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Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Good morning everyone

    Hope you are all feeling a bit better this morning. Yesterday was tough for quite a few of you, Cowgirl, Suki, Paula and Mary, hope things are better today.

    Evergreen and Wonder, I know what a struggle it is and how frustrating it is when you slip. I love Doggie's quote I WILL KEEP QUITTING THE BOOZE UNTIL I DONT SUCK AT QUITTING THE BOOZE ANY MORE.

    Teardrop, you are doing amazing, hope you are feeling better physically.

    Universal, I have tried the AF beer and it does work, whatever gets you through.

    Hi to Charlee, Bessie, Bookmom, Janice, Doggie and anyone else I missed, hope you are all well.



    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Rustop and everyone to come,
    You are amazing to remember all of us. I'm feeling a lot better thank you the cold has come out of my body and my waterworks is feeling a lot better after taking tables. For once in my life feeling alive it does feel good so i'm enjoying it, need to start some kind of exercise soon. Not sure, if the weather was good i would go out on my bike. But would love to have a go at yoga. (Be scare if i get the giggles.)
    I do hope things are looking better today!
    Wising everyone strength and love.
    family is everything to me


      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

      Good morning all.....
      Yes, it was tough reading "our" thread" yesterday, some of us had quite a rough weekend. Please know this is the place to be, continue sharing and together we can tackle this.... the good, the bad, the ups and the downs. I am hoping Tuesday morning finds everyone in better spirits.
      Teardrop, I hear you with the exercise, need to start something myself...was feelin' gung-ho after day 3 and decided to hop on my eliptical for a 5 minute stroll.....paid for it for 3 days!!!...Time to try again..but slowly!!!
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

        over it

        Hey, I am DETERMINED to go AF today, I am over all the emotions I had been feeling, feel cold and unloving, but I may need to be this way for a while to be strong!

        Thanks for remembering all of us Rustop, hi to Teardrop and Charlee and all who follow..............

        thanks for all the support over the past few days/weeks etc, it has helped!!:thanks:

        I love you all with all my heart!!!!!:h :h
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi everyone,
          today is certainly a better day for me, hope it is for everyone.
          It's great to be able to come to this site and say anything
          without being judged.
          Thanks for all your support.
          Love Paula.xx


            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

            Ditto Paula! on all of it.......
            hope everyone has a great day-
            wonder xxx


              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

              Hi ODATers: I too feel much better today. I had an emotional talk w/my husband who has been really moody since coming home from Ireland. Also, the family dilemma is in the process of working itself out. I thank God I didn't add drinking on top of all the other stuff that's going on. I must remember that the drinking solution is a very temporary & when all is said & done, it just adds to the problems. Everyone, stay strong regardless of what is going on. Life is always going to be a bit messy. We don't have control over other peoples' actions & emotions. We only have control over ourselves (i.e. not drinking). Just for today, I will not drink. Love, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                retteacher and everyone else

                i think today has been the worst day I have experienced. I can't stop crying. I spoke with my boss and my two close friends at work who are so wonderful and understanding. My perfect sister only calls me on her cell to my cell, because it doesn't cost her anything. Don't know where my cell is. Too bad, Nancy.

                I am so tired of doing everything myself and being criticized by my sis and her husband and getting calls from my brother (who abused me as a kid) who tells me he loves me, because he knows that I now hold all the power, and if I follow my mother's wishes, he doesn't get a penny.

                I think that I have hit rock bottom, i can't imagine feeling worse than I do now. I feel so blessed finding this website and this community of friends. You all have helped me more and mean more to me than my own family.:thanks: :thanks:


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                  I'm home this week on vacation , and I'm sitting here reading many of the threads, and crying. It's snowed yesterday, raining today, kids in school, drank a bottle of wine last night that my brother-in-law and sister brought over to my house on Sunday for me from the winerys they went to. Trying to talk my self into no wine tonight, and want to feel positive about it. I want to go AF tonight. ODAT.......please....
                  Miss October :blinkylove:


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday


                    I feel the same, I feel I have hit ROCK BOTTOM in more ways than one..............let's just not drink today, and not drinking will make you (and me, I know from past AF days)feel way better and better able to cope w/ all the other issues in our lives.............

                    I feel like I have just been reborn, so I am starting a fresh life as of today, not taking any SH*T from anyone or anything.............

                    Get strong, sometimes I feel it is good to get down-right MAD so I feel stronger, We will be ok,

                    You are loved by SOOOOOOOOOO many on this forum, including myself,:h :h

                    Love and hugs!!!:l

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                      New to the program and need help

                      Good morning everyone,

                      I was just reading your posts from today and yesterday and realize that my situation is not that much different than a lot of people. I have felt alone for so long b/c I can't just have one drink like every one else or go home at night at not have one. I've had a couple AF days over the last few months but then I slip like the last couple of nights and drink too much and then end up spending the night fighting with my husband who has had about enough. Thankfully my kids are grown and this is something that happened toward the end of them moving out. The guilt is horrible and I'm tired of felling like crap all the time and tired of thinking about it constantly.
                      I look forward to getting to know you all.



                        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                        Welcome Islandgirl,
                        we all struggle with alcohol so we all understand how you feel. Just take it
                        one day or even one hour at a time, you will feel so much better.
                        Wishing you well .


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                          Hi Islandgirl-
                          keep reading and keep posting every day no matter what. You CAN make a new start. Sometimes it's baby steps...that's okay......just don't give up!
                          Hang in there and let us know how you're doing!
                          wonder xx


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                            O Poop!

                            I had a drink last night after a good few days AF. Decided not to beat myself up about it but learn and move on. What I have learnt is that already my attitude to alcohol is changing. Instead of looking at the bottle of wine hubby bought home and thinking 'oh goody - when can I get that down my neck' I saw it as an unwelcome challenge. When he poured me a glass without asking I learnt that I haven't got enough willpower (yet!) to say 'not for me thanks' but I did ask this morning that he didn't bring any more wine home as I am trying to stay off 'for a while'. Beer and spirits really don't tempt me that much so he can keep those. I drank half a bottle and went to bed. I learnt that I can stop and leave it alone (it helped that I was tired anyway and had an early start) I didn't have any of the port on offer out hunting today and I won't be drinking tonight.

                            Thanks for just being there for me to spout off to and it is heart breaking that so many of you are having such a hard time with your families and struggling. Wish I could just whisk you all off to a lovely tropical island spa for a well deserved holiday. :groupluv:



                              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                              yeah poop

                              Hi Bessie, Cowgal, Rustop, Islandgirl, WW, and everybody. Suki and Miss October, I feel for you both and have been where you are at now, not that long ago! This family here makes a huge difference if you stay around. Alot of us are facing challenges and difficult times, but with the support offered here, not to mention the unconditional acceptance, will make the road a bit easier. :h P.S. I'm on day 2 (again!) but not drinking that much when I do. Suz
                              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

