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I'm back

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    I'm back

    Hi everyone-

    I'm back in a bad way. I can't f-ing stop drinking. My anxiety and paranoia are completely ruining my life. I actually think that I am going crazy. THen I get drunk and tell my friends about it and now I am convinced that they are talking about it amongst themselves. What in the hell is wrong with me?
    I hate myself and am pretty convinced that everyone else does too.

    I'm back

    Welcome back cke! I remember from when you were here before. Take a deep breath. It is a vicious circle because drinking just makes the anxiety and paranoia worse. Its time to tell yourself that you NEED some AF time. Take a warm bath and drink some hot tea and start to take care of yourself.....REALLY take care of yourself.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      I'm back

      I cant. Im laying in bed scared that everyone that I was out with last night hates me. I cant even move.


        I'm back

        hang in there

        Don't feel that way. I know where you're at. I've been there so many times. If they are talking about you it's probally talking about wishing you get well. I went through it with my housemates. Now that I'm doing it they are totally supportive.


          I'm back

          Hi there cke!
          Hon you are not going crazy.Deep breaths.I think one off the worst things about drinking to excess is the way it leaves you feeling.All anxious,and disorintated,like you can't cope.I know too well that feeling.I also know that with even a small amount of time without the booze,life can feel very different indeed.Thats what pulls me through,and i wan't to pull you through too.So lovely person grab my hand xx You can do this


            I'm back

            Thanks guys. I really want to stop. I am only 27 and feel so old and gross. The paranoia is killing me, I have never contemplated suicide, but sometimes I feel like it would be better than making myself feel like this.


              I'm back

              Please don't think like that you are sooo young you have your whole life ahead of you.Trust me you WILL feel better tomorrow if you don't drink today xx

