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Cravings vs. Habit

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    Cravings vs. Habit

    Hello all,

    I just started reading the book and am considering starting with the meds, supps, CDs. However, I think it will be easier for me to curb the cravings rather then break the habit... responsibilities all day at work, domestic responsibilities of dinner, taxiing the kids and then drink and eat all night. Suggestions on breaking the habit???

    Cravings vs. Habit

    Tough question there. I think the habit is worst than the craving. Just MO. One has to put their minds to wanting change. Being AF offers many rewards. You get things done with ease, its really being honest to yourself. Hope this helps you.



      Cravings vs. Habit

      I totally agree....

      I actually feel better physically when I dont drink, which leaves me to wonder if I was ever physically addicted to it. Never have withdrawals or anything like that. Bottom line, if I dont drink at night, I will wake up bright-eyed and bushy tail the next morning and feel fantastic. But for some reason, that wonderful feeling makes me want to pop open the wine in the evening. So that desire is a mental thing; certainly not a physical need for me.

      I have always known for me personally, that the biggest battle lies in my mind. If the stronghold can be broken mentally, the physical part will be a breeze.
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Cravings vs. Habit

        Hi dcline,
        I think the craving is more difficult to overcome, as even when we successfully break the habit, the craving continues to rear its ugly head from time to time.

        Starlight Impress x


          Cravings vs. Habit

          Hi All--

          I think this is an excellent topic!!! I'm a SAHM, so I am home... a LOT! I struggle with the same thing. It's almost automatic when it gets dark early in the winter months, I am ready to bust out the wine. In the summer, it seems like a magnet is pulling me to gin & tonics while sitting on the porch and watching the sunset. It's weird, but if I happen to be out and about in the late afternoon or evening, I don't think about drinking. It's like being in my home environment brings it on, 'cause that's where I normally drink. This is a biiiig problem for me, since by nature, I am in my house constantly!!!

          I, too, would love to hear advice from others on this!!


            Cravings vs. Habit

            In my past life, drinking for me was a habit. It was a way for me to unwind from a long day at work and from a long commute home. I know try to occupy myself with other things, like starting the laundry when I first get in, taking the dog for a walk, stopping at the grocery store or starting dinner with a tall glass of water nearby.
            September 23, 2011


              Cravings vs. Habit


              Hi I am new to the site and considering ordering the book and supplements. Can anyone tell me if that is really helping them. I can't go two days without drinking. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. :upset:


                Cravings vs. Habit

                Best habit is AF

                Hi Dcline and Ateammon, luckily :nutso: when the physical cravings start I am usually too sick to drink and it?s surprising how quickly the feelings disappear. But??? when habit craving sets in the battle is much harder. Really helps to focus on something else and not get fixated on wanting a drink or 10. Habit fixation can also disappear quickly if attention is elsewhere. Last time I drank it was because I wanted to get of the planet like a mini mental holiday! Think about it?. is waking sick, shamed and sweaty worth it? Ugggh Nothing feels better than AF


                  Cravings vs. Habit


                  Yes, this site has helped many people. Me included. If you have the motivation to get started we are here to support you.

                  ateammom & dcline: welcome aboard.



                    Cravings vs. Habit

                    I think it is a bad habit. I haven't gone AF but have changed my habits a lot.
                    the way to do it is to just remind yourself that the habit is really making you deeply unhappy and that you desperately want to change and be well. So substitute the illusion thinking that it helps you unwind and is so great, with the reality thought that it makes you sick and unhappy. you need to unlink the drinking action with the falsely positive thoughts. This has helped me lately to break the at home drinking alone habit, which in my book, is one of the worst and absolutely has to go. Actually, I contacted a member and asked how she had become one of those few successful moderators on this site. And she said she reminds herself of how she will feel the next day if she has too much and I know she doesn't drink alone at home anymore for the most part. I thought the reminding thing sounded simple, after all if it was that easy none of us would have a problem. but it seems to be working for me and my moderating rules are stricter now.

                    Also, I advise trying the hypno CDs. part of the exercises involve visualizing how you want to be.

                    And for Glinda: You say you can't go more than two days without drinking. Maybe you feel that you can't but you actually CAN and this site is likely to make you realize you have that power. How much are you drinking? Start by having faith in yourself. And when you do try to quit drinking, don't think forever, think one day or step at a time. And if you start drinking again, just pick yourself up and try something else.
                    Reading through all the posts on this site and the success stories may help you get on a better path.


                      Cravings vs. Habit

                      Hi Glinda and welcome

                      A big YES to your questions. Like you I couldn't go two days without drinking. I am regularly doing several days at a time without a problem. I have only read the book once (though I could do with a refresher) but the food supplements are definitely helping and this forum is the biggest help of all. Give it a go. What have you got to lose? And, more importantly, think what you have got to gain!!


                        Cravings vs. Habit

                        I read a book on abuse years ago that said addiction were nothing more than habits taken to the extreme............I tend to agree but when the "habit" becomes an addition there are physical symtoms that take it to another level. A dependancy that shows itself in shakes, tremors, sweats, etc. How many of you out there have had to have a drink in the morning to stop the shakes? So, while some of us have formed habits, others are dependant and therefore will have a worse time.........but that's what we're here for right?


                          Cravings vs. Habit

                          HI Glinda - welcome - I drank heavily for over 20 years.

                          Since coming here I have stopped drinking - and have been alcohol free now for almost 130 days. AND - I am LOVING it!
                          Almost like getting a new life!

                          Does that answer your question?

                          Yes - this place can change your life!
                          It did for me!


                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            Cravings vs. Habit

                            I'm not sure you can separate cravings and habits. At least not totally. When I have had long AF periods, I don't think I really had physical cravings, but it felt like that because the habits were so ingrained that when we change them, the desire to return to them can feel physical, even though it may not be technically physical.

                            That said, I am finding it much easier to resist the "cravings" that come from habit by taking kudzu. It takes that edge off of the obsessive need to have a drink (I believe it has something to do with brain chemistry), and allows me to think rationally and use my willpower. So, I guess there is a physical element, but I still think it is fueled by habit.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Cravings vs. Habit

                              Great question, dcline

                              BUT SATORI..130 DAYS, THAT'S FABULOUS.

                              I've been on this site for almost a month, even though I bought the book, cds and supplements several month ago. I recently went 4 ays AF and felt like a miliion bucks, woke up happy and feeling great, self-esteem was returning, then a family matter ( and the holidays) set me off. I'm discovering what triggers me to start drinking.

                              I don't take topomax, but I think that the supplements really have helped with cravings, the Kudzo, l-glutamine and also calmes forte, an herbal supp takes the edge off when I get anxious.
                              i just realized that I need to be more consistent taking them.Also need to start exercising again. Maybe starting to walk to work before the snow starts.

                              But I have learned so much from all of you. A big thanks.


