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Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning everyone

    It's wet and grey here but I have managed to get in a walk with the doggies and some friends in the forest so I aways feel better after that.

    Hope everyone is doing o.k. Hang in there Cowgirl, Suki and anyone else having a bad time. Lots of you seemed to be in a better place yesterday. Big hug to you Teardrop, its only a slip, jump on board, remember ODAT.

    For those of you in the US good luck and happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Hope all goes well for you.

    Talk later



    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning everyone,
    yes Rustop it's grey and dull today, but I'm fine, going to meet my daughter later,
    looking foreward to seeing my grandchildren also.
    Hope you have a better day Suki, and Cowgirl, anyone who is struggling, don't
    give up. Remember this too will pass.
    Love Paula.xx


      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi Rustop & Paula: I hope all is well w/you. Looking forward to a sober Thanksgiving...the first in as many years as I can remember. Thanksgiving was always the start of a lot of holiday drinking. Not so this year! Today I'm making pies, pies, pies. I'm looking forward to it. Take care everyone. Remember that you only have to worry about not drinking today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

        First day for me...again. Am looking forward to spending time with my stepdaughter and dropping off cookies for my grandson. So much to look forward to that I don't want to mess it up by drinking. Wednesdays are good days for me because I spend them with my parents who don't drink. Thanksgiving is another matter, but that is tomorrow and today is just ODAT. Thanks for letting me post and hang around. One of these days I'll succeed in being AF!


          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday


          I was just posting, and lost it all, it was long and detailed too, so let's see if I can remember any of it!?

          Hi to Rustop, Paula, Teacher, and sante, hey to Teardrop too, hope you are all well, I am looking at this as the first day of the rest of my life, very positive, no more pity parties for me..............

          Hope all of you are doing fine today, I plan on AF today, and for a loooooooooooong time, really need to clear this head, just HATE the feelings I have, and want to drown them out..........I want to have a new life after divorce, though, so am not attractive to anyone when I am feeling like this, right??

          Stay strong everyone, I will try too..............:h

          love you all!!:h :l

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

            Hi Rustop, Paula, Mary and Sante,

            Happy Thanksgiving and Happy ODAT to all. A sober thanksgiving is TRULY something to be thankful for, Mary. I think that deserves and extra slice of pie!!! I made a pumpkin cheesecake last night (gluten free, no less - my girls have celiac disease) and it looks delish!!! The beast was whispering in my ear last night as I often like to cook with a glass of wine but I managed to flick him away. Since my slip is seems as if I have opened a crack and that little voice is creeping in!! This is me trying to shove my fingers in my ears!!!!

            Rustop - thanks for kicking us off!!!!

            Paula - good to hear from you!! Your posts are always full of wisdom.

            Sante - It is never too late to start. Tomorrow will be easier with the first step under your belt.

            To all who follow, keep the faith!! Faith in yourself and faith in this program. We can do together what we have not done alone!!!



              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

              Sante: Of course you are "hanging around." We need you as much as you need us. I can't tell you how many times I've said "I'm back to day 1." Keep trying ODAT. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday


                Our posts crossed in cyberspace!!

                Have been thinking about you a bunch. I had written a long post to you yesterday and it got kicked off and I was late to work!!

                Quick summary: Hang in there!! You are so strong!!! Nothing is worth drinking about!! No one and can I repeat no one has the right to raise a hand to you!!! We love you and are here to listen!!!! I used a lot more words but that was the gist of it!!! Again, hang in there. This, too shall pass!!!!



                  Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                  Morning, Rustop, Paula, Mary, Sante and all to follow:
                  Gloomy here in CT today...lots to do to prepare for tomorrow.

                  Sante - Congrats on day one, and yes, worry about tomorrow, just another Thursday...focus on today, and just are on the right path!!

                  Cowgal, and Suki, hoping you had a good day yesterday. Please check in and let us know. We care about you both.

                  Teardrop, hugs to you and am hoping you are moving forward after your little bump in the road.

                  For any of you who may be struggling......just choose not to drink today. Mary is right, tomorrow will take care of itself.
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                    Guess it took me to long, to write my let me just say Hi to Cowgal, you sound soooooooo much better.
                    Evergreen...your pie sounds yummy and good job for fending off those voices in your head.....Let all hang in there!!
                    sobriety date 11-04-07


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                      Happy thanksgiving to all you lot over the 'pond!' Hope you get through it all successfully. Think I'll be ok AF today - feel calm and comfortable. Last night was AF too - no real struggle there. Full day out hunting and then a shiatsu massage - blisssssss! Way too chilled and tired to think about drinking after that. Having to catch up on my work today but it's all manageable and so much easier to think clearly without a hangover!!

                      Good luck to you all for AF today.

                      Bessie xx


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                        Good morning

                        Good morning everyone, they are right cowgirl, nobody has a right to lay a hand on you. Hang in there, it'll get better. I did better last night, still drank more than I should but at least I ate and didn't fight with my Husband so that's something. I plan on starting back with the supplements and tapes on Friday or maybe even on Thanksgiving. I got off track trying to get everything done for Thanksgiving. Happy Thankgsiving!!


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                          You have the right mindset...every positive decision you make it getting you one step closer to where you want to be. The supps are so important. Keep reading and posting and know we are here for you.

                          Bessie, congrats on an AF day yesterday, yes, isn't it just lovely to wake up in the morning with a clear head??
                          sobriety date 11-04-07


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                            Hi everyone! Just popping in to say a big HELLO. Just got my puter back. Still sober its almost 6 weeks, um like on Friday the 24th. Little ansy at night gotta lay off the caffiene. To a meeting shortly.



                              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                              New Newbie

                              I am new and on day one. I have a really hard time getting past a couple of days AF. Do the supplements really help? Has anyone else ordered them? What seems to help the most? Are you able to order prescriptions right online?:new:

