Hi ya all
I've been abset from MWO for a while now (reading but not posting) because I felt that I would start to cut down rather than do the 30 days AF by myself. But I haven't been able to. I've been here on this forum for nearly a year now and feel like such a failure. I've been a whole round circle. Successfully managed 30 days AF then started to mod, but then the love of alcohol has brought me back to square one where I am drinking everynight. I know how it affects my health, work and my home life but there seems to be a fear of giving up alcohol, as if there will be a void in my life. How do I get it in my brain that it's not something I need to survive in life.
I start off each day telling myself I will not drink tonight, but find my resolve weakens by the evening. Or if I manage a day AF feel that I need to reward myself.....with a drink, or when I go to the shops and see others buying drink, convince myself I do not have a problem and am entitled to drink as well.
What am I doing!!!!! I've got my exams in less than 2 weeks and getting p***ed is not how I should be spending my evening.