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    Satori! I guess you might have been watching Graham Norton last night?! Glen Close on with him and discussing the bunny boilers of Fatal Attraction....?!?!

    BTW- we are not allowed to eat Spotted Dick here any more... 'Raisin Pudding'...I ask you?!?! And NOT because of the obvious 'concern' but because it is a gender thing....Spotted Person maybe....but not Spotted 'Dick' The world's gone mad!

    (How's our lovely Lisa doing, by the way???)

    'Someone who doesn't have both oars in the water' = dip-stick - tile short of a roof - sandwich short of a picnic...well, you get the drift!! (Takes one to know one!!!)
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



      Hello there FMS---I thought that the spots in your dick (well, in that of your country's pudding) were little chocolate chips, not raisins. Live and learn! I[m not really a sweets fan so don't bother much about ingredients in such stuff.

      Another big surprise when first visiting Brit-Married Sisterjane was "fish and chips." The fish was pretty much as expected---crispily batter-fried in a load of artery-slammin' grease just like ours over here---but when we Amurkans say "chips," we mean "crisps". As in, bagged in some factory, and safety-sealed. When you serve "chips" alongside fried fish, you are serving us TATER TOTS. Just so's you know...

      Lest I seem to be down on Brit foodstuffs, let me tell you that the one thing I insist on Sisterjane hauling over when she comes to visit is that cheese product in a toothpaste-like tube that comes in a prawn flavor. Squeeze it on a cracker and...yummmmmmm.

      Another goodie is digestive biscuits. Can't get enough!
      Jane Jane



        I bet no-one has heard of this one - it's a right "Yorkshire" saying! If you are reeeaaaaaaalllly hungry you say "I'm falling through my pinny pockets".

        Bet that's got you all stumped!

        Also, up North if we are hungry we say " I could eat a scabby dog". Nice....



          yous guys are bustin me up.
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



            There was a character in Brookside called 'Tim' who used it all the time and it really caught on down here in Scouse Land.
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              SLANG THE WORLD OVER

              Sorry to post again, but really enjoying this thread.

              Purse in the UK is a purse, you keep your money in it, but in the US you mean a bag don't you?

              Also "fanny pack"??? What is that? I think we have different meanings between the US and UK. And I use the word tush/tushy to describe womens front bits whereas I think in the US a tush is a bottom? Correct me if I'm wrong!


                SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                Oh dear ... I could be her all day. Just for starters:

                Budgie smugglers = Speedos
                Bush oyster = nasal mucus
                Chuck a sickie = take day off sick from work when perfectly healthy
                Crack a fat = get an erection
                Flat out like a lizard drinking - extremely busy

                .... best stop ....


                  SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                  It's funny this thread should come up as I've just posted on another forum some words/phrases for the word 'drunk'; here they are again

                  totally wellied
                  full as a bingo bus
                  Wired to the moon
                  absolutely cabbaged
                  in tatters
                  bolloxed (my favourite)
                  rat arsed

                  personal ones I used as well were aldied (after the supermarket ALDI that sells dirt cheap wines and beers). That's more of a term that associates with the kind of people who shop there as well (UB40's and people off housing estates).

                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    SLANG THE WORLD OVER


                    I take exception to you using the term aldied! I love my aldi. I love my ?2.99 bottles of "quality" wine. I love Brasserie beer and I'm a well respected (!) mother with loads of money (!) who just shops at Aldi to save a few pence for the finer things in life! LOL

                    I'm only joking mate. If you are at Aldi, you are one step away from Lidl - that's when you KNOW you are in trouble. There's cheap and then there is just damn nasty!

                    No more cheap wine for me - I'm turning into an angel for Christmas. Starting right now. No joking. Af from tomorrow - honest!


                      SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                      So Proud of SweetPea too !

                      Oh my goodness ! This thread is way too funny :H Can't stop laughing myself. I don't get out much, but here is my $.02

                      "Skittle your Bootle" ...... says.....get your butt out of here.

                      :rockon: Everyone
                      Miss October :blinkylove:


                        SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                        Your Tush Or Tushy


                        In the US, your tush is your butttocks (butt for short)

                        Miss O.
                        Miss October :blinkylove:


                          SLANG THE WORLD OVER


                          ops!: I spelled "buttocks" wrong last reply. Where is that darn spell checker ?
                          Miss October :blinkylove:


                            SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                            Budgie smugglers!!!!!?????? Absolutely larfing fit to bust!!!! :H Thing is, I'll be the one getting arrested for staring at a bloke (hopefully not too many of them about in these now days....unless you're a competitive swimer!) 's bits for ages while trying to remember that hilarious phrase off the MWO site....!!!! :H

                            But, bring on Aldi and Lidl's non food stuffs though! Bike stuff and kitcheny stuff and things....tick. bring OFF the food and especially drink!! UGH! (Except for thier olive oil and bog roll !!! (Not that I eat the last one!!!) (We do have one Lidl's store down here though that's, well......blimey, derelict or what?!?!? Sad.)
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                              crikey, where to start, Well yesterday I went outside for a captain cook to see a bloke, schindlers list walking down the frog and toad, talking the leg off a chair on his dog and bone. he was blueing with a mate over losing his adam ants the night before and said that he also had a great uncle merv but didnt have enough dead horse with dinner.

                              Struth, can anyone translate?
                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                                SLANG THE WORLD OVER

                                Oh, has anyone heard the one my elder daughter came out with a few years ago - amazed her ol' mum!!! "Dropping the kids off at the pool." ???

                                She said, (when her then partner's kids were staying with us) she was just going to go and do just such a thing and fell over laughing when I asked, Where? When? How? We were all going to the beach in a moment weren't we so why the pool?.....

                                (Going to the bathroom, for those that are as naive as me!!!!......................)
                                :heart: c: :heart:
                                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

