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Day 1 AF

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    Day 1 AF

    Hi have been on here before and I was alright for a little and well started in again due to stress I am not good with stress. I also stopped posting because I did not have a home computer at the time and was using my computer at work and it became almost impossible to post with people being around me all time. I finally went and bought one knowing that i really need MWO support there have been some wonderful people who have given me advice and were very undstanding. I really need that again. I am working on day 1 today and feel hopeful that I can make it through the evening without anything I know that it is hard the first few days.


    Day 1 AF

    You have taken the first steps. You now have your computer, come here often, read and post. Today is day one, and soon you can have a string of day ones.....drink lots of water and take your supps. We will be here if and when you need us...
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Day 1 AF

      Thanks Charlee

      I know i will need the support feeling a little shaky right took some supps made sure i ate i feel so so.


        Day 1 AF

        Hi Jacy -

        A warm welcome back from me too! I've had my share of missteps also. There's nothing to do but dust yourself off, learn what you can from the experience and keep going! Yes, the first few days can be rough, but it's quite amazing how much better we feel as those days add up! Glad you're back. Keep posting-

        Wonder xx


          Day 1 AF

          Wonder I appreciate the welcome. I have been here before just got to keep truding


            Day 1 AF

            Wonder I appreciate the welcome. I have been here before just got to keep trudging through.


              Day 1 AF

              Welcome Back !

              :welcome: Back Jacy !

              Good luck today working toward your first AF Day I've been here about 2 1/2 weeks and this place is awesome, with all the wonderful and supportive people. Love you all ! And good luck with your new computer :bananacomputer: keep reading and posting, we are here for you and each other.

              Miss O.
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                Day 1 AF

                Hi there,

                Day 1 for me too. Had 3 days and then caved in Tuesday night and all day Wednesday. Sweats are just starting and I feel terribly anxious.


                  Day 1 AF

                  Hi and :welcome:

                  You have come to a great place, lots of support. Read, read and join in. Looking forward to seeing you on the boards.



                    Day 1 AF

                    Hi and welcome I haven't been here long and have had 3 days AF then 1 slip and 3 days AF and 1 slip and so on but I am better than I was and can see my habits..keep reading and posting. I feel it why I need to be AF sinking it somewhat, I am sure you will too...


                      Day 1 AF

                      welcome back Jacy-- good step getting that computer. Just think, you will probably save back the money in a few weeks of not drinking, heh heh.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Day 1 AF

                        Hi All,

                        Starting at Day 2. In a lot of withdrawal pain. Brain feels lobotomised, sweating and anxious and restless, i did not sleep well last night. I get 3 days then relapse for one or 2 and back again but the withdrawal gets more painful each time. Hang on in there and let's have another AF day. Tonight will be tough because Friday night has become a regular get trashed night after work related stress. I am also moving this weekend and the anxiety associated with that is not helping me feel strong. Take care all.


                          Day 1 AF

                          Jacy, welcome back. Fjones, been there.

                          Started posting two weeks ago. Am starting tomorrow on my third day 1. But you know what, I've gained so much insight into who I am, what triggers me to drink, I have accepted that it is not going to be easy, but this is absolutely the right place to be. I have no idea how I found MRO and all these fabulous friends, but for the first time in years I like myself.

                          Of course I am going to have some blips and slips, but it is a learning experience.

                          Post/read. This place and the people/friends here awesome and are saving my life.


                            Day 1 AF

                            Jacy :welcome: back

                            To have bought a computer so that you can go on line to MWO shows how determined you are to beat the beast,. Well done and good luck we are all here for you. Keep posting and reading

                            :l Sweetpea xx
                            :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                              Day 1 AF

                              Jacy and everyone else on day one + AF

                              Congratulations!! Hang in there! I've been AF for a week and never thought I'd get this far!

