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Things that have helped me

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    Things that have helped me

    Before I found this site I had been a member of AA. Family experience with alcoholics and my own abstinence taught me a lot. This helped me tremendously.
    Never get hungry, never get thirsty, never get bored.....if I was going to a social gathering I would eat first, even have dessert. When I had a sip of wine, it wasn't as appealing after something sweet, it tasted a little bit like drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth.
    I'd keep chocolate suckers, M&M's on hand because in the beginning you crave carbs so much. Something has to replace that alcohol! By the way, I LOST weight through all this.......Thats how much I was drinking. All the empty calories of alcohol still out number chocolate and desserts. Then there is the vits supplements you need to take. I actually went to a nutritionist years ago because of depression that just wouldn't quit.............( did I even want to admit that it was alcohol related ?! nnnaaaaaaaaaa!) But he put me on large doses of Vit B's, 3 x day..........I dare say, I didn't even think about alcohol.......well, maybe that's a bit strong but it was A LOT easier.
    My 2 downfalls are the evenings, as I'm sure with a lot of people, and being female, PMS.
    My drinking doubles during PMS..........but I live by the beach, have a dog........walks became therapy. My life is so over stimulated with noise that I looked forward to the periods of silence.
    So, where am I now you may ask. I'm back consuming in moderation but experience has shown me that it always escalates, so that I have to follow my own advice and be without again. What I've learned is that I'm much happier being AF. It will never get as bad as it was the first time, black outs, bad judgement, no hangovers because I think I never was without long enough to get one! I work in medicine and my greatest fear is that I might one day not be 'on" and someone ends up paying for it. Honest enough for you?
    Good luck

    Things that have helped me

    Interesting share, thx. I have a very similar perspective. The part that I've finally accepted fully is that I will always return to problematic drinking. I'm 7 days AF and my newest plan is to use Naltrexone to phase off booze entirely and permanently.

    BTW, When does the irritability stop??? I was very short tempered at work today.


      Things that have helped me

      more info

      I've only been here for a few days so I haven't researched the drugs recommended on this site. I can tell you that the irritability might be due to the lack of magnesium, potassium, sodium, all the nutrients that get depleted from alcohol. I read on another "share" that a lot of people were craving bananas.......makes sense. I would really double up on supplements especially those mentioned and the B's. B's feed the nervous system. I experienced huge anxiety, not irritability, but maybe they're related. Sorry I can't help more.


        Things that have helped me

        I am also a medical professional & have the same fear. I have not yet officially started the program (looking for Doc to help) No AA for me but family hx as well as other issues have me ready for help. I'll keep your helpful hints in mind. Thanks


          Things that have helped me

          Hi FinallyRN -
          We have some big similarities. I was sober for a long time - initally with AA and then just out of habit for a good while - and loved the AF life. I started drinking in september - for about a month on and off. And I knew, like you, that if I kept it up, I'd be in big trouble - that's when I landed here. I've been AF more than not - for the last month, and I really want to just stop altogether NOW!!! Want to get back to my AF happy place!
          I'm on day 2, after 13 days AF, then 17 days.
          Hope we can help each other out- nip it in the bud!


            Things that have helped me

            Loved your post RN. I think it'll help me alot. The holidays are gonna be so tough but with all your advice you may have just made it a little easier. Thanks so much. Best of luck to you all!


              Things that have helped me


              Very honest post and great advice. Can't do much about exercise at the moment due to a bad back but am keeping busy and spending a lot of time posting. Will start the exercise regime as soon as possible

              :l Sweetpea
              :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                Things that have helped me

                Thanks so much for your feed-back everyone! I was concerned that it would sound like I was preaching, not my intention at all. I'm hoping to help as many as I can, as much as you all have helped me with your honesty and concerns. I'm learning a lot.
                I LOVE THIS SITE.


                  Things that have helped me


                  Your post really helped. I am struggling to be AF -- have been for months and months. I take supplements, including Bs, but I hadn't heard about taking them through the day. I'm going to try that today. What harm is there in trying?

                  I also was in AA and stayed sober for about 3 years. That was a long time ago. I've seriously thought about going back, but I'm just not "there" at this point in my life. I just can't take that path. I'm going to stick it out here in MWO and keep trying, trying to be AF. Like others, it may come and when it does I want to be ready.

                  Today: no alcohol. Just for today...and more Bs. Thanks for the suggestion,



                    Things that have helped me

                    great post

                    Thanks RN for the thread, and all the information/sharing you have done for us all here, today is day 1 AGAIN for me, I am going AF all through Thanksgiving too, which is a first for me (I think!?) Used to be a big drinking dinner/party w/ the inlaws, but now that I am out of that family, it will be at least easier...........

                    I have had a tough time this week w/ numerous issues, but they are getting ironed out slowly but surely, and not drinking will make dealing w/ everything a H*LL of a lot easier, know that for sure..............

                    AA, well , I went to a meeting yesterday shared all my pain, got TONS of love and hugs from everyone, I have been trying to get and stay sober(staying is the hard part)since about 2001, when I had 9 months sober!! Don't know if I can do it again, but without my husband and his influences and his family it will be ALOT easier,

                    Thanks again for this thread, it was good reading:thanks:

                    You are loved and needed here:l :h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

