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Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

    Just checking in

    Hi Everyone

    Just checking in today to say that I made through day 1 without any issues. It was remarkedly easy.. but I know that will change.. a lot.. once the weekend gets here..

    For now, I'm in the middle of day 2 and staying strong.

    Strengh and Hope to everyone,

    Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi folks. I'm back. After a run of 20-some AF days in October, I ... well ... made some bad decisions. And kept making them. For about three weeks. I don't even know why. It's dumb. I know it's a hole -- why fall in it anyway?

      Enough. I didn't drink yesterday, and I'm not going to drink today. (I see I have lots of company on day 2; hi guys!). Besides, I have too much to do....

      Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
      A: Practice, of course.


        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

        getting motivated

        As the day goes on I am getting motivated to not drink, to get all the papers together for the lawyer, even if I lose "everything", I will be gaining my sanity, it has been 10 long years of this, cannot even think about another 20 more, who knows he may have filed already, tha lawyer warned me of that and the possible increasing violence, even though he usually isn't the lawyer told me something that scared the crap out of me, this guy had NEVER been violent, but the day his wife finalized and signed the papers, he beet the SH*T out of her to DEATH, in front of the!!??

        Feeling a little better slowly but surely, will go try to eat some soup................

        love you all!! Thanks for the support :thanks:

        MA:h :l
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

          Hello - checking in after a long day out on the horse. Up at 6am and only just now sat down with a cup of tea after sorting horse, dogs and cats out. No way is drinking even a minor temptation tonight. I will do some basic work, have a hot bath and be away with the sleep fairies by about 9pm. After a four hours in the saddle I don't take much rocking!

          I am technically on day 2 as well but I don't find it helpful to think of it like that. I look at the drink tracker and see how many AF days I have out of the total and that number is getting bigger and bigger!! The more consecutive they are the better! Tomorrow evening danger time already planned safely. Not sure about Thurs and Friday but I will find something safe to do. It is getting easier. I will keep at it.

          Cowgal - glad to see you here so often. Would really worry if you weren't. Bigs hugs for cheering.
          Cindi - welcome back! And a big hello/love/hug to everyone else.

          Bessie xx (thinking that after 4 hours under a riding hat the hair doesn't look so great!)


            Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

            Well didn't finish day four on an AF note. Don't know why. Just got the urge to drink, and gave right into it. I will not, however, give up. I am nervous about tonight because my husband is working late, and my son has tennis, and I too, find time alone at night a major trigger. I am going to take out my son for dinner before tennis, and that will help (being full) but I will have to fight the urge to drink before that dinner, or else I am done for.

            The last 4 days felt so good. I want that back.

            Love to all,

            formerly known as bak310


              Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

              Today is day one for me


              I'm very much a newbie -- just ordered my program supplies about an hour ago.

              Today started out poorly, since I was a little hung over, and I decided that any tools that are available and have a good reputation are tools I want to have. I was sober for about 8 years up until 5 years ago, then I decided to "live a little" and not deny myself. I achieved that earlier success largely on my own, got a little help from counseling and AA.

              Having a much harder time with my current challenge, not as successful in going it alone. Several false starts in the lat 10 months or so. I'm hoping that this community will be something that contributes to my success. Abstinence is what works for me, and I made some commitments today that will help me maintain it. I'm still feeling a little glum, but having made my decisions offers some hope that I didn't have this morning.

              Thx for listening...


                Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                Hey RONERZ -

                And :welcome: . We have alot in common. There are a bunch of people on this site who have had long periods of abstinence in the past and want to get back to the AF lifestyle. And I'm sure one of them. I'm still figuring it out, but I do know for sure that drinking doesn't work for me.

                I hope you find some of the answers here that you need. It's such a great group of supportive people. Look forward to getting to know you better, and wish you all the best with your MWO journey!



                  Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                  Welcome Ronerz. This is definitely a good tool. Lots of people achieving abstinence here so you will in good company.

                  Bessie xx


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hi everyone,
                    it's 23.30, and I have been working a double shift as so many staff are off sick.
                    Hospitals this time of year are sickly places, but when I'm working I don't think
                    of drinking, don't have time!.
                    Welcome Ronerz, and good luck, you can do it odat, so can you wonder. Welcome
                    back Cindi, Iv'e been praying for you. You sound good.
                    Must get to bed now. Love to all.


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                      Day two is Done

                      I'm done day far so good, but it's still very early in the process..going to bed now..

                      See you all tomorrow, for another AF day.

                      Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Tuesday

                        well, my day started off pretty crappy. I got rear-ended while at a red light. Not serious but enough to get my back and neck to hurt almost immediately. Have been taking ibruprofen all day but I'm scared to wake up tomorrow since I'll be feeling the full impact by then...........BUT I DIDN"T DRINK! even when I came home. I actually thought about it all the way home. I had the perfect excuse.
                        See you tomorrow for day 3.

