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    Dear Bekawz
    My dear friend Chief who just posted above is the master of good advice. He and I have been around here for a while and have been very successful with the MWO program and website. I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over specific dosages right now. As long as you are taking the Kudzu and the L-glutamine and drinking lots of water, starting the hypno CD's and reading and posting here LOTS. You'll be OK. The rest will fall into place with time. I would be taking 1200 mg per day of Kudzu and as much L-glut as you can - and drinking lots of water. Keep talking to us and we will guide you through the rest. One thing at a time. Read the book for RJ's wisdom and message, figure out the dosages in a few days.

    I know you are afraid. That is natural. You should be because this is a frightening struggle we face. But it can be done with determination, love and friendshiip, and wisdom, all of which you can find here. Many of us have done it or are doing it and we all want others to do it. We share. Feel free to share with us.

    I am similar in age to you and your story sounds much like mine. But I have been Alcohol Free for a few years which is something that still seems impossible to me. Hang with us for a whle. We would love to have you join us.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.




      I just want to say WELCOME. Never give up. Have a goal & a plan. Baby steps. We are always here 24/7. I wish you the best.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



        Hey girl. It is and was very scary for me when i did my three weeks af. i originally wanted a month, but decided at the end of my three weeks that the alcohol is out of your body in three weeks, so what the hell is the difference ! lol i wish i di d amonth, bc i let my bf down and now he thinks i cant do anything when i say im going to. but anyway, we all got scared but just do everthing your supposed to on here, and keep posting. i took antabuse to help me. this makes you ill if you drink, so u dont have the choice really. look into it. oh btw, how often do you drink and how much at a time?




          Welcome aboard. Read and reread the posts here it will put your mind at ease. You are among friends and will fit right inn.

          Come on in the water is fine.




            FinallyRN: thanks for the advice on the calcium with the magnesium - there is so much to understand I must have missed that. Off to pick up calcium....Happy Sunday all.

            None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone (Ralph Waldo Emerson).



              Sounds like I'm in good company. (a little levity) My first post, first real visit. The vodka shots weren't doing anything for teh pounding in my chest, hot flashes, cold flashes. I feel like George Baily at the bar with that crazed look in his eyes. The shaking I'm feeling isn't even from dt's, just plain, abject fear. Can't get going with this until I pay down my Visa. Terrified to confess to my psychiatrist, (whom I've been deceiving), doing everything I can to keep my coworkers from seing my hands shake some mornings. WOndering if they smell residuals. Then there's the woman I love, and I've been pushing her away, becoming more like my father that the kind man I've always tried to be.
              About totally lost. Or, loser, I should say.
              Someone tell me I can do this.



                Hell, I don't even know how to do teh computer thing.



                  Mickey ... you can do this.



                    Welcome Mikey

                    HI Mikey,:welcome:
                    Of course you can do this. You are not a loser, the alcohol demon has you by the short and curlys for now, but you can beat it..... albeit.... One Day at a Time. The first post was the hardest for me as the cupboard drinking was my guilty little secret so I can relate to deceiving your psych. This is a wonderful site keep posting and you will get the help and support you need. You are not alone. Make today your first AF day and get ready to start liking yourself.



                      Bekawz and Mikey,
                      We all feel badly while we are drinking......alcohol is, a depressant, hangovers are the worst! Even if we don't feel sick after drinking, we are depressed, lacking in motivation and tired.The good news is that we can recover! We can feel good, even great again! Many of us do.........join us!

                      I recently read something very impactful "If you start your day without a Plan, you leave your day to chance......if you begin your day with a plan, telling the universe what you desire for that will probably get what you want".

                      Good Luck....and Keep at it!
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007



                        kate, i like that! thanks!



                          Becawz and Mikey: I am with you!! Mikey, I have also been lying to my pschiatrist. No one on earth knows my secret and it is lonely .. thank God I found this site. I have also been ruining my life with alcohol. And the fear .. for so long I thought I could never lick this, now I've found this program, got new hope, ordered the book and some supps which arrived over the weekend (am going to try without Topamax as I'm already on two meds). So now it's the fear of starting the program!!!! My God ... am I pathetic .. I hate what my life has become but the twisted routine is comfortable in its own way.. ugghhh!!!!
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



                            Becawz and Mikey - welcome to the best move you ever made!

                            Becawz- Ditto the advice on the supps. I have cut out the little table that came with the supps in the booklet and gone with that. It's certainly helping. Keep reading, keep posting, keep working towards your goal. Whatever you do, if you DO slip, don't hide away. Coming back here and spouting off will get you more motivation, support and advice than you can possibly imagine. Hiding away will just make you feel bad about yourself. Having been a very nearly daily evening drinker (but, like you, functioning) for 20 years I have now had many more days AF (alcohol free) in the last month than in the past few years put together!! And it really has been easier than I expected because of the support on the forum and the meds.

                            YOU CAN DO IT! .

                            Bessie xx




                              :welcome: Ive only been on her for a week, but in that time Ive had, 5 AF days out of 7, For me that is truly a miracle. So it does work, and everyone is so kind and supportive. Stay with it, u can do it. Here for you x
                              Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey



                                Hi Everyone - Thanks so much for all the replies and info on the supps. Unfortunately things have not been going any where near as well as I had hoped on the program!! I have done this according to the book but I am still drinking as I write this. I had hoped the craving to drink would be gone the first day-as it was with Roberta-it is not!! Does anyone know what dose of Topamax she started at?? This is day 3 and I have cut back slightly but that is all....maybe I am too far gone!!

