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    Hello Everyone

    I've visited this forum a few times over the past few months, but this is my first time posting. In reading previous threads, I am amazed by how much I have in common with all of you. I, too, am a secret nightly wine drinker who manages to function as a professional woman during the day...but it is getting harder. After a tough liquid Thanksgiving, I'm on my second AF day. Next week I've decided to start a 30-day outpatient rehab program to really help me get a grip on this problem...I think I've reached the point where professional help/counseling is necessary, and I also think abstinence, not moderation, needs to be my goal. I'll be back, because reading about likeminded souls in a similar spot gives me great comfort.

    So thanks again!

    Hello Everyone


    Welcome SJ,

    This truly is a wonderful place and members are extremely supportive of one and other. I've been struggling with drinking for about 25 years now and the only time I have managed to go 12 days AF is this past August with the help of the amazing people on this site. You will find insight, answers, wisdom from the veterans like Starlight Empress who I admire so much, The Chief who I have the utmost respect for, Satori , Retteacher etc.. there are so many great people here it's unbelievable.

    No one can do it for us.. but here you will find encouragement and hope.


    Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


      Hello Everyone

      SJ - you are on the right path. I admire you, seeking professional help as well as posting here.

      I thought that I was a secret drinker, until my boss sat me down on Friday.

      You will find such wisdom and support here. You will learn from all of our experiences, our successes and failures.

      But you will also learn that we will always be here for you.

      Keep reading, keep posting. The friends here are amazing. You will feel so much support, strength, and understanding. We are here for each other. You have already inspired me to strive to be AF instead of being a moderate drinker.

      Thanks and welcome!


        Hello Everyone

        Thanks. I'm looking forward to continued posting.



          Hello Everyone

          welcome sj keep at it good luck
          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


            Hello Everyone

            Welcome Jen,

            Great to have you here. Yep, I am in the same boat, 30 something professional, managed (almost) to keep it together for 10 years or so. Time has come to change and this is a great support to help do it. Congratulations on your AF days and also on making the decision to go into an outpatient programme. xx

            Sober since 30/06/10

