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Help! Withdrawels

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    Help! Withdrawels

    :new: Hi, I just joined, im nearly 48 hours clean and having realy bad withdrawls, i know if i dont pick up itll get better. I dont want to go through this again.......At least i cant get a drink now cause the shops are shut, (thank u god)....

    Ive battled with it all day esp after an argument with my ex, and just wanted to drink and then i thought no, cause then i gota start all over again, and im getting so ill so im realy glad i didnt give in....

    Im just very scared and lonely, and everything hurts physically
    Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey

    Help! Withdrawels

    How brave you are to take the first step

    :welcome: dreambeliever, not qualified on withdrawals but believe it can be dangerous if untreated. You say its 48 hours so the worst may be over. Drinking plenty of water to flush the system helps a lot. Do you have any cola or lemonade? Because the body also craves sugar. You are not alone I saw a post yesterday where someone else went through bad withdrawals check it out although not sure where it was maybe someone else may remember where it was. Do you think you need a Dr?
    Your 48 hours is an incredible victory and yes your body must be hurting but it does pass. You are so brave to have done this and it only gets better from here, so hang in there, but seek medical help if you feel you need it. This is a great site to be and you will find the support you need. Post any time and someone is bound to answer. Sorry I can?t be of more help to you but you are in my thoughts and prayers.


      Help! Withdrawels

      Here's a link to a post from RJ about alcohol withdrawls, Please read this to see if you should get medical attention.


        Help! Withdrawels

        Hello're doing just great. You're in the worst bit....and nearly through...remember this; it will help you not to go there again! Write it all down - every last detail...and put it somewhere so when you want a drink can read it way!

        Not knowing how much you were drinking - I don't know about whether you should call your doc...make sure you read the link right at the top of the MWO forum home page about withdrawal.... but I do know - been there! - that get yourself to day 5-6 and things'll seem a whole lot brighter. This wont last forever. Your sleep will be erratic - xome here and read and post, there's always someone around! Appetite probably poo little and often, just something going in every hour or so (don't worry what just now)...and the cola/lemonade/sweet tea is a good idea, Victory....I loathe sweet tea but it did the trick for a few days! And loads and loads of water, vitamin B and TLC...the shakiness and hyper-sensitivity DOES go away...but you stick at it...5 minutes at a time if needs be...keep busy and yet rest. Keep your mind occupied and know that you're doing really realy well....well done for coming here!! First major step accomplished....BIG PAT ON BACK!! (And Victory!)

        Love and hug
        FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Help! Withdrawels

          Hang in there. Your body is just getting rid of the toxins.
          The worst is over-just don't pick up another drink. I usually drank Gatorade or some other sports drink since it has the sugar & electrolytes your body needs when your dehydrated. Just keep drinking loads of water in order to flush things out. In no time you'll feel better. It usually took me 3 days to start to feel like myself again.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Help! Withdrawels

            Hi dreambeliever, please keep on trying, if your anything like me, you will feel tragic for the first 4 days, but after that things do improve (vastly) and you will wake with joy at the fact that you don't have a wretched hangover and safe in the knowledge that you never did anything to annoy, irritate or upset anyone the night before (very liberating). I am only on day 13 and quite honestly haven't really given sobriety a go before, but I promise you things to improve, and it just gets better and better. Keep on dreambeliever, keep walking forward.
            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


              Help! Withdrawels

              Just adding to Memarcie's post here. This is from RJ-- (And I want to add that, not to get you scared, but seizures from alcohol withdrawal are most commonly experienced 48 to 72 hours after stopping drinking. I have no idea how bad off you are-- but if you have been drinking heavily every day for a few years or more, you may be in danger.)

              This is from RJ:

              Please visit the following links and seek professional care if you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

              Specific Medical Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
              MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Alcohol withdrawal

              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Help! Withdrawels

                Dreambeliever, Go to the the pharmacy and buy sports drinks, such as gatorade, ask the pharmacist for a any nutritional drink for people experiencing dehydration and diarrhea. They contain the nutrients you need at this stage. If you can stomach soups, eat that. BUT very important since I don't know how bad you are and how long and how much you were drinking, seek medical advice. If you are shaking, feel nauseous and can't keep anything down you need medical attention.


                  Help! Withdrawels


                  I think if you have gotten this far, there is hope that you will be ok, BUT I have heard MANY times on the boards that withdrawals can kill you! So be mindful of that, know that you are not alone, that is a big thing, I feel all alone and unloved and stuff like that, but just jump on these boards and read and post................

                  You are loved!:welcome:

                  Take care, pm people, we will help you, believe me, if I am saying this it does work!

                  Thought I was BEYOND hopeless

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

