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Just saying hello...

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    Just saying hello...

    Hello everyone,
    This site is an answer to prayer. I'm a 32 mum of two from Northern Ireland, working as a midwife. My problem with alcohol has gradually developed and my drinking has slowly increased to every night with quantities gradually increasing, on ave I'd say I have about 3-5 drinks per evening; and although I'm not necessarily drunk I do feel like I can't do without a wee drink. I'm also a secret drinker, somehow my husband (who works most evenings) has failed to notice. I drink when stressed, when happy... the excuses to drink literally keep flowing.

    I feel I have a guilty secret and that my children are missing out on the mummy they deserve. I want the old me back that didn't need a drink to be bubby and confident. Looking forward to your support...


    Just saying hello...

    How brave you are to take the first step

    Hi Archie
    Yes that?s the way alcohol is, it starts out as our friend and then becomes a most ferocious foe that will steal everything you ever valued from you. I am new here and it?s a great site. We are all here due to problems with alcohol. I drank when my children were young so I know the guilt involved. Keep logging in the stories here are inspirational.
    Kind regards


      Just saying hello...

      Hi Archie,
      You are taking a step in the right direction. You are admitting to yourself and to everyone on this board that you have a problem. Do you think in time, you can admit your secret to your husband? In addition to all the love and support you will receive from MWO, I'm hoping your husband is another strong source you can rely on. - Reenie
      September 23, 2011


        Just saying hello...

        Hi Archie :welcome:

        More wants more, that's what drink does......
        You are looking for support, that's really positive..... Keep posting, there are alot of people on this site, all over the world, that can offer support...

        Mr B xx
        TIGGER1 :l

        Formerly Mr Boop


          Just saying hello...

          Hello Archie and welcome, also welcome Mr. B.
          You have recognised you have a problem, that's the first step.
          The second is doing something about it. It has taken me years
          I started drinking at weekends, then it gradually got worse, I
          started to drink every evening to help me sleep, I also thought
          my husband didn't notice, but he eventually did, and I'm so
          pleased, because he has been very supportive.
          I wish I had found this site years ago, it has helped me so much.
          I'm sure it will do the same for you.
          Best of luck.


            Just saying hello...

            Hi Archie and welcome

            You have come to a great place, get the book and read, read the boards, join in. Some people are taking the topamax, others not and there are great many success stories.

            Good luck and looking forward to seeing you on the boards.



              Just saying hello...

              Hi, I'm not sure what to do here. But here it goes. I'm 39 years old, a mother of five, great marriage now 20years and we have a thriving business. I drink almost everynight, (I could everynight but don't always) to try and control it. But look out the next night. I make up for it. I feel guilty constently. My husband drinks sometimes, but seems to have much more control then me. I know how your feeling I think. I need help and don't know who to talk to. FinishingMama

