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Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Well done for the first step

    Hi Glinda and welcome, Congratulations on day 1which is always the hardest particularly if you are suffering from last night. Am new too and live in Australia, haven?t taken the meds cos not sure if customs would let them in. From what I?ve read you can order the supplements online or get the vitamins at any health food store. Vitamins really help to repair damage done by heavy drinking and in the early days we need all the help we can get. This is a great site with lots of help and support.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

      OK.. Hi all!!!

      I have not posted here before. So guess I am a "newbie" to this thread. Charlee suggested I come on here and she is probably right. I have been on this site for well over a year, but have had little success AF. I had almost 2 weeks in Sept. which, for me, is amazing ( I am a nightly drinker). Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself, and hope to get to know you all soon, through posts....

      formerly known as bak310


        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

        Beth: If you really want to stop drinking this ODAT thread is great. Keep coming & sharing. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday


          Had a HORRIBLE dinner w/ hub and his dad guzzling beer and stating "how good this is"and getting very wasted, I mean drinking 3 beers in 10 min, which I have done, so "ain't no saint",. but hard to watch when you are trying to stay AF, which he knows I am trying to do, but , of course doesn't care!?!?

          But the mean remarks from Mike (I have been warned by counselor and friends it WILL get worse, were enough to make me cry) I did end up having 2 beers just to numb this pain I feel sooooooooooooooo badly, I HATE it!!!!

          I will drink tons of water(of course be up peeing all night! but will feel better tomorrow because of it.................

          I know I am losing alot and am afraid and have actually thought about trying to work it out, but he is NOT willing to help me, and I need support, not the opposite, which is what he is giving me now, It is 10:30 PM and I have no idea where he is,(maybe out w/ his girlfriend he says he has!!?? YUCK, who would want him????) I am locking the bedroom door, cuz I don't want to have to call 911, which my counselor and kids know needs to happen next time he hits me, even only a slap, cuz that will lead to worse some time in the future.....

          Thank GOD for all the friends you have been for me, sorry so depressing on a holiday weekend, but I am WORRIED!! REALLY!!

          I am strong though, my counselor told me that today and reinforced the fact that I CAN take care of myself and endure anything that comes my way, just got to stop burying them w/ alcohol.................

          MA:h :l
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

            You know what you have to do

            Hi cowgal, this guy doesn?t want to help you because then he too will have to change. He?s not ready and can?t/won?t be forced. Have been reading your posts and hearing your pain and I feel for you. Going around and around in circles will only make you slip and then more pain. In loving-kindness You Know What You Have To Do about him. Some one will have to break the cycle of abuse and that some one is you. Sorry if that is hurtful to you at this difficult time. Just worried for you that it seems to be going on and on with no resolution for you and your distress appears to be getting worse.
            :h :h :h

