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For three days I have been listening to you guys and listening to the cd,s taking the suppliments the only thing i haven't done is the topalmax which hasn't arrived why isn"t a magical remedy for me too?? or is it just a money making site!! I hope not because I need help.
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Dear Sandi,
What is Magical is the inner strength you will find in yourself. I take the supps, the topa, do the cd's once in awhile and read this site and I have been AF for 17 days now! That is huge for me. It isn't magic, it does take will power and you really need to want it! But the program does work if you give it a chance. Read, post and enjoy the company. There are many people in many different areas of recovery. Some wanting to be AF and others wanting moderation. I hope you find the answers to what you are looking for.
Take care and Good Luck!"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.
Sandie, There is no magic remedy. The supps, cd's, and support you get here are great tools to help all of us win this fight with alcohol. I hope you can find some strength and willpower and use all the tools available to you.
Good luck! and welcomeMarcie
No magic, Sandie, none at all. This site provides the tools you need to achieve your goal. What is your goal? Do you want to be AF (alcohol free) or do you want to be able to moderate your drinking. Most people will agree you should go AF for 30 days and then decide from there.
Have you read the MWO book? It lays out the program for you. We can help you do it, but we can't do it for you. You have to really want to quit and make a firm committment to do so. Keep reading and posting and drop by chat if you want. There are always people here to listen and help.
Sandie, You have heard a lot of great and honest input here. I agree, there is no magic bullet, not instant cure, but this program does work for many of us. Give the supps and the CD's some time to work, three days is not nearly enough to start getting into your system.
I dare say, it took most of us more than three days of drinking to get us to the point of needing a program in order to stop. Stick to it, if you haven't read the book, read it. It truly is the catalyst to this program and understanding how it works and what to expect.
Most of all, understand that the tools here can only work if you are comitted 100%.
KateHA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
I agree with Kate. It did not take three days to get to where you are in terms of drinking, it sure is going to take more than three days to find your way out of it. Of course there is no magic pill. If there was there would be no alcoholics left in the world.I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
ah it just sounds like you are very frustrated and so maybe you need to know if this works? well, as everyone has said.. it does in many different ways as there are many different people with different goals and it took about a month for the topamax to really sink in for me. some people have a few days on supps and wow, it takes others takes longer. each of us is different and each of us also has to work it out. so, maybe time for you as this is your thread to talk about what your situation is, what you want it to be and what your frustration is. i know i was very scared when i got here and i know it has changed a great deal of my life and i'm also AF. and i was drinking one to two bottles of wine a day when i started and that was may. and i've also lost a lot of weight. nice. as well, you would when you don't drink like a little fishy anymore... so,,,, what's the dealio darling)))) bootsie
Welcome! What I realized after a few months here, is that the supplements, the Topamax, the CD's, and all the other bits and pieces are just like everyone else said before --- they are tools. Do you have a tool set in your garage or near by? The tools are awesome, and with them you can accomplish many tasks that you would not be able to do without them. How about unscrewing the back off of an electronic, and you need that Philips head screwdriver to do it? The screwdriver alone is not going to get up out of the tool box and walk over to your appliance without you going to get it. But you wouldnt go get it unless you were resolved that your plan was to dismantle the back off of your electronic device. You have to be resolved first... there is a lot of willpower involved here. I too thought I could just take some kudzu and all the sudden I would hate alcohol! NOT!!!! But it did help to cut back, and all the other tools helped even more. But your own attitude and determination is the key!
I wish you the best of luck and I think you will do fantastic... keep at it! Lots of people here to help and encourage you.If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.
Hi Sandie - and Welcome!
This site will help you to kick the alcohol habit if you want to do so badly enough.
I tried many times over the years to quit drinking or to moderate my intake - with very little success.
It wasn't until I found this site - and interacted with the supportive wonderful people here that I was finally able to make it stick and kick the habit of more than 20 years.
There is no magic bullet - and 3 days is probably about the worst place there is in terms of feeling low when trying to quit - but if you get thru another few days - I promise you will be thru' the worst.
This place DOES work if you want it to - and if you let everyone help and support you along the way.
After 20 plus years of abusing alcohol - I have now been Alcohol Free (AF)for more than 4 1/2 months.
But - it didn't happen overnight - in my case, I was here for about 5 months before I finally went totally AF.
Before that - I was moderating reasonably well.
Stick with it - never give up - and you CAN do this.
By the way - if this is a money making site - it didn't make much from me - I didn't use any medications or suppliments - just the support here was enough!
Best of luck
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Nope, not a money making site - I would have steered well clear if I thought it was. Strikes me that what you can spend your money on if you WANT to is well priced with the pound/dollar value being what it is for us in the UK. And ask yourself how many bottles of your poison it would buy - you could spend the money on that and your problem WILL get worse. Or you can spend the money on the supps etc and your problem COULD get better. A no brainer for me frankly. Or don't spend any money and use this site to help - cos it certainly does it for me!! It's not a magical solution. I came on here wanting to deal with my alcohol problem but I've been wanting to deal with it long before then and not managed. Now I am managing. I'm a long way off being sorted but I am so much better than I was. You can see from Satori's story that there is no overnight fix but it can be done and it has been done by so many on here. Stay with it.
The very, very best of luck and strength.
Bessie xx
Wow I am supprised and very pleased with the amount of response I have received. When I Posted it I had just drank a bottle of wine and was extremely disapointed with my self. This morning I wrote a list of reasons to give up (or moderate) not sure which one at the moment. I really enjoyed the hypnosis cd and I am fine during the day, as soon as I start cooking the evening meal then sit down thats when I start, so tonight I am going to listen to the tape hopefully instead. The reason I felt so down was partly due to, having left a message and had no reply but I think it was more lack of knowledge of how to use the site. So sorry about the negativity. Thank you all for your advice etc I will continue and Good luck to you too:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:Sandie
Good for you Sandie! There are always people on this site - just sometimes it takes a while to get a response - particularly when the States is asleep, but when you do they are always helpful, supportive and friendly. Check in as often as possible. You can replace the alcohol addiction with the MWO addiction!! :goodjob:
Bessie x
Hi Bessie
Thanks for your reply I am struggling to find my way around this site. Have to keep learning. unfortunately this is my partners laptop and I cant use it when he is at home in the evening. mine died recently!! He doesn't know I am trying no I am giving up or cutting down. He is not the supportive type!! I was wondering if there were any more British on the site as I was wondering if you went to docs I did but was told I couldn't have the medication unless I went to AA which i just no I would hate. Did you or anyone have any luck. Thanks again Sandie XSandie
Yep - here in the UK. Keep wandering round the site. There's lots of good stuff. The first two forums have very regular posting as does the Help one. (can't remember what it is called)
The drink tracker is very good if you like to see your progress charted. Joke sections and recipes are all very good diversions.
I didn't go to my doctor - she is a friend too and I would have found it a bit awkward. I believe, although I am not totally sure, that you can get the medications, prescription free, from a site called River Pharmacy which advertises on here. Might be worth a post in the forum about the medications. I am sure others here will provide more information. Are you sure you need it? Try the cds and supps first and see how you go? I'm sure you'll find what works for you.
Sandie I just wanted to add to what everyone else posted.
it takes a lot of time and effort to make a change from drunk to sober.
it is a lot of work, I have been here since March and have been working on moderating, just this past month I finally started to feel like I am finally getting some results.
stick around if you are serious you will see a difference.You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber