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Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

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    Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

    Hi Satori and Shelbysmiles and Co..... skiing in Scotland - satori - thats not skiing, thats suvival. Well it's skiing if you like being speared in the face by (damn can anwone spell icycle) I don't think I can, or wind that stops your ever reaching the bottom, oh yeah and the odd bit of mountain that jumps out and laughs because you ran out of snow and you just knackered your skis, but hey, it's still snow, and better than what I settle for at the moment, a bubble in the middle of the uk !! Shelbysmiles, be careful offering out your mates condo, you could get a squatter (well if I didn't have to get the kids to school and work for a living) I guess I could become a squatter, and actually, my Hubby might notice we weren't there, and then he'd only pine. Guess I will just have to settle for my week in Austria. But my anti-deamon jar is growing by the day, who knows, if I get hubby to kick this stuff as well, we could be popping out to Colorado all the while. As to your son - going to the dark side satori, it's not, really, it's just more radicle dude?????!!!!!
    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


      Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

      LOL - yep - you have obviously skied in Scotland too! :H

      I know boarding is not really the dark side - I plan to give it a go this time out.
      In fact - I might take some sneaky tuition / practice sessions in UK before I get out there!

      The only reason I have not done it before is that I love my skiing so much - I don't want to give up several days skiing to get up to speed on a board.
      Three days falling over / sitting on my butt vs. three days "real" skiing - always been a non-starter for me in the past!

      However - one advantage now is that no 1 son and I are same size in terms of boots / skis / boards - so easier to mix and match without hiring gear etc.

      So - you never Know - after March - I may be "Radical" too er........Dude!

      Love :l


      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

        Hey Satori - I am really upset; I thought you were a seriously radical dude :rockon: already... :upset:

        I've gone off in a huff now........ :wahh:
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

          Capt you are so bad

          they say pong in Oz also

          in Hawaii the slang for stinky is hounas (not sure on the spelling but it's pronounced how nuhs)
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

            And Hawaiian is 'pilau'
            Phonetically 'pee-low'

            The slang there is called pidgin as it is a mushing of filipino, chinese, hawaiian, japanese, and portugese.

            * * I love Determinator * *


              Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

              speaking of stinky drunks. the NYC subway often stinks of booze. and sometimes you have to leave the train to avoid dealing with stinky, angry drunk guys.
              and yes it is gross when you are sober the smell is unbearable.
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                Stinking of booze - a bit of a revelation!!

                Skid row : Austria was one of my first holidays when i went skiing at 18yrs, the instructor could not understand why i was so crap in the morning (getting over hangover) but was good in the afternoon.. lovely country never did go back, always wanted to.

                Satori: my son is into skateboarding but would love to do snowboarding. That's the only think we watch on sports extreme even i've got hock on to it, love watching shaun white (?)he is good at both.

                Trixistrack: I can remember when i use to travelling into london the small of booze in the subway not very nice in the morning.

                family is everything to me

