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(kinda silly) question re supps?

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    (kinda silly) question re supps?

    I still haven't managed to go AF, but each day my disgust with myself seems to increase and I think I'm getting there .. well, actually I have been planning to quit drinking for 4 years now !!!! But each time, I say I'll do it AFTER i get through some hurdle/life stressor .. god, so sick of it .. but this site has given me a huge amount of hope.
    Anyway, here is my question. I just got some of the MWO supps, L-Gluts, kudzu and aminos. The L-Gluts is a huge pill .. am I supposed to swallow it, or open it up and pour the powder into water??
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    (kinda silly) question re supps?

    You can either swallow it or pour the powder into water, it really does not make a difference. If you take it with the Kudzu it can really help the cravings too. Best of luck!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      (kinda silly) question re supps?

      yes, and by all means you can take a few of them well i do... and the kudzo as well.


        (kinda silly) question re supps?

        I think I joined this site about the same time you did. And just like you I have a long history of trying to control/stop drinking. I have gone through long periods of AF but always seem to accelerate to square one. The one thing I keep reading here over and over again is how at our lowest points our self worth is zero. I am an accomplished successful professional. I have put myself through school, raised my son by myself and by all accounts have done well, so why in hell can't I get a grip on this thing! I am so scared of the holidays I can't tell you. At home there was a period when my drinking was so bad that I would reach for the wine glass and cry. I would promise myself that I would have just one but I knew I couldn't. I'm not that bad anymore mostly because the triggers don't exist anymore but I still drink to excess and beat myself up the next morning.............hang in there. You have to, I'll be watching.


          (kinda silly) question re supps?

          Hey everyone - first post to the site.
          Elaborating on Dexterhead's questions, where is best place to find how much of what supplements and Topamax a person should begin taking at the beginning of this long trek and when do you know you should alter or increases doses?


            (kinda silly) question re supps?

            Dilbert, have you read RJs book? It is all outlined in there. I also think on the home page you can find an outline of the program somewhere. Good luck to you and welcome!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              (kinda silly) question re supps?

              thanks to all of you!
              FinallyRN, it sounds like we are in much the same boat. Part of my problem, I think, is that I drink because I'm afraid to be alone. I went through a bad divorce recently and am on my own for the first time since my mid-20s. But i'm so sick of self-disgust!!!!! I've got to beat this.
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

