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Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

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    Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

    Hi Everyone: I'm here at the ODAT thread today. I guess the weekend is busy for everyone. I'm doing well though very, very busy. I must watch out for getting overwhelmed, because that can trigger drinking for me. Therefore, I thought I'd take time out to come here & check in. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

    Hi Mary and all to come

    Yes week-ends are busy and unfortunately I have to wait my turn at the computer, the girls were using it most of the day. I missed being able to have my coffee and check in as I usually do.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Catch you all later.



      Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

      Haven't had a drink since thursday pm, after I got home from thanksgiving dinner with a friend and her family (didn't drink there), poured a small glass of wine, took a sip and put it down. Didn't want it, didn't taste good. I think the supplements really do work.

      Was looking forward to the weekend to get pack on track with paperwork, cleaning, etc., Want to entertain this holiday season as I've been promising my friends for two years, but the place is such a mess with boxes from my mom's house and mail thrown anywhere I can find room.

      woke up, thought I'd feel so proud of myself, but was so down. Made breakfast, read on a thread this morning that if you don't eat, than you crave sugar and are more tempted to drink, so just got back from shopping and made lunch. Yikes, I haven't cooked two meals in one day in severals years (I love to cook), it was easier to come home and have a few drinks. Who wants to come home after work and cook for one., I'd rationalize.

      This is incredibly harder than I thought this would be. I actually shouldn't have said that, since I haven't been able to stop yet (or is it I haven't wanted to yet?). I want to do this so badly, am so inspired by all of you, but every time I look in the freezer I want to see a bottle of icy vodka.



        Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

        Hi Everyone - I am planning on starting this program on Monday 11/26!! This is very important to me, I need this to work!! All this blogging is very foreign to me as I have
        never done it before. I am not sure if I am in the right spot to ask questions. But here goes...I ordered the starter kit and none of the dosages in the pills match the dosages in the book??? I figured being a starter kit everything would be set. Am I supposed to try to cut supplements to equal the dosage in the book?? (Example: Magnesium, the book says to take 250 mg at lunch and dinner. The supplements I received are 200mg??) I want to try to follow the program, but am confused by all this...this is not the only one in question.


          Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

          Dear Suki & B: You'll have success w/MWO if you really want to be AF or mod. I'm not sure about mod, because I tried that for years & years & had no success. I have to be AF, otherwise I escalate to former levels of drinking even if I take only a sip to begin with. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

            Eat well feel good

            Hi suki411, yep good question, ?who wants to cook for one?. Guess wot? If we don?t honour ourselves by preparing nutritious food then we are not respecting ourselves. We are worth it. Also live alone now and when AF eat really well in honour of my body that bounces back so well despite the toxins I inflict upon it. We need to be kind to ourselves and tipping in the booze per litre or gallon is not being kind. We need to stop hurting ourselves. Nothing feels better than waking AF and I love, love, love it.


              Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

              We are worth it

              P.S. Eating well does not mean stuffing ones self. Just good clean nutritious food.


                Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                Just checking in. Feeling a bit grotty today ..... but not through alcohol! Ate FAR too much at lunch as I was on a pig butchery course and the guy running the course gave us a 3 course lunch including all sorts of bits of pig that I don't normally eat (I do breed my own but tend to leave the offal bits for the dogs....!) It was yummy but my stomach is still complaining. Worse still, after a 12 hour day I now have to go to a party. :upset: Won't be there long and certainly won't be drinking as day 2 of the course tomorrow and need to be up at 6am latest.

                Hope you all have a good evening/Sunday. Victory - lots of sense about nuturing yourself. I agree. Don't always do it, but I do agree!

                Bessie xxx (who is regretting eating the pudding with custard after the pork pie, liver, heart, kidney, skirt, home made sausage etc etc :eeew: )


                  Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                  Bekawz, Do you have a small pamphlet titled " Updated Recommendations for the My Way Out Nutritional Program"? I believe it came with the Starter Pack, but I'm not sure.
                  Anyway, the updated supplement schedule has 1 capsule (200mg) taken at lunch time only.

                  If you don't have the pamphlet, you can pm me with your other questions and I'll look it up for you or I could email you a copy of the schedule.

                  Welcome to Mwo. This is a great place to help you beat the drink..



                    Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

           are so right about treating ourselves well, respecting ourselves. I read the thread about holistic healing and quinoa. Gong to go to the farm stand today (I used to go every week before my mom died and would cook for her). It's time to get back in the in the kitchen and have some fun. And clean of the dining room table, so I could actually sit down to eat (instead of standing up by the sink).

                    Bessie.....I'm still smiling after reading your post. LOVE PORK, especially what my cuban friends cook, what they call "fresh ham", marinated with so many wonderful flavors. But I can't even imagine standing up after your feast. Would love to hear what he fed you during today's class!

                    Retteacher...think that af is the road I must take. Right now I know that if I have one, it won't stop.

                    Thank you all.:h :h :h


                      Newbies in Need ODAT - Sat.

                      Suki - I am not sure I can even type it without feeling bilious!!! I love pork too but kind of had my fill of it this weekend! First course on Saturday was about the amount I normally eat for lunch - home made pork pie, something called chine (think it was part of the head, boned, stuffed with parsley and rolled and cooked) with salad and home made bread rolls. Then the main course was all the 'stuff' I put in my earlier post - called a pig fry. Trouble is, it was swamped with thick brown gravy - never does a meal any favours!

                      Yesterday was a bit better - starters again were the size of a main course though! Brawn (pork cheese) - which is basically the head boiled up with a trotter or two and some seasoning, then the meat taken off and all put in a dish and it sets like a jelly and you slice it and eat it cold or you can fry it up. Didn't really do it for me. Also haslet - a kind of corned beef made of pork. Very nice. Home made sausage rolls too - plus more home made bread and cheese! Mains was basically spare ribs and other bony bits with jacket potato and veg. They were nice but I do like them better with a sticky glaze. (then cake - oh my poor belly...!!) It was a great course though run a really enthusiastic guy who works hard to be self sufficient. We peed ourselves laughing making sausages, watched him start off a ham and some bacon, made haslet and the pork pie. Learnt a lot - just hope I can remember it when my next pigs come back from the abbatoir....!!

                      Bessie xxx (Really not feeling at ALL hungry today!)

