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no more sickgirl
no more sickgirl
Welcome Stronggirl !!
Congratulations on day 3!
New name, new friends, new beginning.
Oh yes, I much prefer Stronggirl, full of courage. Empowered.
Tomorrow's day four!
magic xx :l~Are you looking for the Holy One?
I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir
no more sickgirl
Stronggirl love the new name -so much better than sick girl! Glad we started around the same time - sure hope we can become friends and support each other through this! Good for you!Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
no more sickgirl
Maybe it's just that I'm still in the postings about just starting out, but I can't believe how many of us started out in November. Glad you changed your name. This place is great. In two week have learned more abour myself than I have in a long time. Also from MA.
Keep up the good work.
no more sickgirl
Well, well,.....seems somebody's not so sick after all.....:happyheart:
Glad you got strong....girl....welcome....I'm committed to a DF December...and By Goodness, I'm gonna do it....I'll help you....will you help me, strong girl????
I"m day 3 on topa,,,,still drinking, but way not drunk....
So glad to be "not drunk."
How's BF situation? That can be HEAVY sometimes!!!!:l