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trying to get myself straightened ou

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    trying to get myself straightened ou

    i want to get clean again i need support

    trying to get myself straightened ou


    Hi Jacy......

    What's happening with you at the moment? We're all here to support you and help you 'get clean' again. Would writing it out help?? :l

    Suze xx
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      trying to get myself straightened ou

      i was doing wel for awhile and then i had a lot of stress and started back in again. i am trying to start fresh have not suceeded.:egad: :eeks:


        trying to get myself straightened ou

        The only thing you can do is try. Stress is horrible and drinking while being stressed out just makes you feel worse. Keep coming here and posting. Gain up some strength and determination to get going again. You can do this!!


          trying to get myself straightened ou

          Thanks Afme.

          it is hard but i want to be AF


            trying to get myself straightened ou

            And Jacy - so you can be.... tell us more? In the meantime, little tiny steps and they build up into AF times and then they build up into bigger AF times....but it's the little steps of water not wine...

            You can do this....we're all with're so not alone...

            FMS xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              trying to get myself straightened ou

              I know it is hard. Very hard. I think the hardest part is committing to it and getting through the first few days/weeks, etc...

              We are here for you! You can do this. Keeping reaching out to us.


                trying to get myself straightened ou

                Hi Jacy, this is my first time here. I have just read RJ's book which I swear the names were just changed from my own story. I am usually such a strong go ahead person (or so I let everyone believe) and have carried this guilt and shame around with me for so long. I have drunk enormous amounts of alcohol for as long as I can remember since I was 15 (now 44) and only stopped during my 2 pregnancies, my little treasures are 3 and 5, so it is time for me to get back my life and to tell the truth I dont even know what that is anymore. I am waiting for my program to arrive so I can get started. I live in australia but I am so pleased to have found this site where you can talk freely and have so many who are in the same boat and so many who have been successful too. I havent had a drink for a week but my head hurts as bad as if I had been on a typical bender, I know this will get better and I cant wait to start the program full on. I just wanted to say I hear you and I'll do it with you. Keep your chin up


                  trying to get myself straightened ou

                  Welcome girls

                  Hi Jacy and Ozmum
                  Ozmum congratulations on being one week AF, this site will help you to meet your resolve.
                  Are you drinking plenty of water as headaches can be a symptom of dehydration. Are you sure Aus customs will let the meds through? Am also from Aus and didn?t want to risk it. Can relate to the guilt and the shame it really ate me up for years, after confessing to being a drunk I feel lighter. Some days are harder than others but nothing feels better than AF. Stick around and read the stories some will make you cry and some are fantastically inspirational.
                  We are all in this together and not alone anymore.


                    trying to get myself straightened ou

                    Thanks for the support, I ordered everything except the meds and tried to access thru my local doctor but no luck, he has prescribed campral which is better than nothing, so I will apply it to the rest of the program and see how we go, but I must say I can see glimpses of how my relationships (with family) could be after only one week, its very encouraging.:thanks:


                      trying to get myself straightened ou

                      :welcome: Jacy

                      You will find loads of love and support on this site. We have all been in the same place that you are at now and know just how very very hard it is

                      Ask for help anytime and try to set yourself little goals that you know you can achieve to help break the cycle

                      As Ozmum says the differnce from attitudes after only just one week has been very encouraging so keep posting for support

                      :h Sweetpea xxx
                      :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h

