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There's got to be a way out of this

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    There's got to be a way out of this

    I cannot for the life of me stop drinking. If I make it until noon, I've got the earthquake shakes.

    I've been cut off from my family. I have two grandbabies I am just dying to see. Yet I can't.

    I just got the book My Way Out and am reading away.

    I hurt so much today. I don't know that pain can get any worse. I have a fractured rib, and even it doesn't hurt as much as the pain of being a drunk.

    I don't see how I can get sober without finding a way to accept myself. I feel like such a loser. It's far easier to be a drunk loser than a sober loser.


    There's got to be a way out of this

    :welcome: pinkydink!

    I wanted to welcome you and tell you that you are NOT a drunken loser. If you quit drinking you most definitely will NOT be a sober loser. There is nothing to lose by quitting.

    Your grandbabies need you in their lives. You and they are missing out on what could possibly be a great relationship.

    Try taking it one day at a time. Focus on a goal, such as your health and family. Keep coming here, read and post. If you want it badly enough it will come. I thought a year ago I would die a drunk. My family thought I was a piece of dirt, I was failing my children, I had no care in the world about myself. It has ALL changed since starting this program. I have had a couple of slips in a year - but considering I drank every day, I have come a LONG way!!!! I have only been drunk twice. I have had a couple of drinks on a couple of other occasions. I don't miss it. It wasn't easy, but as time goes on and you start to feel so much better, it is worth the short term pain getting going.

    My relationships with my family are all mended. I am out of a bad marriage with a fellow drunk, and my kids are happier than flies on crap. Life gets better without it and things fall into place with some hard work and determination.


      There's got to be a way out of this

      Oh, and I would also suggest you maybe see your doctor if you suffer from withdrawals by noon. Don't do anything that will jeopardize your health by quitting cold turkey. Do you have a doctor you can see? He can prescribe you something to help ease the withdrawals. Best of luck to you.


        There's got to be a way out of this

        Welcome pinkydink

        Hi pinkydink :welcome:
        I feel for you deeply, been there done that. Am very familiar with shakes, sweats, shame, hiding, lies etc as many of us are on this site. Keep reading and posting on this site you will be amazed at how much help and support will finally come your way. Drink lots of water try and eat some nutritional food and make this day 1. This is the first step to becoming alcohol free. Be kind to yourself please and I agree with Accountable for me, you are not a loser the Booze Demon has hold of you for now, but you can beat it one day at a time.
        :h :h :h


          There's got to be a way out of this

          Hello Pinkydink and welcome!

          You are by no means a loser. Lets get that straight right off the bat.

          If you have 2 grandbabies you must be at least my age, no spring you best be getting to the doctor like AFM suggested, if you have the shakes by noon, to get medication for withdrawal. Medication makes this MUCH easier and withdrawal, cold turkey, is dangerous, especially if you are not 25.

          I have three children who did not have the benefit of grandparents and that will always bother me. I remember all of my grandparents so fondly, I cherish those memories.

          Keep posting and tell us more about yourself. Some of us have been where you are now, I certainly have, broken rib and all...just waiting for those grandbabies.

          Again, welcome Pinky, I'm glad you're here.

          magic xx
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            There's got to be a way out of this


            I have only 1/2 pint to get me through tomorrow.

            I don't want to live like this anymore, but I can't seem to stop.

            Someone once told me, "Alcohol isn't your problem; it's your solution." That sums it up. Really, it does.


              There's got to be a way out of this

              There is a way out and it's one day at a time

              Pinkydink, you must be feeling so awfully toxic and sick your rib must be hurting so much. Normally I would say tip the booze down the sink but feel you may need medication to assist with the DT?s. Please consider visiting a Dr for help with withdrawals, it doesn?t have to be your usual Dr that way your privacy will be protected. But please keep posting on this site and see that you are not alone. So many of us have been hurting ourselves for so long before we decide to take it one day at a time. I am concerned that you may be thinking that suicide is an option and it?s not. Yep been there too. I don?t see my family either as they are Sh*t heads but still know I would be devastated if they harmed themselves permanently. We have crisis lines in Australia can you ring one of those to talk to someone? Can you afford a rehab? I can feel your pain and it worries me. Please keep posting there is support available.
              :h :h :h :h


                There's got to be a way out of this

                Hi Pinky,

                Well, very few of us could just 'stop".

                You need a plan, and some support and I think you will need some medication.

                Medication, like Librium, is almost like having a drink, it is them tapered down very carefully so withdrawal is much easier to handle. Once your body is detoxified and your mind a bit clearer the world will be a different place.

                If you're speaking in pints, Pinky, I suspect you're in Europe, so it's not a holiday tomorrow.
                Please see if you can find a doctor, they're there to help you. This can be done!

                There are hundreds of us here right now to say so!

                I'm thinking about you Pinky. If it gets too bad in the night see if someone has some alcohol, enough to get you through or have someone take you to the hospital.

                See you tomorrow.

                magic xx :l
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  There's got to be a way out of this

                  Hi pinkydink and welcome.
                  So many of us have been where you are right now. A couple of months back, much of your post could well have been written by myself. When caught in the vice-like grip of drink, it is so easy to feel nothing but despair and shame, but trust me, there is a way out and you have just found it by coming here. It won`t be easy at first, pinky, but it is so very worth the initial struggles.

                  Wishing you love and strength,

                  Starlight Impress x


                    There's got to be a way out of this

                    :welcome: Pinkydink

                    I urge you to get help now. starlight is right you have come to the right place for love, support and understanding but you must get medical help to get you through the first stage of stopping drinking. Ring an alcohol help line now - they will help you

                    :l Sweetpea :h xxx
                    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                      There's got to be a way out of this

                      Welcome Pindydink

                      I cant really add anything to what the others have said, just wanted to welcome you and wish you luck. Take whatever help is available and enjoy your grandbabies, they need you.



                        There's got to be a way out of this

                        Welcome Pinky!

                        You have come to the right place - With the help of the amazing folk here - I have quit drinking after 20 years of alcohol abuse, and have now been alcohol free (AF) for 41/2 months.
                        Some people here go AF - some moderate their drinking - it is up to you.
                        Whatever you chose to do - we will support you 100%
                        No-one here will ever judge you - we have all been where you are now!

                        It CAN be done - you just have to want it - and right now - you sound like you want to be free of living like this.

                        Like the others have said, If you are having the shakes by noon - you probably need a doctor to prescribe something for the withdrawals.

                        Do not go cold turkey - get some medical help.

                        Keep coming on here - download the book - and read it.
                        Someone will be here 24/7 if you need to talk or are having a tough time.

                        Best of luck!

                        You CAN do this - I promise!


                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          There's got to be a way out of this


                          The fact that you have been posting here speaks volumes. You want to change, but it is such a frightening thought. I actually downloaded the book, ordered the cds and supplements several months before I started looking at this site. After a couple of days of reading posts went AF for 4 days.
                          Then slipped. But it was a start and I didn't consider myself as a loser as I usually did. Just used it as a learning experience and figure out some trigger points why I drank. And learned from the wonderful people posting here.

                          You are blessed to have grandkids in your life. (I have no kids, grandkids.) Take advantage of the support, experience and love you will find here and enjoy every day with your grandkids, they grow up too fast!! They need you as much as you need them!

                          my thought are with you .
                          :h :h :h :h s


                            There's got to be a way out of this

                            Pinkydink, you will definitely need some help - going it alone is virtually impossible. Be 100% honest with your doctor - he/she will help unless they suck at being a doctor! If you have having DT's by noon you risk seizures by quiting "cold turkey" without medical assistance. Do you have anyone (in person) that can support you through this?

                            None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).


                              There's got to be a way out of this


                              Hi and welcome :welcome: just as everyone else has said, you will find love and support here, just don't shut us out, let us know how you are,and we will be right there to help

                              You may need to wean yourself off the alcohol unless you can get some medication to help, I am lucky and have lots of MDs to ask for help, I have been honest about my problem and they are all supportive w/ medications when I did need them, it is a hard addiction to break, and it CAN kill you when you withdraw without help, so (I don't mean to scare you, or maybe I do!) be careful.

                              lots of love coming your way, :hGive yourself a big hug, as a friend of mine always says!!

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

