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Back from Rehab

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    Back from Rehab

    My dear MWO friends,

    I am back from rehab and sober for 15 days (almost 16) and feeling pretty good.

    As all of you know, sobriety for 15 days is a good start but just a baby step.

    I read Xtexan's last post and pray that I make the strides he has made in the last couple of years.

    My withdrawals were minimal, as I would have expected, since I was binge drinking more than every day drinking in the last few months. However, my last binge was a doozie!! Whew!!

    However, rehab was very good for me. I learned a lot I didn't know and a lot I already knew but it was reinforced for me.

    I also very much enjoyed being around so many people with the same problem as I have, addiction. Most of the residents were opiate addicts but addiction is addiction and the results are basically the same.

    Yes, it is a 12 step facility that believes wholeheartedly in AA. Having read Lucky's thread on AA and so many negative posts, I hesitated to write about my experience but really feel I need to, anyway.

    The good news about this facility (Bradford) is that even though it is definitely a 12 step program, they do not push religion, they push spirituality. Even though I am a Christian and believe very much in my religion, I just did not feel that pushing a religion on a group of people is a good idea, and had grave reservations about a program that does.

    However, I did attend AA meetings in house, outside, and yesterday and today after discharge, on my own.

    Whether it is a cult or not, I found a group I really like. The welcome was warm, the attendees are from many and varied backgrounds and the meeting was not like I had been reading about on this website, where everyone just kept rehashing old stories and past mistakes. It was more about what the steps mean, how to use them to help you with sobriety and how to learn to be happy while being abstinent. It was a very positive experience. (I found this to be true of the AA meetings outside in the area where I was located, too.)

    So, I am going to start going to AA meetings, even while traveling, in order to help continue to heal. My feeling of relief at sitting down in a group of people who understand my addiction is incredible. I am married to an "earthling" as the counselors at Bradford call the normal drinkers, and they explained that no matter what, my husband cannot and will not ever be able to truly understand what I am going through. Only other addicts can.

    Bradford also taught us about the dopamine and seratonin issues us addicts face and explained how many of us are deficient in those areas prior to drinking, it is what draws us to the drink or drugs. We feel much better at first when we start doing them. (Perhaps feel as good as normal people?) Unfortunately, few of us can maintain the levels that make us feel good without eventually falling into the abyss of drunkeness.

    However, it all comes down to accountability and responsibility.

    It is up to all of us to say, "Okay, I may have a reason for drinking/drugging but the consequences to ourselves and those around us are not acceptable." We must take the responsibility for getting sober and staying sober. In the end, AA or some other support group may help but the buck stops here.

    Anyway, that is my rehab story. I am sober again today and extremely grateful for it and now I have some inner strengths and aids to help me get through the next time my brain tells me "Go ahead and have a drink, it'll make you feel better...."

    I am also very grateful for my MWO friends. I thought about each of you every day. I told many people about this website. Perhaps some will join us here.

    Love and strength to all and so glad to be back with all of you.

    AF April 9, 2016

    Back from Rehab



    You sound so strong, positive and empowered! I'm glad your experiences at Bradford and at the AA meetings were such good ones -- you're proof positive that each and every one of us needs to take the path that's best for US as individuals.

    Keep posting and sharing your steps, struggles, strengths and successes -- I'm sure there are many, many of us here who will benefit from sharing in them with you. And above all, keep fighting the good fight!

    Taking it all in


      Back from Rehab

      Sounds like a great experience for you Cindi. And it sounds like you found a good group of people. So glad to hear Bradford addressed the very real biochemical deficiencies that take place in "our" brains. Thanks for giving us the update.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Back from Rehab

        yay!! Thank you Cindi for sharing the experience with us. Sounds just great. And I really benefitted personally from hearing it.
        I think you're awesome and I too look forward to hearing more as time goes on....
        More big hugs :l :h
        wonder xxoo


          Back from Rehab

          Hi Cindi
          so glad your back. So glad you found rehab good. Yes we do see a lot of negative posts
          re. AA. but it helped me a great deal, I think you have to take what you find most beneficial
          and leave the rest, it's like many clubs cults,etc. I am thankful to AA as I made a very good friend there and after 10 years is the one person I can always rely on.
          Good to see you back
          Love Paula.xx


            Back from Rehab

            Hi Cindi. My brother goes to AA and finds it comforting to talk person-to-person with other people going through the same thing. Its a wonderful support to him even if he doesn't believe in a lot of the AA philosophies. In the end, we all have to do whatever it takes. Kudos to you for taking care of yourself and doing what you need to do to stay sober.


              Back from Rehab



                Back from Rehab

                I"m so happy for you!
                FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                  Back from Rehab

                  Cindy, welcome back and I am so happy for you that it was a positive experience. I wish you well on your continued success.
                  Hugs Lori
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    Back from Rehab

                    i'm way happy for you girl. wondered where you were. and just very happy for you. it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of aa. if it works for you, it works for you. take what you need and leave the rest my dove.


                      Back from Rehab

                      It sounds like you had a great experience there Cindi! I look forward to learning from you.

                      Welcome home. :l


                        Back from Rehab

                        Welcome Back Cindi!!!

                        Thank you so much for this post. I'm so glad this was a good experience and appreciate you passing on what you found most helpful, both in rehab and out in the AA world.



                          Back from Rehab

                          Welcome back Cindi! I am so happy for your fresh start. Keep going, you can do it!

                          As for AA, listen, if it is working for you, do what you feel in your heart is right for you. We all have our experiences, different strokes for different folks...right? All anyone here really wants for you is a healthy happy life!!!

                          Again, great to see you back!
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Back from Rehab

                            Welcome Home My Love!

                            Your experience in rehab sounds very much like mine. Liberating, empowering, insightful and worthwhile.

                            It took great courage, I know, and I am so very glad you found the strength to take that step. Bravo!

                            magic xx :flower:
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              Back from Rehab

                              Welcome back Cindi! I'm so glad rehab was such a good experience for you and that you learned alot. You sound so positive and happy.
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

