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Day One...again

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    Day One...again

    Hi guys-

    I decided to quit feeling sorry for myself (see previous post) and be more positive. I cannot control what I already did, and I can't control what I already said. If there is any fallout because of it, then I will have to figure it out then. Its just hard cause everything seems so bleek right now. I try to be positive and then my stomach wrenches cause I convince myself that I may have said or done something that I don't remember. (can anyone relate?)
    Whats more important is that I get myself better. It seems so far away right now....(til I hit a significant "no drinking" milestone. Day 1 seems lame.

    I don't know how to do it.


    Day One...again

    E, you've already started. You've recognized that you can't control what you have done in the past. Every step along is step in the right direction. Surround yourself with people who know what you are going through and care about you. (Which means everyone here.) I just got off the phone with my perfect sister from Albany (?), so condenscending, perfect husband, 2 perfect kids. I have 5 cats and she constantly reminds me that I have cats, not kids.

    But I now know who and what I am, what triggers me (including my perfect sister, my toxic-co-workers and holidays).

    Who cares what you have said or done in the past. I've said this so many times today, my grandmom said, don't regret what you have done, only regret what you have not done,
    You are here, among friends, who are going through what we are going through. We are doing this together. We are all here for us.

    Speaking about regrets, I drank too much on Thursday night and lost my grandmom's wedding ring, engraved by my granddad. Two of the most important people in my life.

    I was going to do paperwork today, instead I'm resting/sleeping, between the calls from my sister telling me I'm a looser.

    BELIEVE ME DAY 1 ISN'T LAME. I'm on day 1 for the third time in November/December

    I've learned more about myself in the last month and have liked myself more in the last month than I have in the last couple of years. You will get there, and it will be awesome.

    If you want a bit of competition, honey.....NYI/NYR vs BB, NYG/NYJ vs NEP , NYK vs BC. If you're not into sports, how about manhattan chowder vs. ne clam chowder.

    You are among friends and we will do anything we can to help you


      Day One...again



      it talkes a lot of courage to come here and be honest. You may only be on day one but you sound pretty sensible to me, just focus on getting through the rest of the day, and try and be kind to yourself.

      :l :l :l
      Live Well, Laugh Often, Enjoy the Journey


        Day One...again

        thanks guys! I feel a little better now. I actually left the house which I never do when I am in this state.
        I just feel so apprehensive about last night and keep waiting for a phone call for someone to tell me off. its runining my otherwise lovely (ha ha) day.

