next day, and have no problem not drinking if I don't start, and don't go out.
Anyhow I felt like I was well on my way down a bad path, and came across this program. I have already purchased the book and read it. I have a question though... If you are not an everyday drinker, do you need the prescription drug? I feel like I'd lik to try without first, but I really want to commit to this.
Any suggestions?