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    I am new to this, both the MWO and the blogging. I have never done this before. I have been drinking since I was 14. I only drink beer, now. My Dad and my Grandmother(his mother) were both alcoholics. I am 51 now and need to change. I need this program to work for me!! I have ordered the book, CDs and the supplements, gotten the Topomax from my doctor, and am ready to start Monday Nov. 26th. I am having a very hard time with this....I am very scared....scared it won't work, scared that I won't know myself anymore and I don't know what else - just scared. I feel foolish and have my husband all upset. I am a functioning alcoholic. I go to work everyday as an Administrative Assistant for a group of Anesthesologists, I thankfully have no kids...I cannot imagine putting them through this. I don't even know why I am writing all this, I guess I just need some encouragement. I am confused by the conflict between the book and the starter pack of supplements I received. I assumed everything would be dosed the same way, but the book says for example for magnisium to take 250 mg twice a day, but the dosage of the
    supplement I received was for 200mg. Am I supposed to try to cut the pills?? Like I said I want to do this according to the book and I need it to work. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.


    Hi Bekawz, I don't know much about the supps and the books and stuff, but there are loads of successes on here who do. I am sure it won't be very long before someone comes and tells you exactly whats what with them. You have done the hard bit, and that is acknowledging that you are unhappy with the way you drink, after that it gets easier. Take care, keep coming here, loads, heaps, megga amounts of support. The people on here are genuine, open and honest, you will get loads of really good advice (from those that truly know and understand). T
    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



      becawz - just want to say a big Hello.... welcome to're bound to feel scared; we're all scared of the new even if we sort of want's unknown and that's scary. But we've been there and still do it day to day...only now we know that new can mean so, so much better and it's worth all the butterflies in the tummy. They get to be got used to and a sort of friend...sign of growth...

      Someone will be along to help on the supps and meds....they're not so easy to get in the UK so I didn't use the same packs (or many of them of actually...)

      Drop in to The Inn or ODAT or 30 days....everyone at all of them will help you along and tell their are so not alone. (Sunday at The Inn is a goody...)

      It's going to be OK becawz...good on you for posting....first and biggest step over!

      Love FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



        Thanks so much to the UK for their responses. I did not think anyone would even read what I wrote. That right there is more than I expected and very much appreciated. Thank you!




          Hi bewakz, :welcome:
          I?m scared too. Keep posting and reading as we are all in the same boat. We can do it, we can make it. Kind regards



            bekawz;228280 wrote: I am new to this, both the MWO and the blogging. I have never done this before. I have been drinking since I was 14. I only drink beer, now. My Dad and my Grandmother(his mother) were both alcoholics. I am 51 now and need to change. I need this program to work for me!! I have ordered the book, CDs and the supplements, gotten the Topomax from my doctor, and am ready to start Monday Nov. 26th. I am having a very hard time with this....I am very scared....scared it won't work, scared that I won't know myself anymore and I don't know what else - just scared. I feel foolish and have my husband all upset. I am a functioning alcoholic. I go to work everyday as an Administrative Assistant for a group of Anesthesologists, I thankfully have no kids...I cannot imagine putting them through this. I don't even know why I am writing all this, I guess I just need some encouragement. I am confused by the conflict between the book and the starter pack of supplements I received. I assumed everything would be dosed the same way, but the book says for example for magnisium to take 250 mg twice a day, but the dosage of the
            supplement I received was for 200mg. Am I supposed to try to cut the pills?? Like I said I want to do this according to the book and I need it to work. Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.
            Hi bekawz, you sound so much like me. I am early 50's, been drinking since high school (weekend warrior), functional alcoholic, same job for over 30 years, no kids. I just started on this web site at the end of september and decided to try and go AF in October, made it 4 days. Decided to try it again and have been AF for 3 weeks (3 day lapse) but I did everything you are doing, book, cd, supps, and topamax. I did the recommended dosage on the supp container but I did cut back from what it recommended. I hate taking pills. If you want you can private message me and I will let you know what quantities I am taking. Take care and good luck. It can be done.



              dear bek,
              Welcome to mwo. I have been here since Sept. I'm 51 too. I drink wine and am still trying to go AF - I always seems to fail - BUT i am not giving up - I keep on trying!! Don't worry about the dosages that MWO sent you just because they don't match the book. These are very harmless sups. I will be looking for you on the threads, and if you want to chat - I usually look for chatters at around 7:00 central standard time. I probably won't check chatting until next week because my daughters are home - but please come and chat!
              Just give it one day at a time - I think that is a good way to think about quitting.



                Bekawz, the 200 vs. 250 magneseum won't hurt you either way - I wouldn't spend time cutting pills. You can always go back and buy more Magnesuem in smaller doses, or just go with the 200 - you will be fine.

                None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).



                  Hi, can anyone tell me what the magneseum does - is needed for please? I think I have most everything else, but not that.
                  :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



                    been there

                    Bekawz, I have just been to that place where you feel helpless, you will be ok.................:welcome:

                    Just stay close and we will be here to support you

                    Lots of love,

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                      Hi Bekawz-

                      You sound very motivated. I know what you mean about frightening your spouse. I'm very glad you found this site. There are some things that people who are not in your spot just won't understand. They can certainly be supportive, but you can come here for a different type of understanding. With time, he'll see that the problem was significant to you adn that you are doing what it takes to overcome it. Good for you.

                      Keep posting and drop into any thread that interests you. Its a very welcoming community.

                      take care!





                        "Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis."

                        ok, that said... Magnesium supplementation is also very important for recovering alcoholics. It relieves withdrawal symptoms and helps with emotional stability. Alcoholics excrete almost all magnesium consumed, so they must supplement in large portions (since most of it is goes out with the pee-pee). It should always be taken together with calcium, in a 1:2 proportion (mag:cal)-- why? I don't know, but I know it's true.

                        It helps your muscles to relax, so it's a good to take a little extra at night. But recovering alcoholics should take it 3 times a day, as they are losing it so quickly. After several months sober, I think you can reduce this to a normal amount.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                          Magnesium is needed for the nervous system and cell health. We loose a lot of it when we drink to excess. It helps with the prevention of tremors, shakes. I read of one of the threads that a lot of people were craving bananas and avocados...........both are rich in magnesium.
                          That might be why...........hope that helps.............and welcome. I have only been here for 2 weeks and have learned a lot. Don't be scared



                            Thanks, informed ones, the fact that you are so willing to share your knowledge is very much appreciated.
                            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



                              Bekawz, I responded on the ODAT thread. I think you are missing the update to the MWO supplement schedule. I think mine was in the Starter pack but I'm not sure. Anyway, the update says to take 1 Magnesium capsule (200mg) at lunchtime.

                              If you don't have the update pamphlet, pm me with your questions and I'll look it up, or I'll email a copy of the pamphlet to you.

                              In any case, don't be scared. I'm also 51 and was drinking heavy for 30 years before finding MWO. I did the program "by the book", using the Starter pack, l-glut, and the cd's. I didn't use any meds. I was on here all the time at first, posting and reading and chatting, getting all the support and advice I could.

                              It's not easy, there's no magic pills. You have to make a committment and stick to it, but there are a lot of wonderful people here who have gone through it and will help you.

                              So, welcome, and we're ready when you want to get started.


