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Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

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    Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

    I could really use some encouragement today too - did okay this morning but since about 4pm (it's 6 here now) I've been going through a bit of a rough patch. Haven't had a drink though but that's only cause I got some AF beer on the way home. I knew that I wouldn't get through the night without something and I don't want to drink so that was the best case scenario. BF still hasn't called - still don't know whats going on in our relationship but I'm just leaving him alone until he figures out what he's doing. It's driving me crazy though and breaking my heart. I just hate the waiting and uncertainty. Got my topa today so I'll probably take my first one tonight - still waiting on the supps and the book though - really looking forwrad to trying the kudza with all the good things that have been said.

    Anyway, still here, still AF.
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday


      Great that you got your topa, you sound ready to begin the turnaround to your life. You have such strength, ready to tackle the beast head on! I will stay tuned to see how you are doing.

      Cowgal, I am surprised at your impending surgery, and of course will be wishing you a speedy recovery. I wish I were closer and could come exercise your horses!

      Welcome Elainey and Laura Anne, will see you on the ODAT thread... Big hugs to everybody! Suz
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

        Hey Universal, you still here? I'm kind of sinking this evening too. Still at work, trying to get this blasted grant application at least into rough draft form for my boss tomorrow. And tired and discouraged and not very happy with myself.

        Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
        A: Practice, of course.


          Newbies in need ODAT - Thursday

          Lilnev - sorry I missed you - I pm'd you though.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

