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Auntie is back

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    Auntie is back

    Hello all. I'm finally back after a big slip during November. I was 21 days AF when I went to a convention in Oct. and thought I could have just a little wine. :sigh: I was off and running again with a bottle of wine every evening. Today is December 1st and I'm going to try for 30 days. ODAT of course.
    I've been under a lot of stress with my grown daughter who is 38!!! and living with me. She has panic attacks and hasn't been able to work steadily for several years. I'm truly sick of it, but she is trying now and has had several interviews. Of course, all of this is a fine reason to come home and have a glass of wine to calm myself. Which backfires when I have to deal with the bad feelings the next day. At work the next day I feel guilty and draggy and just am not productive. Also have had a lot of stressful staff issues there.
    So...I'm going to start today by thinking of how good I felt when I was AF and finding things to do in the evenings that don't involve drink. When I did it before it seemed to get better as the days went on. After about the first week I was hardly thinking about drinking.
    Even though I haven't been posting I've been reading almost everyday and knew I would get back on the AF wagon!
    Cheers to everyone and welcome to all the new folks on here.
    AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs

    Auntie is back

    Welcome back auntie,
    You have been here before so you know the score.Just wanted to say hi,and stay close,wishing you much strength in the month of Dec and those to follow xx


      Auntie is back

      Good for you, Auntie!

      SOunds like you are ready. Here's to an AF December!!


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Auntie is back

        Welcome back Auntie.
        Wishing you the best for an AF December.
        I am 37 (near on 38 myself) and your situation sounds difficult for the both of you. Hats of to you for supporting your daughter.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Auntie is back

          :welcome: back, Auntie G.......I think you were around when I first came here......wondered where you'd got to! :l

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Auntie is back

            Wishing you love and strength for your 30 days Auntieg.

            Starlight Impress x


              Auntie is back

              Good luck Auntie. By the way, I know grown children drama. I have a 38 year old son & 34 year old daughter. I won't let them drive me to drink. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Auntie is back

                Welcome back Auntie. Wishing you the best December ever. You've gone AF before, you can do it again! Keep reminding yourself how good you feel when you don't drink. -Reenie
                September 23, 2011


                  Auntie is back


                  Appreciate all the welcomes back. I actually did drink one glass of red last night with dinner but that was all and I really didn't feel well after. So today is going to be my actual day 1 AF. I got busy and did a lot of cleaning projects this afternoon and that really helps. Now I'm going to bed and read awhile which I can never do after a bottle of wine...Can't stay awake! Or if I did read anything wouldn't remember it!
                  Love to all,
                  AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs

