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I blew it --Now what?

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    I blew it --Now what?

    Well, after 22 days AF, I blew it bigtime. I got stinking drunk in front of the in-laws, again. My in-laws like their beer, believe me, but none of them are like me.
    I should have had a plan, but I didn't. I ended up having about 9 drinks on an empty stomach. I don't know what the hell I was celebrating. I ended up passing out by 7pm I think. Had to face everyone again the next day. How humiliating. My husband knows I am trying but I HATE talking to him about this because he doesn't understand this problem, you know? He could take it or leave it. He even called me a 'selfish a__hole' becuase I didn't apologize to anyone, including our kids. I don't know, maybe I am. I have all the MWO tools in place but I can't seem to get it together. I have to. This CANNOT happen again. I know I am causing alot of pain.

    I blew it --Now what?

    you can start is a new are in my prayers and thoughts today...buckle


      I blew it --Now what?

      Hi Gettingthere,
      I know just how you feel, Iv'e often done similar things, plan or no plan.
      That's the problem with drinking, if I start I don't know when to stop. You
      just have to forgive yourself. I too have caused a lot of pain, but mainly to
      myself, as I feel that's who you are hurting the most. I know the feeling of
      having to face people the next day. Today is a new day, and one drunken
      night does not cancel out 22 af days. No it can't happen again, if you want
      to feel good, so try not to let it. Don't be so hard on yourself.
      Love Paula.xx


        I blew it --Now what?

        Now what - you pick yourself up and you do it again. One thing I have learned about this site is I don't believe anyone succeeded on the first try - or second, or however many. I planned to be AF for November and made it only 9 days and have been drinking off and on since. Not happy with myself, but reading your post just made me realize also that is part of what we deal with. We make mistakes, we learn, and we move on. It is humiliating, frustrating, painful, and a billion other negative things, but the positive here is you are posting, you want to change, and you are taking a step in the right direction.

        And it is difficult when your husband doesn't understand - but WE DO.. we are either there with you, or have been there. Just whatever you do, don't give up!!

        "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, happy, and prosperous. I am healthy and wise and open to an even greater good. I approve of myself."

        Fall seven times, stand up eight. -Japanese proverb


          I blew it --Now what?

          Hi Gettingthere,

          Don't beat yourself up, you are certainly in a better place now than when you first joined, you have 22 AF days under your belt .......

          be positive and look to the future, tell yourself that it won't happen again, and mean it ........

          Love & Hugs, BB xx


            I blew it --Now what?

            Gettingthere :l ....22 days is magnificent! It shows you CAN do it....just pick yourself up, don't wallow in the slip, and get AF again right now. Most of us have found it takes several/many attempts.....and we have to keep vigilant.....but even a single day AF is a victory!

            Come here lots and get support.....we're all here for you :h C'mon now.....get back on this wagon!

            Suze x
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              I blew it --Now what?

              Getting there - 22 days, god I wish I could get there! Don't beat yourself up, it has happened to all of us here. You have a lot to be proud of and one slip doesn't make you a bad person. The fact of the matter is you're here, you are doing your best and you're doing GREAT! Jump back on the wagon and if you must drink, try to moderate, use the supps if you have them and remember that today is another day.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                I blew it --Now what?

                hey girl. i had the exact same problem. thanksgiving came along, and i was headed up to a quiet boring house for eight hours in the poconos with relatives who were going to all be drinking alot of wine, and i gave in. i to was on day 22 about.. my bf was so disappointed in me, and he made me feel horrible. alot worse than i felt for doing it ,because i figure i was proud i did the time i did af, and planned on moderating afterwards. but yeah he made me feel like i "cant do anything". and it sux, now i wish i did it. i didnt thin i twas a big deal, because the alcohol comes out of an alcoholics body after three weeks. so i used that to myself as an excuse, and said, ok whats the difference. if its out after three weeks, whats the point of waiting another week? hehe. sigh. i know...


                  I blew it --Now what?

                  How can you say you blew it after 22 days? I would be so proud of myself. Surely this proves to you that you have the "right stuff". You can do it! Today's another day.


                    I blew it --Now what?

                    Be brave you can do it

                    Hi gettingthere, how embarrassing but that is what booze does to us and I hate it big time. Been there done that. Like the others said focus on the 22 days which is an incredible achievement. Please don?t beat yourself up, just start again, you can do it and you have 22 days of proof that you can do it. Be strong you can do it.
                    :h :h :h


                      I blew it --Now what?

                      getting there: I second what everyone has said. Pick yourself up & start again. I can't tell you how many times I fell down when I first came here. Also, because of the 22 AF days you had accumulated, you are not really starting at ground zero again. Those 22 days count for something. I cannot drink sensibly. Therefore, the "only one" myth doesn't apply to me. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        I blew it --Now what?

                        Gettingthere, you are!! Do you fill in the drink chart, if you don't - then you should, because you would see all those little zeros cheering you on. Im personally (sad like that) love to look at my little "o"s, then in a day or so, the one that isn't a little "o" will stand as a tiny dot, a little blip, just a little reminder of why you like little "o"s. It helps me, thought it might help. Hope so. Don't bash yourself, I think you've told yourself off enough.
                        :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


                          I blew it --Now what?

                          Your story sounds familiar. Haven't we all done this? 22 days AF is great so don't be so hard on yourself. take it one day at a time - today's a new day.


                            I blew it --Now what?

                            Gettingthere...just as your name're getting there... now, get right back here with us! You did a dumb thing and had a lapse in judgement..don't allow it to become a relapse to your old ways. Stop and learn from this and the next time you're tempted, remember this.

                            Don't let The Beast tell you this slip means you can't quit drinking. You can.



                              I blew it --Now what?

                              Like Skid Row, I like DrinkTracker. I like to see all the zeros lined up. It's encouraging.
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

