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Cravings vs. Habit

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    Cravings vs. Habit

    Hi Glinda!
    I am new here too and I understand. Im not AF free yet, but, am hitting this site with the same fervor as I hit my daily bottle of wine in those PM in my room alone place.
    Yep, I am puffy and bloated andnot the picture of health I aspire to be. It shows, but, no one knows I am habitually in that ritual every evening and I have to aspire as well to not open that second bottle that is waiting for me the next day as planned as of yet.
    But, I have started the Kudzo and I am hearing great things about the CD's. I am ordering them with the thought that I first make that my habitual ritual before I uncork .
    Maybe the next day will bring in lightness. I listen to what all these bright members say about not overinduldging.

    Be inspired dear one,

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      Cravings vs. Habit

      Alright Melsdaughter and Islandgirl... we're all the new brat pack. And we sound alot alike. Let's stick together and stay online and I'm sure we can beat this. Nancy says it is all in our mind and I got that same advice today... a recommendation to read the book "The Attraction Factor". Anyone in for a book club? Riker - are you out there? You and I (and others I am sure) are living the current day factory job... burning ourselves out on the line all day, sacrificing to feed the family and waiting for the whistle to blow so we can drink our problems away. Problem is... many of us worked very hard to get to where we are. We need to get out of this trap by working toward happiness rather then sacrifice. And I'm working on it... Anyone in?


        Cravings vs. Habit

        Well, I don't think it's all in your mind. but I do think that mental factors are a big part of addiction. That is my bias because that is what motivates me to drink and conversely helps me to improve. However, I also know there is a strong physical component to all of this. I believe in good nutrition, supplements and I also think the body needs time away from booze to stop craving it. Easier said than done.

        Since you guys are newbies I am going to push my favorite book again, which dispels myths and illusions about alcholism Alan Carr's Easy Way to Control Drinking (name varies depending on what edition it is). All the old-timers here have heard me rave about him for the last year. It helps with the psychological aspects of drinking so don't expect it will offer advice on the body too much.

