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    :giggle: Skid that has given me a good laugh. I am absolutely certain no one would have taken it the wrong way. I certainly didn't when I read the first post.

    Boggin is now assigned to my dialog. Makes me smile just thinking about it because it makes me think of someone knee high in a stinking bog covered in mud

    Sweetpea -x-
    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h



      "Bairn" is a baby in the north east of england. " I love my bairn". I have used this term since watching "Auf Wiedershien Pet" in the 80's, even though I live in the North. This will mean nothing to anyone not in the UK! Sorry.

      "doidy/dowdy" is a dummy/pacifier/soother

      Can you tell I'm a mother?!!!!




        A "Loonie" is a one dollar coin in Canada, because originally it had the image of a Loon (large waterfoul or duck) on the back and the people usually associate any change with crazyness as in "Looniebin" aka Psychiatric clinic, where they wanted to send their politicians. So there is a double meaning. Canadians had a hard time parting with their dollar bill.
        A "Toonie" consequently is a 2 dollar coin. Wonder what they'll call the fiver.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein



          Suki, I think Americans (well, Southern ones, at any rate) tend to use slang more in phrase form than single words. As in:

          "Screwed the pooch"---meaning, really messed up big-time, did something totally socially unacceptable. If, for example, you were caught stealing silver at a friend's house, you'd have pretty much screwed the pooch as far as that relationship goes...

          "Shit or go blind"---to be utterly, jaw-droppingly amazed. As in---"Girl, when I saw the bill for her plastic surgery, I didn't know whether to shit or go blind!"

          "Tall talkin' "---really good self-justification/apology after having screwed the pooch. As in: "Ooohwee, after his wife caught him in bed with the neighbor's daughter, he had to do some TALL talkin'!"

          "Go a-beggin' "---to be unappreciated or undervalued. As in, "As cute a divorcee as she is, she won't go a-beggin' for dates!"

          But of course we cannot compete with the English, who after all EAT something called..."spotted dick." Over here, isn't that a venereal disease?
          Jane Jane



            A Toonie, from the North East of England is someone who lives in a Town. Liked the Bairn bit Trix, I love my Bairns too. Another goodie I have heard some Geordies (name for someone from the North East of England) use is Wey ya bugger, ya havering man. Which means, me thinks, stop phaphing (phaphing meaning dithering) or maybe havering means slightly doubting. Not sure, come on Geordies, come forth and tell all.
            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H


              SLANG THE WORLD OVER

              Shit or get off the pot - make your mind up

              Doesn't know whether his arse is punched, bored or reamed - he doesn't know what he is doing.

              Ones from the oilfield folk - there are plenty more there I am sure!!

              We love our Spotted Dick over here JaneJane (so good they named you twice?!)

              A double bagger - a very ugly person. Needs two bags over the head, one over theirs and one over yours in case their bag breaks.


                SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                Bessie! Love 'em! And I like my after-dinner sweet UNspotted, thanks all the same...

                "Couldn't find his ass with both hands and printed directions"---referring to a clueless idiot. Same sort of person does not "know his ass from third base." (American baseball term)

                Over here, a BUM is a homeless person with a bottle of cheap wine in a paper sack, not one's rear end. And BOOT is an article of footwear, not the trunk of a car.

                "One brick shy of a full load" describes someone who is just a bit lacking in the IQ department. Synonymous phrases is "One sandwich short of a picnic."

                Great thread! Of course, now that I've joined it, it will die a mangled and abrupt death...
                Jane Jane


                  SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                  Skid Row;231094 wrote: A Toonie, from the North East of England is someone who lives in a Town. Liked the Bairn bit Trix, I love my Bairns too. Another goodie I have heard some Geordies (name for someone from the North East of England) use is Wey ya bugger, ya havering man. Which means, me thinks, stop phaphing (phaphing meaning dithering) or maybe havering means slightly doubting. Not sure, come on Geordies, come forth and tell all.
                  Havering - another Scottish word - it means talking nonsense!

                  Usual usage is along the lines of

                  "Awa an bile yer heid ya bammer - yer haverin' a load a' sh*te!"

                  Which translated means roughly

                  "Please go away you slightly eccentric person, you appear to be talking nonsense!"



                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                    Having a barney = having an argument

                    Having a right barney = having a major argument

                    A "wee" one = a small person

                    A "wee" argument = a small argument

                    Hmmmmm. lots about arguments here - can you tell i'm married?! LOL.....


                      SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                      BTW - Boggin' doesn't just mean dirty

                      usually used in much the same way as mingin'

                      as in -

                      "That lassie ye were snoggin' last night was boggin' by the way"

                      Oh and another one used a bit here is "bunny boiler" - usually used of slightly neurotic or obsessive ladies.

                      as in

                      "Steer well clear of that one - she is a real bunny boiler!"

                      From Meryl Streep's character in Fatal Attraction


                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                        SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                        What an education. I have never heard of most of these. Some are very funny....
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                          Well, this is fun. Here you go............

                          Rockin' - You are fine
                          Bangin' - Having sex
                          Hot - Good looking
                          Bean Counter - Accountant (that's me)
                          Ho - Slut, bad girl with no morals
                          Chill - calm down or relax
                          Dead beat - bum
                          Fag - A gay guy or a cirarette
                          Get busy - sex
                          Toast - something broken that is unrepairable

                          These are the only ones I can think of right now. See ya.........



                            SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                            Oh, I forgot one..............

                            Holy crap - Oh NO

                            A daily thing for my son.


                              SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                              Satori!!! That was Glenn Close's character in *Fatal Attraction*, not Meryl Streep's!!! Okay, they're both beady-eyed aging blondes and both have pointy noses and kind of frizzy hair, but hey, let's keep 'em straight, okay?

                              Now for all the Brits---another phrase I just SCREECHED at when I first visited my sister (who married one of y'all)---

                              "KEEP YOUR PECKER UP" Now, to you over there on the other side of the pond say this to mean, stay strong, stay positive, keep your chin up. When WE say it here in gud ole Amurka, we mean: "Take your Viagra!"

                              I am a fool for this thread. ("I am a fool for..." being synonymous with "I love...")
                              Jane Jane


                                SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                                :yay: :wavin: I am soooooooooooo pleased I started this thread because I have been laughing all afternoon in fact I have been in stitches - meaning laughing till your sides split

                                In future I shall be very very careful who I say "Keep your pecker up" to :H

                                Sweetpea x
                                :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h

