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No 30 days for me.

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    No 30 days for me.

    I managed to go 6 days then succumbed at a party I had to attend. Though I only had two beers over about 4 hours I still could not stick to my AF promise. My wife and I actually left early and got a meal as I coulnd't stand to be around all those drinks.

    So after that small hiccup I went another 3 days AF, then for some reason I bought a bottle of wine on the way home one night. Not enough to do any real damage, but doesn’t help the self-esteem.

    Then I had another two days off until a lunch I had on Friday. Drank excessively (and continuously) for about 14 hours. Followed this up with a BBQ on the Saturday where I contained to drink a lot. Even when I was drinking daily, I don’t remember consuming this amount.

    Anyway, left work early last night and had to get some sneaky drinks in as I felt so sick. I couldn’t let my wife know that I was drinking, so I hid them.

    The house is now empty of booze (again) and I am back on day 1.


    No 30 days for me.

    ditto livewire. I'm sick of it. The starting and stopping. It's really depressing.
    Today is my new day 1 too.
    Let's go for it-


      No 30 days for me.

      Any AF day is better than none

      Hey Livewire,
      Maybe not 30 days yet but don?t discount all those AF days and how good you felt waking up minus the fear and shame. 30 days is a big ask try one day at a time. And congratulations on all those days you did manage. Try again you can do i


        No 30 days for me.

        livewire, i've often thought it is a set up for some to go from drinking daily to suddenly proclaiming to the world. hey i'm going to go af for 30 or af forever...... then if you fall down you feel utter and complete shame come up as if every time you have ever fallen suddenly smacks you in the face and you hear that all so familiar voice saying see. seee. so you know that voice isn't the truth and you have done well to have these stretches on your way to the 30 day mark. so, here is the skinny. you are on your way to 30 days af and this is not aa. so you may not have af 30 in a row yet and it may take awhile.. but you will achieve it my dove you will. and so will my magical wonder. after all i'm living proof and i drank myself silly. and i put together 10 years straight... wahooo. then went out for a few years to prove i could drink again. :0 so back at it with stretches of days and then months.. and now am going again with days, weeks and afing is my game... although had a slip this weekend. oopsy... so come on over to 12 many's today is the day thread and we are doing our best to walk one foot in front of the other. and we are practicing on counting how many days we can do in a 30 day stretch... and let's just see how many happy faces you can put on your calendar instead of beating yourself up... and you know one always does better. by holding hands and looking both ways at the stop light before crossing. (ah, just thought that was cute and maybe if you smiled) you'd lighten up.........


          No 30 days for me.

          This is a good thread. I've been fairly successful moderating. I've been determining when I'll drink and how much (usually). This week I declared I could drink on T-Day. Well, here it is Monday and I had a somewhat sh*tty work day and I came home and poured a glass of wine. My goal is the one glass, maybe two but feel like I failed my intention for the week...

          We are all human, right?

