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Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

    Sorry to say that I did drink last night. Mostly because i thought I would never sleep again if I didn't drink. Unfortunately I still didn't slepp very weel. I guess that's because I didn't drink enough to pass out. Anyway since drinking didn't help the situation I will promise myself to be AF todaqy. Still in way better shape than a week ago. thanks for all your support.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

      Bessie, someone needs to start the newbie ODAT thread, and since you are in the UK, you are 6 hours ahead of those of us in the US. So we are counting on you )

      Rustop and must be feeling so awesome ! Hopefully the more AF days we have, the easier it will get.

      and TC maybe you should let you husband enter this site and see for himself....maybe then he will get some kind of an understanding what you are going through........even though people with no addictions will never REALLY understand what we go through.

      time2change....yes today is another day...........we just try our best again. Good luck to you today and tonight.

      Miss O.
      Miss October :blinkylove:


        Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

        Well I'm feeling like a huge bag of crap right now after all the wine last night and the no sleep and the emotional rollercoaster I've been on this week. But the good thing is since I am feeling so hungover and horrible that I have absolutly no desire to have a drink right now. I'm trying to drink as much water as I can because I've got the shakes pretty badly but I'm hoping to get through the night with no alcohol. At least that's my goal - ODAT.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

          Hello All, day 3 for me. I plan on being AF tonight and let tomorrow decide to be ODAT too. One day at a time is workable because we don't have to look too far ahead, and I am really enjoying the AF days, beginning to sleep well, although sometimes my body feels like a heat generator, and I don't know if that is alchohol being purged or menopause! I have been moderating pretty good on the wine when I do drink, wine is my drink of choice.

          TC, I am sorry your hubby is giving you a hard time about not drinking. You can make it one of those non-negotiable things, for now, you choose not to drink, it's not a judgment of him in any way, but this is right for you for now, so please support you. Just my 2 cents from the sidelines here.

          Universal, things will get better, you will see, just keep staying here and posting, you will get all the support you need.

          Cowgal, I hope you are out there, stay here, get the support you need at this time from your friends.

          Time2Change, it's good to see you feeling better than last week. It can only get better.

          Teardrop, you are doing great on day 2, believe me I rack up enough day 2's. Stay strong and with us if you can or cannot, doesn't matter, just stay!

          Rustop, congratulations on day 30!! Bessie you sound great too, and Miss October, you are doing so well.

          And anybody I forgot, have a great evening, ODAT! Suz
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

            Doing ok

            On day 3 AF and doing ok.. I picked the absolute worst week to start my AF, not that there is ever a best time, the last 3 days at work were some of the most stressful I have had in years..not going to get into it..but I am amazed that I remained AF these past 3 days.. tonight was a close call as I felt the tug to go to the beer store..I needed it to bring myself down from a horrible day..but I did not cave in, I came home and the feeling did pass..

            So, I survived another day..I'm exausted but that could be the stress of work.. I keep reading about people who have more energy etc.. for me, I used to drink 8 beers to 12 beers, go to bed at 11:00pm or later, wake up super tired with a heavy head / , I have not had a drink in 3 days, go to bed at 9:00 or 9:30 and still wake up super tired but minus the heavy head / hangover.. When is it exactly that I'm suppose to be more energetic ? I do take the supps.. maybe it's the quality of my sleep is not quite optimum.. I use to pass out, wake up once to go the bathroom, then pass out again until that damm alarm at 6:30am..then I spent the next 15 minutes cursing myself, telling myself what an idiot I was, got to stop etc..etc. .you guys know the drill..took everything to get out of bed and in the shower...zoned out while on my way to work (my wife drives in the morning) and got into work .. came home at 5:00 burnt from my day.. grabbed a cold beer and by my 6th beer I was feeling 100% better, fully energetic and ready to party my ass off.. I could go all night.. but I did stop myself from going to bed past midnight..I know the pain of the next day so I did have a built in "limiter" to some extent.. Anyways, it's Day 3 AF and I'm still here..

            Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


              Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

              Congrats Riker on day 3! I had 6 AF days last week and this week have not had any yet. But I'm planning on getting the rest of the week in as AF - starting today.

              I hear what you mean about the energy - I don't have much right now either. I know I don't sleep well - honestly sometimes I am surprised that I am actually still alive right now. Especially with how awful I am feeling. But this is why I am stop.........and today is the day that I get some more AF days under my belt.

              Good luck to everyone as they fight this battle.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                Newbies in need ODAT - Wednesday

                Thanks Universal.. hang in there.. you got 6 AF days last week and that is great, you KNOW you can do it..

                I find that either patern creates it's own energy.. meaning that if I drink, it grows every day or every week. .more beers, more beers, until you get to " that " point..

                Same goes with AF days.. the more days you get in, the more than energy builds, the more you want to stay AF.. partly because you don't want to ruin all the hard work of the AF days, partly because it carries it's own energy forward. .of course, we slip from time to time, and I know that the energy can go the other way in a big hurry.. I once went 14 days AF, a few years ago, and I remember saying that if I did start drinking again, which I did, that I was not going to go back to my 6 to 8 beers a day.. now way, well I was right.. I ended up drinking 8 to 12 a day instead. .

                The trick is keeping the energy cycle on the upswing.. the AF side of the equation..

                Hang in there, don't despair, get back on track, you have the recent experience of 6 days on that.. the more AF days, the more energy you can build on..That's my theory anyways :-)

                Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda

