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help me please

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    help me please

    ive been off alcohol for about 2 days and im feeling quite iritable. ive been drinking every day since i was i8 now im 22, but alcohol didnt have much of a hold on me till 2 years ago, i started drinking cause i was shy and i found it easyier to talk to people when drunk, but two years ago i did something to my jaw and started getting really bad headaches and horrible noises in my ears caused by teeth grinding. i found it really hard to cope during the day with out getting drunk thats when my drinking got out of control, id go to the pub with my sister and her boyfriend and i would get black outs an do some really foolish things, id would get paranoid the next day thinking people were laughing at me or talking about me after seeing me drunk, my mums found me Unconscious lying on the floor and out side a couple of times my lifes been spyreling out of control these last two years, my sister wont talk to me when im drunk and my dads had enough of it, my best friend didnt went anything to do with me for a while. i got a splint for my jaw problem a while a go and it help my jaw promlem 90% but the alcohol has got me trapped its a habbit now, i just get drunk lisning to music day dreaming of a better life but i know i have to quit alcohol to make that happen, i went to go back on antidepressents cause i had the best time of my life when i was on them, i tried to give up alcohol 5 months ago but the anti depressents didnt seem to be working properly this time round, i dont know if all the drinking has made it harder for the depression to lift but i just gave up and started drinking again, but i really went to stop this time i just need some help

    help me please


    Whew, AL has you in his horrible grip.

    You have many paths you can choose to go down to beat him back. You might want to read the MWO book, it is downloadable and not very expensive. You might want to consult your doctor and be honest about it and see what he/she says. You might want to check into rehab.

    All of the above are a place to start.

    Sitting around dreaming about it is not going to do anything.

    Whatever you choose, we will be here to help and support you in anyway we can.

    AF April 9, 2016


      help me please

      Hi Sparky and welcome!

      Well done on your first two days, keep going now, won't you?

      I would strongly suggest that you go back to your doctor and be honest and see about a different antidepressant. There are a lot to choose from and it's a matter of finding the one that best suits you. Sometimes they just quit working~for no good reason so it's time to try another.

      Do you have a plan now that you're not listening to music during the day? Once your feeling better AF what are you going to do with all of your free time. Let us know!!!

      Drink lots and lots of water now and eat well and make sure to get back to the doctor.
      Make him/her your partner in this.

      You are so fortunate to have realised your problem at such a young age, you have a long and healthy life ahead of you!

      Keep reading and posting. I'm glad you found us.

      magic xx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        help me please


        Hi Sparky and Welcome,

        This is a good place to start and you are welcome here. There are alot of us just like you. We drink too much! Alcohol causes depression and I do know that alot of anti-depression medications don't work as well if you drink while taking the medication you are on may take a month or two to readjust once you stop drinking. Just a thought.

        Anyway....this is a great place with great people. I've only been here a few weeks and already notice a change in me.

        Take care!
        "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


          help me please

          Hi Sparky & a Huge :welcome: to MWO

          I found this place just over a year ago, and like you was drinking everyday.

          The one thing that I can promise you is that if you really want to beat this, then with the help of this programme you can, like cindi said download and read the book.

          The alcohol really does cause depression and anxiety so once you get it out of your system you will start to feel better .........

          Love & Hugs, BB xx:l :l


            help me please

            :welcome: Sparky to MWO

            As everyone before has said you have come to the right place for support to help you get off the Merry go round. You drink because you are depressed and you are depressed because you drink. Been there and done that one myself

            TIME NOW to get off and take stock. Follow the advice previously given - Read the book - get yourself a plan that you think might work for you and Beat the beast :alf: right out of your life. YOU CAN DO IT

            Forget about what other people may or may not think about you. They will get bored and find something else to talk about - you know the saying old news is no news ( they must have pretty boring lives if they have got nothing better to do with it)

            The main thing is get back on track

            Our love and support is here for you

            :h Sweetpea :l xxxxx
            :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


              help me please


              thank u for all of your replies i havent manged to download the book yet bought i orded some kudzu hopefully it will help yor replies have help me not reach for the bottle


