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Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Hi everyone, having problems with posting so if two of these come up ignore one.

    HAPPY THANSGIVING to all our US friends, hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Hi to all our regulars Paula, Mary, Cowgirl, Evergreen, Charlie, Bessie, Doggie, Suki and anyone else I have missed.

    :welcome: to our newer newbies, Victory, Islandgirl, Sante

    Ripple - 6 weeks thats wonderful you are an inspiration to us.

    Beth - The supplements do seem to help. I have ordered online from the MWO store. The l-glut is good if you pop it under your tongue when the craving is really bad, you have to be quick though before the beast gets ahead of you and gets you to take that first sip!!! I too was a nightly drinker before coming to MWO last year. I have started and stopped a good few times which is discouraging but on looking back I had 90 AF days last year and if I go another 26 I will have 120 AF days this year. This compares to 365 Drinking days the previous 10 years so I feel I am going in the right direction. As Doggie says "I will keep quitting the booze until I dont suck at quitting the booze any more". Stick with us and let us know how you are getting on and remember ODAT.

    Again Happy Thanksgiving.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Hi All: It's very, very early AM & I wanted to just check in & express my deepest thanks to all of you for being here. I would not be sober wo/MWO. We're travelling to our niece & nephew's home for dinner...lots of family & lots of fun. In the past, I would have felt that I couldn't have maximum fun wo/drinking from the get-to. I know now that drinking just dulls everything. I will do all in my power to stay w/children, hold the baby, mash the potatoes, whatever it takes. Have a very happy day whether it's Thanksgiving or another weekday for all MWO-ers abroad. Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

      Happy thanksgiving

      Hi all - have a wonderful day all of you in the US. Hope it's a happy, healthy AF or well moderated day.

      Interesting to read your tips on i-glut Rustop - had a bad attack of cravings last night. If there had been any wine in the house it would have got me. But had to go out in cold and rain to buy some and managed not to do that! Though it was a close thing. The craving was a hard thing to overcome. I'm going to order some more Kudzu so I'll add some i-Glut to the order too now and hope I can hang on in there until it arrives!!

      Bessie xx


        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

        Happy Thanksgiving!

        Hey teacher, rustop, bessie and all who follow..............Feeling pretty good today even though I had 2 beers last night...........HORRIBLE dinner w/ Mike, his dad and my kid(kids were great it is the other 2 that made me upset) They were literally "pounding beers", and totally saying how good they tasted etc.............then Mike made many comments on me and how I will not be able to make it without him, trying to scare me out of the divorce, what has kept me married to him for soooooooooooo long, FEAR of being alone and not being strong enough to make it:upset: My counselor (who I just saw 2 hours before dinner, said he was most likely to get worse w/ abuse, escalate in his verbal threats and abuse, he wants me to seriously get him to go elsewhere or at least ALWAYS have a phone close to call 911) I have a friend who lives around the corner and has a "cop friend" who she says she can call at any time of the night, I just need to call her if I need, so I keeping Angela's # by the bed and phone now, guess it may get worse.

        Anyway, he said I had to take the kids home instead of going shopping at Publix for Thanksgiving dinner and then to a meeting, like I had planned (still got to Publix and meeting) but he was out til about 1AM, came home drunk as all hell, of course we were all up since we don't have school/work today, and that is when he was of course in his rarest form, horrible

        I wish it wasn't raining, I'd go out for a walk or something, hopefully go riding today if it clears up..............definitely going up to Havana(a city 20 or so miles north of me) to my patient's house w/ the horses and kids, he has 30 acres of land we can ride in, he will pull my horse trailer, since I won't be able to use Mike's truck, guess that will never happen again??

        sorry to rant, am up VERY early and full of energy and felt like letting it all out...............thanks for listening:thanks:

        love hugs and kisses on this (used to be my FAVORITE holiday!!???)

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday


          I'm thinking of you today, just be strong. I ran into a old friend yesterday, hadn't seen her since she left work and got married ( 3 months after they met). As soon as they got married, the abuse started. She is now divorced, left with the help of her mom and some friend's Her ex is already engaged to future wife #4. Some men just don't know how to be alone.

          Be strong, don't be guided by fear. You have friends and this whole MRO family behind you.

          Vent ehenever you want.

          lots of love s


            Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday


            He just woke up and flew off the handle about A TON of issues from WAYYYYY in the past, then went storming into the bedroom, guess what? He locked me out, so I cannot even take a shower or anything I had planned to do right now, so guess I am stuck here

            Could think of worse places, and I am really enjoying the music, may just start painting in a while, the shower can wait, as I took one last night too, just went out and fed the horses though, so I am pretty dirty!

            thanks for the thoughts, GOD, I really hope I don't have to go and live w/ my mom, he says I am going to be out in the streets though, he is just downright getting meaner by the moment, guess I may want to take one or two of my friends up on their offers to have me and the kids stay w/ them, but I don't really want to be uprooted YET, know it is going to happen (FEAR again!!):upset:

            oh well, thanks again for letting me VENT,


            MA:h :l
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

              I'm crying this morning, the man has not been supportive and I leave today for florida. Thank God he is not coming, he can do his thing.

              Happy Turkey To All!

              Ripped & Upset


                Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                Happy Thanksgiving to all in the states..

                Rustop Mary and Suki, have a wonderful, fun filled day with your families
                Cowgal and Ripple, sounds like your holiday is off to a bumpy start, Ripple take the time in FL to relax and enjoy, Cowgal, hoping your trip to Havana is "peaceful" for you and the kids. If you get a chance this evening, please check in and let us know how things went today.
                We are off soon to spend the day with family......this is the first year in many, I am not looking at it as a chore, but a blessing...I do have alot to be thankful for..
                Happy turkey day to all the' come!!!
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday


                  Oh Ripple, my heart goes out to you, I know it will be hard but just try to have fun down here in FL, and TRY, not easy either, to forget about him for just a few days while you are here, maybe he'll turn around and realize when he has time to think about your feelings...........

                  You are in my thoughts and keep me posted, keep pm'ing me to let me know you are ok, and remember, don't drink too many martinis, those hangies are TERRIBLE!!! (had a few in my past)

                  Love and hugs and support, the sun is coming out, horses are nasty dirty and wet, but I think I will go walk on the plantation for a while, hope my knee cooperates(yes, another bother I need to deal with in the near future???!!?)

                  Anyway, I will stay close, try not to drink and if I do try not to drink too much

                  love you all, guys thanks, have fun today:h :h :l
                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                    Good Morning everyone and Happy T-Day to the USA members of MWO.

                    MWO is near the top of the long list of the things I am thankfull for today (and everyday).
                    Today is my 48th birthday and at the end of October I set out to give myself the best present I could possibly give to me! That was to be AF at least up until my birthday. I did it in part because of this thread.

                    I have 24 AF days under my belt and I plan to add the 25th one today. It may be difficult as I am cooking for 21 people and there is wine and beer in the house. Thank goodness my family is not real big on drinking, so that should help. The hard part will be "me" after the guests go home. I always enjoyed rewarding myself with several glasses of wine as a reward for working hard. But tonight I need to remind myself for the 25th night in a row that I choose not to drink because I am so much better off without it.

                    I hope everyone has a great AF Thursday.



                      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                      Hi everyone - Happy Thanksgiving to all in the US!

                      I am sorry to hear some of you are struggling - cowgal, go to your friends, ride your horses and try to have a good holiday.

                      I have had a good week - I have made it 5 days AF without any meds or supplements so I am pretty proud of myself. Especially since 3 of those days I was surrounded by people drinking and I was able to not take that first sip. My ultimate goal is to be able to moderate - but my short term goal is to make it one week AF and then go from there. That is only 2 more days for me. Since it is not Thanksgiving in Canada, I don't have a family dinner so it may make it easier. I'll keep you guys posted - hope you all have a great day.
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                        Happy Birthday Taking Control !!

                        Excellent job on 24 AF. You can do it - 25 AF on your birthday......nice !!

                        and Happy Thanksgiving to all. The wine flows freely on this day.

                        And today, I choose not to drink..........and I'm ready !!

                        Take care,

                        Miss O.
                        Miss October :blinkylove:


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                          Oh my god, Cowgirl! You are awesome...........keep it up. And let me tell you one thing. When someone keeps telling you how you'll never make it on their own, they're speaking to themselves! REmember that.

                          Happy Thanksgiving all


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday


                            He just came in and told me he loves me?!?!?!? I am soooooooooooooo confused, during my 2 hour walk, all I did was think about what I am losing, though there has been no "LOVE" in the relationship is this just normal for us 40 some year olds?!?!?!? My heart is sooooooooooo torn in so many ways, when I married him, I cried on the wedding night to myself, KNOWING it was a mistake, I was high on coke and beer and when I came down it was sooooooooo depressing, I feel so embarrassed baring myself here and fessing up to my past, but I had been really bad, and for the past 16 years, since I have had the kids, I wanted sooo badly to clean up my act and felt so guilty that I just got worse, does that make sense to anyone, or am I sicker than anyone else out there!??!??

                            I am soooooooooo confused, and the holidays SUCK as far as I am concerned now, I am going to make dinner positive, then probably go to bed, my usual way of dealing................definitely not sleep deprived!!

                            Love to everyone, sorry to be soooooooooo depressing now, tried to start out so positive, and will try to keep listening to these cool tunes(Beatles right now) and emailing and surfing, never thought I'd be such a computer GEEK!!??

                            Love and hugs, much needed:h :h :h
                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                              Oh hun - you are soooooooooo not more messed up than anyone else............the day before I walked down the aisle the thought that went through my head was "oh well, I can always get divorced" and I also cried on my wedding night.

                              He is just messing with your head - stay strong and positive - you can get through this.........

                              Big hug..............

                              Take care of yourself.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

