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advice on first few days AF ?

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    advice on first few days AF ?

    Does anyone have any words of wisdom on getting through the first days of AF??
    Bad times, of course, are evenings and weekends. I read someone say on this site that you need a firm plan at the beginning of your day and I think I need that. Should I try to stay away from home (where I drink)? Any insights on what to do with myself these first few evenings? I have no one in my life, other than here, I can talk to about this and get support , so I'm really scared of trying to do this. any words of wisdom are welcomed. :thanks: D-head
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    advice on first few days AF ?

    Hi Dexterhead,

    The first few days are hard, but dont stay away from home because home, is where you live. keep yourself busy. Take the supp's (i'm only on the supp's myself) this is a great place for a lot of support. when the going gets tough keep on posting as much as you want, someone is always there. I did 18days AF and mess-up, and on day2 AF, but you mush not give in. I found I was always tired so i would go to bed really early, some can not get to sleep if so maybe some exercises and a hot bath to relax.

    Wishing you all the best of luck and keep strong!

    Love Teardrop.x
    family is everything to me


      advice on first few days AF ?

      Hi Dexterhead (and Teardrop too!). Welcome to MWO. I think you are smart to be considering your plan. I'm an "at home" drinker too. (well, not drinking now but I think you know what I mean) I don't think it's practical in a general sense to think "stay away from home." I DO think you might be wise to consider the times and places and situations in which you drink at home, and try to change your routine for awhile.

      As an example, I was an all day, daily sipper (as opposed to more of a drastic binger). The start of my days often revolved around scheduling all my errands and driving activities as early in the day as possible so the drinking could get underway as soon as possible. So my early AF plan calls for PLANNING to do out of the house errands and stuff later than normal. This helps me delay notions and thoughts of drinking (I can't wait 'til the day I don't have those thoughts, but for now they are sort of inevitable). I also make a point of really savoring how nice it feels to be able to get in the truck and go places whenever I want to throughout the day/evening, rather than being trapped in the house with the bottle.

      So for me it's more about the freedom to come and go from my home, than intentionally staying away. Does that make any sense???

      I found MWO at the beginning of July this year. I went AF on July 11 and successfully stayed AF for 60 days. Then I fell for the Booze Beast trickery of "now you can have just one." Within a matter of a few days I was right back to the old drinking patterns and levels. It was THAT fast.

      Anyway, I had another false start on Nov 1 that lasted I think 7 days. Now I'm back to it on Day 3, and determined to make this one stick. The first couple weeks can be pretty sucky, so why do it again and again and again??? I really want to get past this most difficult phase - and get on with life.

      I'm staying very close to MWO right now, and will continue to do so as much as needed to get where I'm determined to be.

      I also find the MWO supplements and hypnosis CD's VERY helpful. It's easy to be gloomy at first because giving up the booze can be uncomfortable mentally and physically. BUT...I try to spend an equal (at least) amount of time thinking about how wonderful the booze free future is going to be. ETA: And how good this booze free day TODAY is going to be. I was REALLY REALLY happy being AF during the last half of that 60 day AF stint. I want that feeling again. I want the freedom. I want to do more significant and fun things with my time and money than get through my chores and get drunk day after day.

      OUR FUTURE IS SO BRIGHT WE GOTTA WEAR SHADES!! We can do this one day at a time. Think of things you will do while you are not drinking. Books? Movies? MWO? Cleaning out a closet (feels good when you're done anyway!)? Doing a jig saw puzzle? Engaging in a new hobby?

      Anyway, I've rambled enough. We're here for you!!

      Day 3 AF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        advice on first few days AF ?

        Doggygirl, love what you wrote. Good suggestions and you reminded me how good and free I felt when I was AF. You weren't rambling.


          advice on first few days AF ?

          I agree really good advice in fact I wish I had read it before I posted my new thread as perhaps I wouldn't have needed to. I too am alone with this. Keep in touch and good luck. I got up this morning looked at the all in one stuff YUK and thought shall i give up. I am now just about to take it. Thanks.


            advice on first few days AF ?

            sandie_stevens;231794 wrote: I agree really good advice in fact I wish I had read it before I posted my new thread as perhaps I wouldn't have needed to. I too am alone with this. Keep in touch and good luck. I got up this morning looked at the all in one stuff YUK and thought shall i give up. I am now just about to take it. Thanks.
            Hi again Sandie (I posted in your thread too). What are you mixing your All One with? Everyone's taste is different, but my favorite way is tomato juice. Look at it this way - All One tastes better than a hangover feels.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              advice on first few days AF ?

              thank you to all of you!!! You give me hope!!! and wouldn't you know it, I am about to be snowed in, we are having a huge storm and guess how I normally handle that ..

              What is "All inOne" stuff? dying to know!
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                advice on first few days AF ?

                Hi Dexter,Hope that snow storm isn't too bad!
                The All one is an amazing mix of vits and aminio acids that just about cover any deplition caused by drinking so well worth taking whether you are abs,or not as it helps with recovery/healing.Tastes awfull to begin with,but you soon get used to it.Wishing you all the best with it-stay close xx


                  advice on first few days AF ?

                  Good luck, d-head!

                  I mix my AllOne with Chocolate Protein drink in a blender every morning! Love it! Ihave to agree w/ DG on teh change it up for a bit advise. i went to movies a lot during the first few weeks...

                  Stay close to MYO and ask a ton of questions!

                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

