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Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Good morning everyone

    As Charlee said yesterday, its great to see the thread growing. Some of us have been here a while but are still taking it ODAT.

    Quite a few of you were starting yesterday, Riker, Bessie, Miss O, Buckledown, FinallyRN, so I hope you got through it o.k. The first few days are the worst so hang in there.

    To those who have the first few days over, time2change, Beth, well done, it does get easier.

    Cowgal, Universal, yesterday was hard so I hope you are both feeling better this morning, big hugs.

    Mary, Paula, Sweetpea, Flutterby, Suki, Teardrop, Evergreen and anyone else I have missed big hello. Have a great AF Tuesday.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Good morning Rustop, and hello everyone. I hope you all are doing well. Happy Tuesday, ODAT. I am on day 2 again and moderated well Sunday, so getting back on track. I mean I really do love a clear head! Life is alot less stressful for me now, and I am actually looking forward to the holidays and taking care of things beforehand helps alot. Big hugs to everyone!
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

      Morning all,
      My first day back to work after the T'giving holiday. Feeling refreshed but cautious. Don't want to get that "gee I feel great ... why not have a glass of wine or six to celebrate?" feeling. My goal for today is to stay AF and to ramp up my supplements slightly to more closely match the recommended levels. I was getting a little queasy at first but am over it now.
      Hugs to all... go out and make it a great day. Even if you are feeling down... try to find some silver in your linings. One thing is for sure. The gift of feeling down is that when you feel good you can really tell the difference!


      Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
      - Soren Kierkegaard


        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi Everyone: I feel that anyone can qualify for this ODAT thread, because that's the only way to take staying day at a time. To say I feel grateful for my sobriety would be an understatement. From the inside, I have changed tremendously:
        -more confident
        -more assertive
        -more focussed
        -more relaxed (yes, more relaxed - no more hyper-vigilance about what I'm doing & saying)
        The list could go on & on. Yes, I think about drinking from time to time, but I banish the thoughts ASAP. I know it would come to no good whatsoever. Keep on keeping on everyone! Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

          Thank you all for your support. I am on day 6 which feels like a miracle to me. I never would have thought that I could have done this a month ago. You have no idea how much I appreciate all of you support. Today is day 6 and normally this would be a drinking evening since my husband and son will be out a practice. Being alone is a real trigger for me. I need to realize that even when my husband is around I am alone and if I want to make my life different I need to be AF. I do really feel like crap today beacuse no matter what I take at night I have not been able to sleep. In the past I would have drank myself to sleep, but I know that can no longer be an option. Good Luck to all of you reaching your goals for today and again thank you so much for letting me be part of this amazing group.


            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

            Hi Rustop, Mary, Suzanna, Flutterby, time2change and all-

            Today is another day 1 for me. Another fresh start. I feel like total crap. I hate AL. I hate what I become when I drink. I hate these first few days. I feel shaky and scared. I'm posting everwhere - I need as much help as I can get. This problem is awful. I just want to feel better....feel like myself again.

            Seeing everyone's AF days is really inspiring - so glad you're all here! Lets me know I can do it too.

            Wonder xxox


              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

              Good morning all I am new on this thread but I do recognize a couple of the names from when I was 39 days AF back in August. Today is my day 2 AF and I am already feeling the benefits - clear head being the biggest one.

              Rustop and Reteacher, glad to see you are still here and fighting the beast.

              Suz, day 2 for both of us - we can do this!!

              Flutterby, you have a great attitude, never stop looking for the at silver lining!

              Time2change, I totally understand the being alone thing as that is one of my problems as well. For me, the only thing that gets me thru that is to have a plan of something to do, either working late, hobbies, shopping, or just coming here and chatting. Weekends are always my hardest as my kids are older, both driving both working, the boyfriend usually has outside obligations and that leaves me alone. This weekend I am already making plans to have it filled up from morning to bedtime.

              Anyway, I am glad to be back and glad you are all here, taking it one day at a time!


                Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                Morning all
                Today is a new day, and I plan to focus on today and just today.....I am not thinking Christmas, New Years, or even tomorrow......just today...and the todays are really adding up, one by one!!
                With every new day I am feeling stronger and stronger. It is noticeable in my appearance, my homelife and my worklife.
                I do have thoughts in my head about alcohol. They are just thoughts, and when they pop into my head I ask myself ...and this would accomplish what? The answer for me is anyway
                To those who are struggling, or who may just be starting....It can long term goals...just choose not to drink today.
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                  Yes, hubby being out of the house was/is a huge trigger for me. Alone time equalled drinking. Recently, my husband went out w/friends, & I was alone for several hours. I had house chores to do & did them sober. It was the first time I did mindless chores (also a trigger) wo/the bottle to get me through. The result: I finished sooner, was able to come to MWO for a nice session, watched some TV, & felt fine the next day. Each time we do it differently is like money in the bank. Our brains are getting rewired away from the old drinking thinking. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hello all my Newbie ODAT friends!!

                    I am freshly back out of rehab and very happy I went in. I was right in my thoughts that I needed some time away from the madness of work, travel and family to reflect and learn.

                    I am now 15 days sober and doing it ODAT. We did concentrate on that concept in rehab. The thought of the future abstinent is way too daunting and overwhelming. However, I can say I will NOT drink today.

                    I will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

                    I am also very happy to see so many have been doing well. It makes my heart feel so full for all of you.

                    Those of you who are struggling, remember, it is a struggle but a struggle worth taking on. Hugs to you and wishes for you that at least today you can stay drunk free. Since there is no guarantee that we will see tomorrow, let's just worry about today.

                    I love each and every one of you and am so glad to be back with my friends.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                      Welcome back!!!...You sound so positive, and I am so glad to see you on this thread. I too, cannot think about long term, not even tomorrow...way to overwhelming for me...ODAT is the way to go.....So happy you are back, you were missed.
                      sobriety date 11-04-07


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                        Good Morning All! Day 2 for me. Feeling tired and depressed. Plan on increasing my supps and being extra gentle with myself. Just going to take it easy. I agree, don't think about tomorrow - just get through today.


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                          Good morning all!
                          Day 2. I'm ready for today.
                          You won't be hearing from me until tonight.......early start, long day. But you're in my thoughts.
                          Cindi, good for you. I have the utmost respect for you going into rehab. Welcome back


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                            Good Morning,

                            Yesterday I was so sure I would be AF. By 3:00 pm my stomach was not feeling well, and oh how that white wine settles my stomach. Problem is, more than one or two upsets my digestive system, and here I am once again having digestion problems. I need to be AF tonight, ODAT............I'll feel so much better tomorrow. Wish me luck.

                            Everyone, keep up the good work. I love to here the AF stories.

                            Miss O.
                            Miss October :blinkylove:


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday


                              not too well today, but have nowhere to go, had wonderful phonecall from a dear friend, who helped, but still hurting.............

                              love you all,:thanks:

                              sad, hurting,:upset:

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

