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Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Hello all.

    Hope you had a good Tuesday and are getting on through Wednesday with good health and a plan and focus for an(other) AF day. Grey day again here in the UK but it's cosy inside and I'm feeling very positive for another AF day. And then another and another. Specially big hugs to those of you having a bad time at the moment.

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie. xx

    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday


    Thank you for starting the ODAT thread today. It sounds like you are doing brilliantly

    I, too, will not drink just for today. Yippee!!

    Have a wonderful AF/Mod day everyone.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

      Good Morning Bessie...thank you for starting the thread today...
      Cindi, welcome back, hope you will share more of your experiences,,,you sound so positive...
      Rustop, Wow....30 must feel so proud, and deservingly so..Congratulations.
      I too, am choosing not to drink today.....
      To all to follow....Hope you have a good Wednesday.
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi, just thought I join in, Hubby just gone away for a couple of days, at the beginning of my new sober life, I was glad of this because, he would like to drink, not vast quantities like myself, but a little toooooo much and my resolve would always be broken. However, out of the last 9 days he has drunk 1 night only, he seems to have jumped on the train ride with me, which is ace news, and by gumly - makes things a lot easier. Someone on here said "show them you mean business" well, it seems to have worked and I am hopefull (really early days I know) but I am hopefull that we are headed for a far better place. Thanks MWO peeps. You truly rock.
        :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

          Hi: Add me to the list of non-drinkers today. All I have is today, & I'll do the best I can w/this one day. It's great to see your posts Cindi. I'm trying not to get caught up in the pre-holiday madness. Hope you are too. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

            Hey guys, hasn't been a good start to my week as some of you already know - I am now drinking coffee and on my way to work and intend to try to make the most of the rest of today. Hope everyone has a great one and thanks to all of you for the continual love and support.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

              Good Morning All,

              Yes Bessie, thanks for starting today's ODAT thread. I made it through Day One AF, and I plan on making it tonight when the "witching hour" arrives. I have had 5AF days since I have arrived on this site 2 weeks ago, and now I barely have any withdraw symptons left. Thank goodness !

              Take care everyone, Miss O.
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                Congratulations, Miss October:
                Once you are through with those nasty withdrawl symptons, you will feel so much better every day....good going!!
                Universal, finish up that coffee, and make the most of today....focus on today, just today. Keep posting and keep reading!
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                  Hi everyone,

                  Thanks for starting this thread bessie Day2 af for me, this week feels like it is really going slow Feels like it should be a friday, not sure because i really want a drink right down me now. It must be that time of day. I can't explain it but my body needs its.
                  I will try very hard to say NO at this moment in time!

                  Love to you ALL and all the best
                  family is everything to me


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                    Hello all in ODAT,

                    Just want to send out encouragement to all for ODAT on facing our problems with alcohol. I have been at this site for about 2 weeks and it has helped tremedously. I am 2 days AF (week 1 was 4AF, week 2 was 3AF and this week I hope to get back to 4 or more) and feel confident for today as well. I did successfully moderate over the holiday week/end yet want to continue to drink less and less...when I do choose to drink. This website/board and all the posts are helping me. Thank you for sharing your stories and struggles and more importantly your success. The success stories make be believe I can do this too. Have a great day. Don't forget to do some type of exercise...IT really helps.



                      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                      Hi everyone

                      Thanks for starting the thread Bessie. Today's my cousins chemo day again so have been at the hospital most of the day. Gosh, Charlee I had forgotten my 30 days were up, thanks for reminding me. I had 30 in September 20 something October and 30 November. This is from someone who drank daily so you guys struggling and getting 2, 3 or 4 days here and there, stick at it, that was me last year.

                      Striving for mainly AF in December, maybe the odd glass of wine when out for meals and then back to completely AF in January, at least thats the plan. Will stick close to the boards, know how easy it is to stay away and keep drinking and dont want to go back to that.



                        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                        I hope I'm not treading on anyone's toes starting the ODAT thread...? I do really rely on it as a daily way of checking in and think it's a great idea. I start getting twitchy if it hasn't been started by lunchtime..! I love the way it is a little platform for everyone to join in and let everyone know how they are doing ODAT.

                        Thanks Rustop. That really does give me hope that I can do likewise. Only managing a few days at a time but soooo many more than I did before I wound up on here.

                        Hang on in there Teardrop. It must be hard but just keep fighting.

                        Bessie. xx


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                          Of course you are not treading on anyone's toes Bessie. It's a case of whoever is up first. Like you I like checking in every morning. I really missed it today and at the week-end when my girls took over the computer!!



                            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                            The early bird!

                            Welll... if it's a case of who is up first then it's probably going to be me. Usually up and starting by 6am, sometimes earlier depending on what the day holds! By I do try to desist until about lunchtime! It is by the grace of this forum that I am able to get up so early, easily and without a hangover!! Hooorrrraaaaahhhhh! That is just so good!


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                              Congrats to all on any amount of AF days. Everyday is a big accomplishment, especially in the beginning. A big CONGRATULATIONS to Rustop on day 30!! Way to go!!!!

                              I am on day 31 today and am at the point where I don't really miss my evening ritual anymore. I have been especially productive in the past month and have accomplished a lot of things around the house. I have had a lot more energy, been much happier, my complexion is peachy cream again and inside I feel peaceful. Everytime I pass a liquor store I think to myself "Thank goodness I don't need to go in there today".

                              One big problem though.... My husband is really pressuring me about NOT drinking. Obviously, I was a master at hiding the amount I drank from him. He is a controlled drinker and will stop at one drink, maybe two if it was a really bad day at work.

                              I've tried to explain to him that the reason why I stopped drinking was because I was concerned about my alcohol consumption, especailly the nightly ritual pattern, and that I don't want to stop at one glass of wine. I tried to explain that I feel better, sleep better, blah, blah, blah. He seems to think I have some other motive. Throughout our almost 18 years of marriage, he has always been a bit controlling (or is it insecure) about anything I do that may take focus off of him. I don't know if that makes sence, it is just hard to explain.

                              Anyhow, it SUCKS to be pressured into having a drink. Why the hell should I have to feel guilty because I am abstaining from alcohol for the time being??? My goal has been to become mostly AF, and have those few occassional drinks if I choose to do so.

                              Thanks for letting me sound off.

