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Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning everyone

    It is a beautiful sunny crisp morning here. Am waiting to go on our walk. My friends little dog is not well and she has had to take her to the vet. My two are not impressed at the wait. They are programmed, breakfast, school run and then off to the woods. When it does not go according to plan they keep looking at me with these sad brown eyes. Makes you feel so guilty. Great incentive to get out and exercise every day!!

    Hope everyone is doing well no matter what day you are on.


    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    Hi guys,

    Still having a hard time but at least I didn't drink last night. It is 4:21am here and I woke up at 2 and haven't been able to get back to sleep. Still feel really sick to my stomach. I still haven't resolved things with my BF, he said he would call me last night but he didn't. I just hate this not knowing if things are going to work out or not. I'm not prepared to walk away from this relationship and I really don't think I can handle losing him right now. But I do know that no matter what happens today, I will not have a drink. I'm tired of feeling like crap every morning.

    I hope to make this day 2............

    Hope everyone else is doing well and thanks for the support guys.
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

      Hi Everyone

      Rustop It is beautiful sunny day here as well so am all the more determined to have an AF day. I look after my friends dog sometime so I know exactly what you mean about soulful eyes. These dogs know which buttons to press!!

      Universal well done on not having a drink. ODAT is what it is all about

      Hope everyone else has a good day

      Sweetpea :l xx
      :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

        Good for you Universal. Love your attitude. Stick with it. Make it through day 2!

        ok, back to day 1 for me today. Had the absolutely happiest day yesterday, feeling happier and healthier than I had in ages. One week AF. THRILLED with myself.

        Met with an estate attorney , met with the accountant. We are trying to settle my mom's estate before year end. Am blessed. These two guys are almost as nice and supportive as all of you guy!

        Stopped at my friend's house, actually asked for a drink. Not happy with myself, but refushing to beat myself up. It's going to be a long road. I'm taking this as ANOTHER learning experience. ODAT.

        Have a great day to all.

        Have to start thinking about exercise....either walking to or from work.


          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday


          Thanks for starting my 'fix' post Rustop! Haha!! After saying how early I am up normally I didn't make it out of bed until gone 9!!! Lovely day here too. Bright and breezy. I can't believe I slept in so late this morning. Had a late night out - film (Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett) and Chinese with new friends and had a really nice evening without a drop of alcohol. Got up to let dogs out but back to bed (they were only too happy to join me!) with a pot of tea and a book. Normally a long stay in bed in the morning would be hangover induced but today just tired and being kind to myself. I like this way a whole lot better!! I'm very behind with my jobs but I am happy to have been AF for another day so I shalln't beat myself up about not achieving as much as I would like, as I have achieved AF - and that's a biggy for me. And today will go that way too!!!

          Suki and Sweetpea - sounds like you are doing well too. Universal - you know that drinking won't help your situation. Stay away and you will be far better able to handle the BF problem. Hope it all works out well.

          Love to all to come

          Bessie. xx


            Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

            good morning ODAT

            Hey Rustop, Suki, Universal, Sweetpea, and all to follow. Day 4 for me. It's still dark here but the sun should start coming up soon.

            Universal, I love your resolve. You have strength within you no matter what someone else does or doesn't do or come through for you.

            Suki, sounds like a little blip of a slip. Don't beat yourself up about it, you sound very strong.

            Have a great day all, if I don't get back later. :h Suz
            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

              Yup Suz, a blip, slip, whatever. But, you know what, because of all of you, I still am feeling strong and hopeful, for the first time am not beating myself up. I'm learning more about myself because all of you and it's only going to make me a better person.

              love you all.



                Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                Suki - that's exactly how I feel about any blips and slips now. It is a lesson that I learn without making myself feel bad. That is a double bonus and it does, indeed, make you stronger and less likely to slip or blip again. A good way to look at life in general.

                Bessie (no longer at the mercy of slips and blips!). xx


                  Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                  Good morning all,
                  Suki - I think many of us are blip slippers. What's important is what happens next --strong and hopeful is definitely heading in the right direction!!! Thanks for your honesty and for helping to see the better person in all of us. My goal for today is to bleep the blip.
                  Hugs to all ODAT newbies in need

                  Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                  - Soren Kierkegaard


                    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                    Thanks guys for all of your support. I am feeling better today and a little more rational. Today I finally can say that I don't want to drink. Someone said in a previous post that they just woke up one morning and said "not anymore". That's how I am feeling today. I'm sure there may be some blips in the road but the point is I am really determined. Last week I had 6 AF days - this time I'm going to try for more. But I'll just take it as it comes. And even if things don't work out with the BF and me, I'm not going to succumb. I will pick myself up and move on - I'll hate it but I'll do it.

                    Thanks to all of you for your continued support. I'll keep you posted!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                      A Grateful Day!!

                      Good Morning RU, Universal, Suz, Bessie, Flby, Suki and all to come,

                      I woke up with a banging headache this morning, but it is not a hangover,
                      and for that I am grateful.

                      I went to bed sober last night and for that I am grateful.

                      I woke up and saw our ODAT thread started and so many doing well and
                      for that I am grateful.

                      Today I will not drink, just for today, and for that I am grateful.

                      Mostly, I am grateful to be here with all of you and the caring and support.

                      Have a wonderful day, everyone.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                        Good morning to all of you. I also, am back on track. No alcohol last nighti did sleep some so that is ggod. In the past week I had 6AF days which is quite an accomplishment for me. I owe this to all of you and the support I have read and received here. Have a great day.


                          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                          Morning all...
                          Blips, slips, bumps in the road...all part of the process. Each time we can get a few AF days under our belts, reminds us of how good we can feel and keeps us motivated. Just have to dust the ole self off, and keep going forward....ODAT
                          I am so glad to see the positive attitude of everyone on this thread, we can all do this with the support of one another. Hope everyone has a great Thursday.
                          sobriety date 11-04-07


                            Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                            good morning

                            Wow what a busy thread, so early in the day!!!

                            Rustop, Sweetpea, yep, always a sucker for those puppy-dog eyes!!! I love them!!

                            Universal, Suki, I too have been in a perpetual slip lately.........losing friends left and right because I am so selfish and hurt, which makes me worse and hardened instead of loving.......SORRY TO ANYONE I HAVE HURT, also sorry to always be so depressing, part of why I really couldn't bring myself to post yesterday...........felt unloved, like a pain in the BUTT!!

                            Bessie, flutterby,Cindi, Time2 change, Sussanne, and Charlee you all sound well, glad things are going well for you..............

                            Besides just wallowing in self pity yesterday I had one catastrophe after another here at work, so that did not help, then had to do the "dinner w/ father in law" last night, still very confused and helplessly weak about what to do about Mike and the divorce/whatever!?!?

                            Love you all, and again, I am truly SORRY for anyone I dissed or hurt or offended yesterday, or EVER!!!:happyheart:

                            I really am not a mean person at all, sometimes, esp in times like this MAY be selfish and self centered..............sorry..................:sorr y:


                            MA:h :sorry:
                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

                              That is so true Char - last week when I had those 6 days in a row I felt better than I had felt in years! And that feeling is what is keeping me motivated to do it's amazing when you sleep, wake up feeling refreshed and are able to face the day without wondering "where did that bruise come from, or did I call anyone and do something stupid?" Wine and phones and email are a deadly combination i have found out from past experience. Got a message from the BF, sounds positive so I'm hoping that we can talk tonight and put this all behind us. Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight, I'm going to try to eat today and hopefully keep the food down. Lots of water, lots of hope and a positive attitude - that is how I intend to attack today.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

