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Back from Rehab

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    Back from Rehab

    Good on you girl!! Pretty good isn't it- rehab I mean. You were in bad shape a while ago and I for one want to send you all the encouragement and a new Avitar as a goal for the future.
    Take care down there and stick to your guns - it only gets better.


      Back from Rehab

      Cindi, it is fabulous to have you back. You sound happy, centered and focused.
      Love and strength to you too.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Back from Rehab


        As I told you before, I did 3 weeks rehab and one week detox. Be careful when it gets too easy. Thats where the monster lurks. Don't do what I did. Keep your chin/will up.
        I want you to do well. Don"t miss a day without conciously working on it
        take care.


          Back from Rehab


          Yes, and I was only in rehab two weeks.

          Sooo. I need to keep going to AA meetings and stay vigilant.

          Like they said in rehab, getting "well" is our worst enemy!!

          Hang in there, Lowercas, you can get back on the AF train and keep on going.

          Another thing they taught us was never give up giving up!!

          Thanks for the advice!!
          AF April 9, 2016


            Back from Rehab

            Hi Cindi:

            Thank you for sharing your rehab experience with us. You are a courageous and strong person.

            September 23, 2011


              Back from Rehab

              Hi Cindi!

              I just wanted to poke my head in here and say.... that for me, getting "well" is not the problem - but it's the 'complacency' that can go with it that's the problem.
              My mission is to be 'well' but not 'complacent' as far as alcohol. Can never forget. Or let my guard down. No matter how "well' I get. EVER! That's what has led to my relapses every time.....

              luv wonder xx


                Back from Rehab

                Cindi and Wonderworld

                I will take on board what you have said about "getting better". I am day 26 AF and feel very nervous about going mod in December But I will be vigilant and not let the beast sweet talk me into that one (or 10) too many

                Luv to all keep up the good work

                :l :h Sweetpea xx
                :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                  Back from Rehab

                  You sound wonderful db2!! Congratulations on all the hard work!! Welcome aare an inspiration


                    Back from Rehab

                    Cindi: I just found this post. I just wanted to say that I've had experience w/the 12 steps through the Alanon program. (My son had his troubles w/drugs/alcohol, & my dad was a daily drinker.) I go to Alanon meetings at least twice per week. I recently found an AA meeting that I've attended. While MWO is my daily mainstay, I'll do anything to stay sane & not drink. There's an Alanon saying: "Take what you like & leave the rest." It doesn't have to be a cult. Mainly, the "program" is there to help us stay sober.

                    Regarding the brain chem: I'm hoping that my brain rewires after a while. Already parties where alcohol is being served aren't so difficult for me. I'm able to warm up & party sober. I haven't had any crushing depressions. I think my biggest problem to overcome is sleeping at night. I'm just beginning to find out what it's like to sleep 6 - 7 hours in a row wo/waking up in a sweaty fog.

                    Keep coming...I love reading your posts. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Back from Rehab

                      Newbie here , have done out patient counseling and AA on and off over the last 6 years and my life and health has gotten worse.
                      Work sucks , family life has been deteriorated , on my own. Whats next?


                        Back from Rehab

                        Cindi, welcome back! You sound ready for anything.

                        Mohmars, welcome as well. Read as much as you can on this site. Order the book. Try the meds. Stay with us. This group is amazing.

                        * * I love Determinator * *


                          Back from Rehab

                          Hi again Cindi! We talked a bit in a different place about your experience, but I just now came across this thread (knew it was here somewhere LOL!) and really enjoyed what you have generously shared.

                          I think any situation involving a unique group of individuals will vary. Heck - even different McDonald's locations - the text book kings of "standardization" vary based on the workers and clients there. It sounds like you have not only found ways to connect with the AA method, but also a great group of people that you can relate to. THAT'S AWESOME. I don't think there is any "one size fits all" plan that would work for everyone. We have to find the puzzle pieces to build our own unique solutions, I think.

                          You sound terrific and I can't wait to learn more from you about what's working. I was also thinking about how much time to spend "on the road" for business. I would find it very difficult to be in a hotel every night and not cozy up to the beast. I can imagine that having access to AA groups in other cities where you travel could be a huge plus.

                          Anyway, it's just great to be back in touch.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

