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AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

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    AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

    hello everyone,

    i have been af for 2 days now and am working on my third. I am a mother of two good daughters, but do not feel as if i have been the mom i could have been in a while due to my addiction as well as other problems, that of course the addiction compounded. I have embarressed my family and myself . It is really hard to be uplifted sometimes when you feel so awful inside and out. In my teens, i drank twice. in my twenties, startied drinking on occasion. my drinking steadily picked up through my late twenties,as well as my thirties, until i am at this point in my life. i drink (drank) almost every single day. the only times that i did not, was when i tried to be af. i was successful for a couple of weeks but thought i could moderate my drinking. i have tried several times and always turn to the alcohol to ease my pain, knowing it compounds the pain. i know i am wreaking havoc on my physical health as well as mental. i am truely thankful i found this sight. i know now that others are fighting the same addiction. possibly, when i feel more comfortable i will open up about other things in my life. i rarely socialize and when my husband and i do, of course it is with other drinkers. he is my drinking partner as well. we rarely go a weekend without a drink. but he can moderate his drinking better than i, i don't seem to be able to. i don't have alot of people in my life that i feel comfortable talking to. i am going for af but at this point i am not sure of a goal. i am on my 3rd day of chantix for smoking, and read somewhere it may have a possitive affect on alcohol addiction. i would like to get some feedback on the tapes and the supplements offered through mwo. i am trying to work them into my budget. also any encouragement about getting over the embarrassement and shame i feel about past mistakes would be greatly appreciated. thanks for reading ,:new: it was a big step for me to write this.

    please excuse my spelling, i didn't see a spell check on here

    AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

    Hi, Friend

    I've been AF for five days, and I know what you're going through. It's not easy. So here's a big bear hug of encouragement for you. We can beat this horrible addiction!


      AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement


      Hi Elainey and Welcome,

      I am fairly new here also with reading for a few months and acturally doing the supps, cd's and topa for a couple of weeks now. They have helped me stay AF with will power and determination. They do take the edge off and are a help for me in the right direction. I to drank at home and don't have a lot of outside friends who I can get support from regarding this addiction so this site is wonderful help with that. It is a place to come and chat or just to sit back relax and read and know that you are not alone.


      Take Care,

      Finding Me / day 18 AF!!!
      "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


        AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

        Elainey and Sky,

        Good on both of you for going AF!!


        Take it one day at a time. Just look at today.

        Shoot, sometimes I take is a couple hours at a time.

        Hang in there and post whenever you need advice or support.

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

          Just wanted to say hi, I'm on day 3 as well. I'm going the campral route. Good luck, we can do this.


            AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement


            I am new here too. Although I have been browsing this site for weeks, I finally decided to take the plunge after my daughter told me I ruined Thanksgiving for her. I know I have embarrassed her before as well. I have been AF since the day after Thanksgiving and am very determined to make this work. This site helps me so much. I always check in before leaving work, "the witching hour" . My husband and I have been drinking partners for years but he is profoundly worse than I, having been in rehab 2 times and the dr said if he kept drinking he would die. He has not stopped at all. Plus I think all of it has damnaged his brain and he is crepy to be around. Not to mention verbally abusive to me. I realized that it is not fair for my kids to have two alcoholic parents. I also realized that every major embarrassment or major, huge :new: mistake I have made in my life was while drunk. After 5 days I feel empowered and scared. Thanks to some of the seasoned members, I know that life will be so much better and that I was just compounding the situation by feeling it was my "right" to have drinks after a long hard day. Since I have stopped, my daughter and I are getting along much better, I have been amazed at how much time I actually have to clean the house and such. So for everyone just starting - like me - hang in there. I know it will be soooo worth it. It is nice to sleep well, wake up refreshed, not be so puffy, and especially no guilt. It is so amazing. I know it is going to be so hard but, it will get better as time goes by. I have decided that this is what I have to do. Before when I quit, I never told anyone in case I failed. Last night I told a very close friend that I quit. That was huge for me. I have to do this for my kids.

            Thank you to everyone who posts such positive messages on this site - you have given so much hope for my life. Good luck to everyone - I look forward to being a memeber forever.

            p.s. Has anyone had any major skin problems associated with drinking?


              AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

              Welcome Elainey,
              Well done on your two days AF.
              I too have a husband of 28 years who was my drinking partner, his safety switch is he falls asleep after a few drinks!
              When I decided to go AF he laughed (never managed anymore than 2 days before)
              Without the support of the people on this site , I do not think I could have done as well as I have.
              Just deal with each day as it comes and good luck
              In life we can live out our dreams its true
              the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                Hi Elainey and welcome

                You have come to a great place. Read, read and join in. Lots of us are doing the programme without the topamax and achieving success. Looking forward to seeing you around.



                  AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                  Wow....Sounds like there are quite a few of us starting right around the same time! It will be nice to help each other out whether you are going for AF or moderation or still deciding. I have traveled this road before and for too long so I am in for the long haul with AF/ Sober for life. The first day of my new life was Nov. 11, 2007. It will be a long hard road with many obsticals ahead I know...

                  Anyway....Jigger, regarding the skin problems. You may have to be more specific. I had/have the red patches along with puffyness but that could be my age also. It has gotten alittle better. I do have a few liver spots on my hands and that from drinking I wonder?

                  --Finding ME
                  "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


                    AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                    Well done u

                    :welcome: Ive been on here for just over a week and in that time Ive had 5 AF days of out 7, so it does work.

                    I have a family so do understand your feelings of shame etc., All I can tell you is that for me every day I dont drink I dont have to feel shame, and I can be there for my family if I stay sober. It will get better, and everyone here will be there for you x:goodjob:
                    Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey


                      AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                      Thanks Finding Me,

                      I do have the red dry patches and round spots that itch. It seems to be spreading however, after a binge of drinking it was much much worse, therefor I thought alcohol related. It matches some of the symptoms of both psoriasis and eczema.

                      I am so happy to have some new friends here that will support me in this struggle when either no one know, cares, or knows how to help. I will too support everyone as well. It is amazing to have this site.:thanks:


                        AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                        :welcome: Elainey

                        Well done to you and everyone else who has just started out on this long journey. I am now 24 days Af after nearly 30 years with a drink in my hand. I would not have been able to do it without the love and support I have got off this site. Look forward to seeing you around. Keep posting and reading

                        Sweetpea xx
                        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                          AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                          Thanks Dreambeliever,

                          I have had afew years of people who I do not know but are friends with other frineds of mine and everytime I see them, they snicker and talk about me - its obvious. Its the worst feeling in the world. Whats even worse is many of them do have serious issues of their own, but feel so much better about themselves when they talk about you. Its really bad because in an alcoholic black out - you don't know what you did to cause the gossip. I've asked my friends that know them and they say I did nothing wrong. But I know I did get pretty drunk over there but, there were others as well. Anyway, I know this will also make me look so much better and lose weight and the next time I see them, they will be talking about me -- as in - what happened? Look at her she looks great! Anyway - that is one of the things I am also working for. I sure hope someone else wil chime in if they have had similar issues. Although, I know I am already in good company - it takes a load off.

                          Love you all!


                            AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                            thanks to all

                            Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. They have strengthened my resolve. Didn't sleep well last night, but today has been much better than mon or tues, hope tonight brings some rest. And tom. an even brighter day! Again thanks to each of you for your replies.:thanks:


                              AF/3 DAYS, would like encouragement

                              good luck

                              I'm only on day 2. I am involved with an alcoholic who was really bringing me down. I'm going to start campral soon myself so let me know how it works. I'm also taking the AA route.

